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Critiques from eeana
Critiques to eeana


Children (1)
Florals (1)
Portrait (1)

Critiques To 


Critique By: Mark Beltran  (K:32612)  
3/24/2004 8:33:46 PM

The world as we would ideally like to see it. And as it should be.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Chris Lauritzen  (K:14949)  
11/18/2003 6:56:36 AM

I like the tones your chose here as it adds a feeling of a old time shot. The sharpness is good but I think it could be a bit sharper but I like the pose the child has.

Very nicely done Eeana
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Andriete Paris Marques  (K:1334)  
11/4/2003 10:08:16 AM

Excellent picture and moment.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)  
10/30/2003 5:44:19 PM

Beautiful Moment and Lovely
Thanks for comment for the butterfly
I make this shot in my garden in the Netherland
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)  
10/30/2003 5:25:38 PM

i was charing your post with my husband and giggleling that is exactly wht i did and your post is very helpful i di put her on the couch it is window llighting. so i have to place the couch closer to the window and use the white sheet. im on a mission. you guys are great. I have time tomorrow and i will play with it.
thank you again any other pointers i can use please post or email me they are greatly appreciated.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Chris Lauritzen  (K:14949)  
10/30/2003 6:31:51 AM

Ahh yes photographing a moving baby... fun! The composition is good and I love the expression on the little ones face. What is really needed here is some good lighting to bring out the details in the little one. Don?t use an on camera flash as that will be too harsh a lighting for this shot. Use soft lighting like the kind coming in through a window in the morning or later afternoon. If you need to hang a white sheet in front of the window to help diffuse the light, this will create a softer shadow less light. The use of a black background is good as is emphasizes the child and removes him/her from the background. You might need to move the couch or whatever he is lying on closer to the window but with a sheet and soft light coming in the effect will be worth it.

In my shot ?and he sleeps? I am using soft window light slightly diffused by a white reflector placed between him and the window.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)  
10/29/2003 7:52:54 PM

yes she does and she lifts her head real high also. ill try that..... the problem will be the overcast im in florida not many days like that lately.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Jerry Ann Deddo  (K:435)  
10/29/2003 7:12:11 PM

The best lighting I've found is an overcast day, the light is bright enough without being harsh and contrasty. Is she about three or four months old? I wonder if she'd like to do a tummy shot on a blanket outside maybe (prop a small pillow under the blanket under her arms to bring her head up higher and keep the camera down at her eye level). In any case, if you're doing it alone I'd set up a tripod with a shutter release, that way you can frame her, get her to look towards the camera and smile and all you have to do is squeeze the bulb.
I like the way this black velvet background came out.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)  
10/29/2003 6:57:17 PM

thank you i shall try for a decent shot this weekend. any pointers on how I can take a picture of the baby outdoors with good lighting. she tends to squint and i cant get her to smile either. i tried the shade before but the lighting is not good it comes out too dark.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)  
10/29/2003 3:13:33 PM

ahahahhah lovely child, good
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Kate Hargraves  (K:1620)  
10/29/2003 12:22:51 PM

oh my gosh how cute is that!!!
i think its perfect on the emotion level!
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)  
10/29/2003 10:07:19 AM

Thank you evryone. This picture is from my back yard.
I am trying to improve and this time i did keep my subject in the picture and did not crop it off.
Im learning so any of your comments are well taken.
Thank you again for all the help.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: José Eduardo Cruz  (K:13180)  
10/27/2003 12:02:16 PM

Beautifull composition!!!
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: karen clarke  (K:18893)  
10/27/2003 10:27:54 AM

Nice shot, a lovely feel to it. Nice depth of field.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Amna Al Shamsi  (K:21795)  
10/27/2003 9:45:06 AM

simple and beautiful.
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Rawabi Al-Nuaimi  (K:15659)  
10/27/2003 9:29:38 AM

great DOF
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)

Critique By: Michele Lostia  (K:1126)  
10/27/2003 9:17:39 AM

Very nice picture. Good contrast between the flower and the background. I like it
        Photo By: eeana icewindale  (K:48)


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