Critique By:
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP (K:18382)
11/27/2003 4:27:04 AM
Hello dear friend, death and life, in a picture to a good composition joined. Greeting Gerhard
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
José Eduardo Cruz (K:13180)
11/27/2003 1:50:22 AM
Very beautifull!!!
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
donato r. (K:16361)
11/27/2003 1:24:35 AM
ottima la ripresa dal basso! ciao donato
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
David Cohen (K:1759)
11/27/2003 1:10:46 AM
hice mast great angle
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Rob Ernsting (K:8899)
11/27/2003 12:50:27 AM
Good capture, regards Rob.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Salvo Valenti (K:17038)
11/27/2003 12:22:34 AM
Thank, for you comment. very nice your portofolio Ciao Salvo
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Mário Sousa (K:16985)
11/27/2003 12:21:09 AM
beautiful image
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Jacek M. (K:2999)
11/26/2003 3:46:14 PM
Swietny moment i ciekawe ujecie..Bravo!
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/26/2003 12:50:24 PM
Rafal, thank you for the comment and the invitation. We will defintely take a look at it. Not tonight, but this week for sure Regards, Tomasz
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Rafal K. Komierowski (K:6441)
11/26/2003 12:46:41 PM
An excellent observation with interesting composition against sun light. Magda and Tomasz, thank you for your kind comments. Your countryside pictures beautifully reflect Poland?s landscape. At the same time I would like to invite you to view this album "Hidden Magic of Poland's Countryside" http://www.worldisround.com/articles/4311/index.html This is an older posting and latest album from my home: http://community.webshots.com/user/komierowski900
Regards/ Pozdrawiam, Rafal
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
István Sándor (K:2411)
11/26/2003 11:33:02 AM
Great shoot
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
István Sándor (K:2411)
11/26/2003 11:31:36 AM
Excellent shoot superb theme
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/26/2003 11:02:50 AM
Isaac, just tell me which ones, and I will provide them Tomasz
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Isaac Shaw (K:2563)
11/26/2003 10:50:35 AM
Very nice work. I would love to see technical info on your captures, they are beautiful and I would love to see the information on how you captured it.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Klaas Jan van Egmond (K:121)
11/26/2003 4:53:56 AM
I used Photoshop but any photo software with a clone tool would do the job.
KLaas Jan
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Ian Crean (K:14866)
11/26/2003 3:04:52 AM
I think you do right to share what you witnessed and to try to learn how to improve it, especially for next time such an opportunity comes along. Seems to me that's what this is all about. Hard to add anything else to Keith's comments and so nice to see a positive reaction from you.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
11/26/2003 2:35:47 AM
Swietny ,efektowny moment uchwycony przez panstwo.Gratulacje Magda & Tomasz
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/26/2003 1:21:40 AM
Klaas, yes it looks better. What did you use, Paint Shop? I have to finally find some time to master it..... Thank you very much. Tomasz
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
safak tortu (K:2724)
11/26/2003 1:21:14 AM
hard exposure..I think you are succesfully
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Klaas Jan van Egmond (K:121)
11/26/2003 1:18:42 AM
Hi Magda & Tomasz,
It's always fun to try and capture this kind of phenomena. I agree with Keith on the foreground so I removed some branches to clean it up a bit. Also a little dodging and burning to get more attention to the fog. Hope you like it.
Klaas Jan
ps thanks for your comment on my moon picture
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Milan KORMAN (K:1052)
11/26/2003 1:09:21 AM
very nice moment... Well done Regards Milan
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/26/2003 12:48:31 AM
Andreas, yes I cropped it to the square, becaue on the left side there were power lines visible, which were, in my opinion, destroying the composition. Tomasz
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Andreas Wolkerstorfer (K:5090)
11/26/2003 12:45:09 AM
its simple and ok - I have a question: you did it with a digital camera and afterwards cropped it to a square to make it more artificial maybe? Or was something in the frame, that you didnt want to show us?
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Benedetto Riba (K:15792)
11/26/2003 12:26:03 AM
GREAT photo. Very tender. So many compliments Regards.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/26/2003 12:22:32 AM
Keith, I am not gonna deny I had my own doubts about it, which is the reason I posted it, to gather an independent opinions. Thank you
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
11/26/2003 12:19:54 AM
Sweet and lovely!!!
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Keith Naylor (K:13064)
11/26/2003 12:16:28 AM
A nice phenomenon, and a nice capture, but there is little else to commend the shot. Foreground interest is lacking and what there is is out of focus. There is little for the eye to rest on as the main centre of attraction. All things considered it wouldn't be hung on my wall, and I think if you are honest with yourself you would agree.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Jani Salvataggio (K:27283)
11/26/2003 12:10:15 AM
beautiful moment!!!!
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Kacper Godycki (K:-254)
11/25/2003 5:49:43 AM
I see. take care, ciao!
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/25/2003 4:47:41 AM
Kacper, no I don't take your opinion as criticism. Just asked for an explanation. And no I don't agree with you that the frame is symmetrical. Crosses in second plane are different shapes and sizes. And it was intentional to actually frame in in such a way, to build up a triangle from the cross in first plane, and 4 small one in the second plane.
Photo By: Magda & Tomasz Stepien