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Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
12/1/2003 10:46:26 AM

Focus should be on ants head.
        Photo By: CJ McKendry  (K:1388)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/30/2003 7:46:57 AM

Nice picture. The lighting is good. Those branches don't disturb too much. Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Krystian Piekos  (K:6)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/29/2003 10:58:11 AM

I can only say wow. Amazing. Especialy couse its almost direct to the sun. Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: Gregory McLemore  (K:35129) Donor

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/29/2003 4:55:59 AM

Amazing shot. I like this moment, couse you can see his breath.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/27/2003 4:45:26 PM

Nice. How did you come so close? ZOO?
        Photo By: geo van geffen  (K:397)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/27/2003 2:28:08 PM

This shot was not taken on 35mm. And it was not on sunset.
        Photo By: Lora Medina - Pechy  (K:654)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/26/2003 12:39:04 PM

Hope you didn't kill it after this photo was taken :/
        Photo By: Chris Watson  (K:0)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/7/2003 3:31:07 PM

This picture has great deal of sharpnes, good light,...
Is this wasp alive? I have a filing, that it isn't. Am I wrong? Or is it just paralised with something? I have a filing, that it was spreyed with something, to kill or paralised it? Especially the eyes look wierd. Maybe I've just drunk to much bier tonight and I'm hallucinating
Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Vitor Dias  (K:787)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/7/2003 2:57:39 PM

It would be much better if the spider would be alive.
        Photo By: Peter Amber  (K:58)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/5/2003 7:36:02 PM

Nice one. God composition and DOF. And the idea is perfect. Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: ali fish  (K:316)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/5/2003 2:26:19 AM


nice moment. I like her standing on one foot. It's great nature moment.
        Photo By: Krystian Piekos  (K:6)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/5/2003 2:17:38 AM


that is really a nice catch. You were very lucky, to get this one. I've never seen it before. Nice job.
        Photo By: Bill Ford  (K:101)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/5/2003 2:13:22 AM


that is really a a hard to catch picture. Nice job, Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: mauri orion  (K:1212)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
10/31/2003 3:58:08 AM

It would be better if the picture would be focused on Mercedes sign!
        Photo By: Vlad Sournine  (K:2397)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
10/26/2003 3:48:19 PM

Great macro shot!
I wouldn't insert the frame.
        Photo By: Ferrasson Hubert  (K:14)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
9/25/2003 10:57:24 AM

Hi, thanks for the comment.
There would be much better results if it wasnt at night. I used all the lights I have I also used flash. But still there are some lacks on light and sharpness off course. Also notice the quality of the camera

Hope to get some more opportunities now, when I'm equiped with much much better camera (Nikon D100).

Best wishes
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
9/2/2003 6:28:29 AM

Heh, that is much better Macro Mag. Ratio 1:2.9. I was confused, becouse which are usually less then 10mm in lenght. When I calculate those numbers now.. this insect looks to me like some sort of a mosquito,.the insect was cca 20mm in leght with a mag. ratio of 1:2,9 and in best quality with Nikon D100...a little bit of crop and here we have this nice picture. Congrats! Keep up the good work
        Photo By: Yutaka Itinose  (K:22586) Donor

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
9/1/2003 9:59:06 AM

Interesting, I can not find anything about that lens on the internet (not a single hit on Can you please provide some more informations? BTW, what was the size of this insect?
        Photo By: Yutaka Itinose  (K:22586) Donor

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/30/2003 10:40:30 AM

Nice shot. Although I don't believe this was shot with ONLY Tamron 28-300. You must of had some kind of macro lens or extend rings...
        Photo By: Yutaka Itinose  (K:22586) Donor

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/29/2003 2:52:11 PM

Well, the lightning is not so hard to catch, if you now what you are doing and of course, if you have good equipment. First rule is, that you have full control over exposure time, which you can get only with bulb mode! Unfortunatlly your camare soesn't have that function. That is the reason why is it so hard for you to catch it! One tip: set aperture to the maximum, time to will have a better chance to get one.

Here you have an example on good lightning composition (luck is allways a big factor!), but there were wires on my way ;/
        Photo By: Yuri Pautov  (K:0)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/29/2003 8:08:52 AM

Wow. It's so original! Really nice picture. Have no suggestions for this one
        Photo By: Niels K  (K:2)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/28/2003 3:22:39 PM

Why is this photo in MACRO section?!?
        Photo By: Justin Audenino  (K:165)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:38:51 PM

Really nice picture! Whats your technique?
        Photo By: Olaf Wolfram I  (K:117)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:23:25 PM

Nice pics, but posted in wrong category! This is absolutely not a MACRO!
        Photo By: Dan Lightner  (K:12684)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:19:42 PM

Great! Very clear picture. I like the contrast between the white spider (fammily Thomisidae) and the dark background. Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: david sweetland  (K:427)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:13:49 PM

No comment for this one.
        Photo By: Rui Leitão  (K:6321)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:11:34 PM

Really nice picture. One suggestion: next time try to stand directly in front of the spider/object. And one comment for Ashley Maxwell: that spider is part of the Salticide fammily and those spiders have 8 eyes, 4 in front and 4 in rear row Actually teh major part of spiders have 8 eyes but there are some groups with 6.
        Photo By: david sweetland  (K:427)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
8/27/2003 4:05:20 PM

Nice pic. BTW, you will never see those spiders (wolf spider) on the web, couse they don't make ones.
        Photo By: Rodney Glover  (K:460)

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