Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
2/21/2004 1:44:42 AM
This plant and photo is too wicked for words, but here goes... Great composition, sticky skin and graceful folds. Glad i'm not a fly.
Chow bella. Go to sleep!
Photo By: James Burnett
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
2/21/2004 1:17:40 AM
Wow! Absolutely Stunning. Thanks for the beauty.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
11/20/2003 11:04:29 PM
Great colors. Nice rooster. Is it a buff? Like this shot
Photo By: Cris Mitchell
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
11/20/2003 11:00:53 PM
Chris... This is a very good shot. Outstanding, given your expierence. Some people just have an eye for it. You must be one of them. Did you use a tripod? If not it would lessen the blur on the still objects and creat movement on moving objects only. Also you could shoot even slower and gain more DOF. Just a thought. I was at Harry's just the other night. I live in A.G. Jim
Photo By: Cris Mitchell
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
11/20/2003 10:49:53 PM
Lora... This is an excellent shot! I love the look on his face, the color, texture and backround. This photo has it all. I would be pleased to print this for you on fine art paper and frame it for you. So glad to hear about Little Bear's succesful procedure today. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Photo By: Lora Medina - Pechy
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
10/25/2003 10:18:59 PM
Great shot Nathan. I love the colors and it has so much mood. Regards, Jim Burnett
Photo By: Nathan Foster
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
10/25/2003 8:43:44 PM
Nice goose shot... How's that wall you are painting coming along?
Photo By: James Burnett
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
10/23/2003 11:50:42 PM
Very pleasing colors and composition. I like the simplicity and upward flow from the red mountains up thru the sky. It defies gravity, and makes me feel light on my feet.
Photo By: Don Martel
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
10/23/2003 11:41:17 PM
Sweet poetry and colors. Very nice. Is this a recent shot, and from where?
Photo By: Ketil Monsen
Critique By:
Patricia Murray (K:56)
10/22/2003 9:13:07 AM
Thought it was an animal skin at first from the thumbnail. Closer up, the leaf looks like leather. I like this photo. Especially the texture of the leaf. Nice job!
Photo By: Bahadir k