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Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/10/2004 5:29:08 AM

I like his teats...ahah jocking! Is a bit of a slice of cheese if you know what i mean..but still, great technique and pretty 80's so fashonable right now. ciao bello!
        Photo By: dimitris theocharis  (K:-276)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/10/2004 5:23:03 AM

Hola! I'm sorry but I don't speak catalan. I've been living in terrassa (Erasmus at the upc) fot 6 month but unfortunately i didn't lear your language... anyway , this is a grat photosa..amazing colours and composition!
        Photo By: Carlos Brando  (K:4637)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/7/2004 11:55:50 AM

Grazie Orazio! Ne sono profondamente onorata, per la considerazione e per il fascino di quest'immagine! Se non sepessi che si tratta di casa nostra direi che potrebbe essere qualche frammento di costa intorno a Rio! ma dimmi un po'...visto che poi cosi' tanto valida non lo sono ancora, ci metti dei filtri sulla macchina o poi ci lavori con pshop?

grazie ancora, ricambiero'!
        Photo By: Orazio Minnella  (K:49417)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/6/2004 6:03:01 AM

potrebbe essere la scena di un movie di Tim burtun!fantastica atmosfera! vedo che non e' indicato la tua mail contact here. I vivo a LOndra ma saro' a casa per un paio di giorni presto. Non ho amici fotografi a casa..quindi avrei piacere di incorntrarti per una chiaccherate con tanto di camera a portata di mano non sei strabusy. La mia mail la trovi all'inizio del mio portfolio o nelmio vebsite, sezione contact. sono diverse ma non ti preoccupare le uso
take care
        Photo By: Giulia Rinaldi  (K:3158)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:48:58 PM

wow some really interesting shot in your portfolio! this is really soft and pleasent!like it!
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:44:24 PM

I wont go upstairs... good choice to stay down...anyway I love the image, perfect light and intriguing composition! well done!
        Photo By: Sergio Lopez  (K:487)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:41:39 PM

some funny perception distortion going on here..I enjoy it!
        Photo By: G L  (K:1676)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:39:42 PM

questa e' un paradiso.... ninte di piu' ironico...bella anche la anyway l'idea e' geniale! complimenti
        Photo By: Gianfranco Bussalai  (K:888)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:33:05 PM

charming image..I wish I could wear that!
        Photo By: Carlos Brando  (K:4637)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:21:28 PM

non sono una big fan di landscape ma i tuoi sono notevoli! dettagli e luce perfetti!grande!
        Photo By: Orazio Minnella  (K:49417)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:18:45 PM

hey guaglio'! bella la foto e la poesia e' un sorriso! grazie
        Photo By: donato r.  (K:16361)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:14:34 PM

where where where?????????I'm looking for them since last year when I started my project shorcut from nothing (u can see it here..) and never found them..not even one..I'll go crazy if I see something like that for real!!!!!anyway it's a goooood shot!
        Photo By: oyku senhan  (K:874)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:11:53 PM

bellissim! per essere proprio pignoli e dopo di wuesta sei autorizzato a insultarmi...e che l'ultimo tronco sulla destra lo cropperei dato che interferisce con il framing...per il resto grande foto semplice ma ad effetto
        Photo By: ventrix drogo  (K:65398) Donor

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:06:44 PM

speachless! this pic is a total beauty! plus the black cloud on the massive building is there to add drama to an already impressive photo!amazing!
        Photo By: Maurilio Ultramari  (K:8200)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 6:02:22 PM

vero e' che non si smette mai di questa e' un immagine da maestri!bravissima!
        Photo By: cecilia tovini  (K:29423)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 5:44:33 PM

complimenti salvo! questa e' molto originale e ben eseguita! attira l'attenzione!bravo'
        Photo By: Salvo Valenti  (K:17038)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 5:22:31 PM

beautiful beautiful beautiful..just like a shell from the sea! compl.
        Photo By: ANTONIO SILVA  (K:1143)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 5:17:52 PM

how long was that?really powerfull image...not to sure about the human presence in it..but it's fun!
        Photo By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 5:15:49 PM

hey man! impressive image here!can't really say couldn't possibly be better..
        Photo By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/5/2004 10:36:15 AM

bella max! composizione attraente e contrasto affascinante. ottimo lavoro
        Photo By: Massimo Di Maggio  (K:36342) Donor

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 5:05:34 PM

Hey you know you have some amazing photography here..? from the bottom of the sea to the clouds. and all well created!

bravissimo camaleontico gigi
        Photo By: Luigi Piccirillo  (K:142)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 4:57:27 PM

Splendida!amazing! the image is just perfect, the all life meaning is probably there too..

        Photo By: Carmem A. Busko  (K:48785)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 4:55:04 PM

wow! what is this? it looks like a painting! it has that amazing feeling to it. I'm really impressed! compliments!

        Photo By: Donna Devine  (K:2885)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 4:53:09 PM

yeah, I find this image interesting.It might not be your sty but so, what's wrong with that? I actually find it more mysterious and interesting than some other images I've seen in your portfolio..great image! keep's the best way to get something amazing
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 4:30:12 PM

beautiful original image! useless to say that he light coun't have been better! is there a door of perceptions where all dream and nightmares hides...compliments
ps.very impressive portfolio!
        Photo By: Andi Ionita  (K:765)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
3/2/2004 4:52:41 AM

Nice kitchen. an nice shot of it. Ultramodern
        Photo By: Willem vd G  (K:0)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
2/29/2004 6:01:56 AM

piena di colori e ben composta, bravo! (forza napoli!)
        Photo By: Antonio Trincone  (K:23167)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
2/28/2004 5:43:05 PM

speachless! such an amazing shot..rare to see..
        Photo By: Zsolt E. S.  (K:144)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
2/28/2004 5:38:15 PM

bella bravissimo! poesia! grande composizione e luce!wow
        Photo By: Tommaso Razzano  (K:8073)

Critique By: Darinka Montico  (K:1771)  
2/28/2004 5:18:33 PM

brevissimo...I'm speachless!
        Photo By: Benedetto Riba  (K:15792)

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