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Critiques From Cameron Preyde

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Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/6/2006 1:45:48 AM

Great capture of light. It's perfectly framed to highlight the tree and I love that the framing allows for the mountains in the background to fall away. Congrats on a great pic.
        Photo By: giovanni guido marchi  (K:27040)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/6/2006 1:34:28 AM

Excellent capture of emotion. Beautiful tones and excellent framing.
        Photo By: Gokhan Mustafaoglu  (K:570)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/6/2006 1:31:37 AM

We are the sheep. The storm lies in our future yet we do not take shelter. We simply continue to graze and consume. Wonderful photo.
        Photo By: Arnoldas Jurgaitis  (K:2)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
8/12/2005 3:09:49 AM

Wonderful lighting, excellent framing and great texture to this shot. The eye in the fulcrum totally empowers this shot and emotifies it perfectly. One can almost see the soul inside the girl. Great shot.
        Photo By: Peter C.  (K:3076)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
8/9/2005 10:56:23 PM

Sorry if I insult anyone but am I the only one who notices a little bit of sagginess in the buttock?
        Photo By: Kralik Dr Jaroslav  (K:3385)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
12/6/2004 4:46:01 PM

A very very nice shot. I've been thinking about visiting India when I'm done school. My parents help to support an orphanage in Bangalore and I wanted to go and see if I could help them myself. India seems like it is a very beautiful country.
        Photo By: Anurag Sahay  (K:1043)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
12/6/2004 4:42:30 PM

What an amazing capture! This is a beautiful shot. The contrast is very good, framing is well done, and it is such a beautiful subject. Awesome job Constantine...just awesome.
        Photo By: Constantine Volo  (K:0)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
11/22/2004 5:27:34 PM

a very nice shot. I like the almost mauve shade of the trees in the background. This is a very nice shot. It could be a bit softer but not too much otherwise the detail of the forground would be lost.
        Photo By: Robert Jok  (K:0)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
11/15/2004 8:08:17 PM

great shot. DoF is very well done and the detail of the petals is very crisp and clear. I can almost smell this wonderful flower.
        Photo By: Marko Eha  (K:1)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/17/2004 6:26:14 PM

This looks like a great shot. I would love to see a larger version of it. The framing of the tree in the window is well conceived and the tones look well done. If you have a larger version or can make one try uploading it. I would like to see it.
        Photo By: James Karner  (K:1431)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/17/2004 6:18:49 PM

A wonderfully spiritual poem in picture. And the "About" says it all. It is a very Buddhist message and I find those messages to be very thought provoking. good job and thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: yashar ismailoglu  (K:135)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/17/2004 6:12:24 PM

I worked at a zoo for about 10 years. This Pygmy Donkey looks pretty content. It's head is held at a comfortable height and it's ears are up and active. Donkeys just have that sorta depressed look about them. Goats have a curious look about them. Llama's have a "what the hell are you talking about" look about them. I could go on for hours but I would rather not release too much about my knowledge of animal Looks...ANYWAYS.... Good shot. Framing is nice and the tones are dramatic.
        Photo By: Thomas Barnes  (K:0)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/17/2004 6:03:18 PM

What is that huge thing in the right side of the frame?
        Photo By: Graham   (K:415)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/15/2004 4:46:17 PM

Seeing a photo like this really makes me realize just how sheltered of a life I live. I sit here and worry about little problems that I have that don't compare to anything that this beautiful little girl has more than likely gone through. This is a great photograph and I thank you for sharing it with us.
        Photo By: Stephen R. Pellerine  (K:2370)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/14/2004 8:59:36 PM

I really like the shadows of this shot. They lengthen the shot and help to keep the bottom in sync with the plants in the top. Great shot. I love black and white and you've done a great job with this one.
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/14/2004 8:46:01 PM

You've set an excellent mood here. Your framing is excellent and the tones give this picture a quality that reminds me of home, though I've never lived on a farm. The use of the rule of thrids is well executed. This is a top notch photo.
        Photo By: Mark Susa  (K:2301)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 11:43:32 PM

It's a nice shot. Good framing and good composition. The focus seems a tad soft though. I get this all the time too especially with trying to get animals, as they tend to not like being photographed. Always remember that when dealing with film you should Check twice and shoot once. and when in doubt, take a second shot.
        Photo By: Graham   (K:415)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 11:38:12 PM

beautiful shot. Great framing and I must say that it's very refreshing to see someone else who uses actual film. 99% of the shots that I look at now-a-days are all digital, especially the black and white. And to see someonelse who uses black and white negatives is great. What a beautiful building.
        Photo By: Graham   (K:415)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 11:21:51 PM

this looks like one heck of a cool little store. What is all that stuff in the window?
        Photo By: Taco heikamp  (K:3030) Donor

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 11:18:31 PM

what a beautiful place. The mountain seems to come right up out of the clouds. Very nice colours. Pinks, blues, and just a little bit of yellow. good job.
        Photo By: Craig Hanson  (K:7836)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 3:02:38 PM

If mailbox's could talk I'm sure this one would have many stories to tell. great capture.
        Photo By: Brent Friedman  (K:1)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 3:00:48 PM

Excellent colours. They are so bright and beautiful. This is a very nice shot.
        Photo By: Who Kares  (K:224)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 12:43:16 AM

Great shot. I really like your work Josh. It's all very original and tells a story. There are alot of pictures out there that are just pretty pictures with no emotion or meaning behind them. I have yet to find one of those shots in your portfolio. I will be sure to keep an eye on your shots to see what you come up with next.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 12:33:38 AM

beautiful shot. I like the pose definetly. If I could make a small suggestion it would be to try to lose the shadow on the right hand side. It isn't a huge shadow but it is a bit distracting from the beautiful woman in the center...Damn I wish I could work with models.....
        Photo By: Jeff Fiore  (K:11277)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 12:29:51 AM

Great colours in this shot! The yellows against the dark blue dusk sky are beautiful. Excellent framing and a very good choice for subject and background. I don't think this shot could have been taken any better.
        Photo By: jose markes  (K:157)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/13/2004 12:25:37 AM

Very good shot! It is very clear and yet nice and soft. Cute little subject too. I'm very impressed with the composition of it.
        Photo By: Ruben Arencibia Sanchez  (K:77)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/5/2004 7:37:09 PM

AWESOME shot. I love the framing of it. The skewed angle really draws the eye. I love that great big smile too. She looks very happy having passed the dark stormy weather in the background.
        Photo By: Lars Raun  (K:1701)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/4/2004 8:26:52 PM

what a beautiful spot. It reminds me of the area around the Madawaska river in Ontario. Very green and almost mystical. I'd love to see this place.
        Photo By: Mark McGloughlin  (K:437)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
10/1/2004 3:42:34 PM

Great shot. Crisp and clear image as well as an interesting subject. I would however work on the framing. You have a little too much cloud at the top. I would suggest cropping the clouds just above the light patch at the top left. Give that a go and see how it looks. It wont take too long in PS. I really do like clouds in black and white, and combined with the po-mo architecture of this building I find this a very intruiging photo. good job.
        Photo By: Maciej Kacmajor  (K:19)

Critique By: Cameron Preyde  (K:649)  
9/29/2004 3:47:45 PM

If there are no aligators or crocodiles in the water below the bridge I will be most dissapointed. There should at least be snakes or something! Pirhanas? Anything????
        Photo By: nihan mutcali  (K:3)

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