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Critique By: Caterina  Berimballi  (K:27299)  
9/6/2007 6:38:49 AM

Ummm... how'd you make the cub do that??? lmao @ Rivvie! She absolutely makes this shot (no offence Gene). Gayle, I think you're my soulmate. We have so much in common, it's spooky. Double shot lattes all the way baybay!
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Subhash Sen  (K:11931)  
9/6/2007 5:58:18 AM

Nice art this ,cheers,subhash.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Avi   (K:70138) Donor  
9/5/2007 10:53:55 PM

Nice DOF and colors, Gayle !!
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Leonie Fitzpatrick  (K:40551)  
9/5/2007 3:29:10 PM

~~GRIN~~... Triple short black for me please Gene... Caffeine a necessity of life... Love the way we can see Rivvie's nose and eye between Gene and jumping cub... real depth created by the timber through to Rivvie with the *expresso crew* in middle ground...:)))

Great fun Gayle... loving the adventures of Gene...:)))


        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Leonie Fitzpatrick  (K:40551)  
9/5/2007 3:19:14 PM

LMAO... TOO FUNNY Gayle...)))
Gene... listen here young man, where are your knee pads huh!!!... and if you think a felt hat with feather will save that little bear skull, think again... Am I a spoil sport!!!...

Hope this fun wasn't a result of the *pipe* ~~GRIN~~ because could fully understand Gene thinking he can fly in his shiny black skate shorts... A Pilgrims Progress...;)))


        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Leonie Fitzpatrick  (K:40551)  
9/5/2007 3:01:45 PM

~~GRIN~~ Lookin' great there Gene... Know what they say about man's *pipe dreams*... those *munchies* just may be super sized... The hat looks too *cool* man, and you already have the blanket on the ground... ;))) Say, does the name *Running Bear* sound familiar Gene!...

Lookin' forward to the fun of where and what comes next Gayle...:)))


        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Robin W  (K:16308)  
9/5/2007 2:54:41 PM

Cripes...poppers, beer, wine, and now this?!...he's never going to make it to my house...Doyle and Marlyce WILL have to check him into Betty Ford!

:) Robin

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/5/2007 2:53:03 PM

Now Gayle this would be scary if I didn't know Rivvie pup was a sweetheart despite the reputation erroneously attributed to this particular breed of pup. Gene looks happy as a honey-baked clam and what's up with the bouncing bear cub? The cub didn't get a honey based bevvie? I'm not sure whether he likes his new cup or feather more! But I am sure the stuffie bear contingent was in safe hands with Rivvie there!

Adore the use of natural framing in this one!

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/5/2007 2:33:31 PM

LMAO ! ! !

OK, Ok, ok . . . leave it to Gayle to have (onhand) tight shorts (spandex, leather) for any gentleman caller !

Who knew he could do this stuff? He looks like a complete natural and a feather in his cap to boot.....I think he really liked it too cause he brought the feather home with him! To be standing with two wheels down . . . wow . . . I have issues with four wheels AND a foot down!! Awesome bokeh and excellent freeze action shutter speed! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/5/2007 2:27:04 PM


Alright Gayle . . . I just feel sure he's not indulging in . . . the munchies? How can you tell? He ALWAYS seems to have the munchies . . . so . . . uhhhh . . . he didn't just say no??? Oh my . . . Betty Ford Clinic is NOT too far and a trip to the local hoose-cow for a scared straight visit might be in his future. Hmmmm . . . might make for some intriguing shots too.

Anyway - he's not mentioned it here so I guess he'll claim it was . . . uhhhh . . . photoshop or something if I were to ask. As a Worrld traveler, he may have a "When in Rome . . . " Philosophy. :P

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor  
9/5/2007 12:07:02 PM

Oops, that's "Gail", as in "Gayle"...

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/5/2007 9:56:00 AM

Don't be afraid,Rivvie pup won't bite you if you leave a comment!...bahahahaaaaaa

Doyle,wake UP!
right to bear-arms,Gene
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Caterina  Berimballi  (K:27299)  
9/5/2007 8:35:40 AM

Gene! She put you in spandex??!!! My eyes! They burn!!! roflmbo!

Great bokeh Gayle, a fun shot indeed. MORE! MORE! MORE!
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor  
9/5/2007 8:25:26 AM

Easy now, Gene, easy! Looks like you're having a good ol' time with Gail, but just don't get too carried away. You know what happens...

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor  
9/5/2007 8:23:14 AM

Well Gene, I must say that I am really impressed that you have been the inspiration for Gail to post a shot - we haven't seen much of her recently! Good to see you enjoying yourself, and not getting into too much trouble (yet...)

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/5/2007 7:37:44 AM

nice to hear from you,Cookie!...Gene be with Doyle n' Marny in Cali and last i heard was headed your way soon...i sent something for ya with Gene's stuff...just a lil' silly something...did ya notice the feather in Gene's hat?...i reshaped the felt a bit,too so it wouldn't look so geeky-Pilgrim...LOL...

i may post another in a bit and have about 15 from his visit...Gene was pretty laid back with me n' rivvie pup...

later,gayle xoxo
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor  
9/5/2007 7:32:18 AM

Okay, Gayle. I did send Doyle a private e-mail, asking about that. Thanks.:)
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Caterina  Berimballi  (K:27299)  
9/5/2007 7:28:49 AM

BAHAhahahahahhhh... Boy oh boy, this bear gets more corrupted with each trip! <-- heehee, I made a punny!

You're a naughty girl Miss Gayle. Gene, now don't you get too used to these treats, I don't want to have to put you in rehab when you get to me! Be good!

Can't wait to see what else you guys got up to :)
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/5/2007 7:27:45 AM

hi again,Shirley...i said the same when Gene was in OZ as i thought he was going to NZ next instead to me...Doyle prefers to have Gene return to him in Calif. after each visit for various reasons...made sense once i knew the reasons ;>
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/5/2007 7:24:39 AM

hi,Liz and thx for dropping by!...Gene is back with Doyle taking a breather before flying out to kiwiland...i will post some more over the next few days...maybe another later tonight ;>
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Liz Wallis  (K:26133) Donor  
9/5/2007 6:55:27 AM

Wow, Gene sure is getting around :)
Quite the well travelled fellow for his meagre yaers!!!! Nice to see him settling in with you Gayle, he looks very relaxed and happy. Can't wait to see more from his adventures with you.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor  
9/5/2007 6:51:56 AM

You're welcome! Well, that seems silly, doesn't it, when we're right 'next door'.;) Maybe I should e-mail Doyle and find out Gene's itinerary.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/5/2007 6:49:29 AM

hi and thx for comment!...last i heard from Doyle,Gene is going to Rina's home in NZ...
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor  
9/5/2007 6:36:50 AM

Really cute, Gayle! I'm in Gene coming here next? I'd like to be prepared. Look foward to your adventures with him.:)))
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
8/10/2007 6:55:03 AM

a fine colros-expression gayle..
have all the best my dear friend..
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
8/10/2007 6:52:35 AM

..and.. and.. i love it this one.. some time i look it now!
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
8/10/2007 6:51:58 AM

so fine silver mode-reflex ear..
hope you are well!
love it

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
7/30/2007 8:04:06 AM

hope you are wel, my dear..
happy week to you
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
7/25/2007 11:29:39 PM are the 2nd man here to assume i am not shooting just because i no longer post HERE!

i have infact won some photo contests elsewhere and there are "real,not virtual prizes"...AND i teach a serious critique/basic photo class...

as soon as Doyle sends Gene-bear to visit me,then i will post his photos...should just be a few more weeks....i may even decide to post something sooner just for the halibut,too!

such a sweet talker,Dave.....peace,gayle
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)  
7/25/2007 4:37:58 PM


Pick up camera bag.
Remove camera.
Turn on.
Set to auto.
Point camera in any direction.
Push shutter button.
Download or develop.
Post photo.

Sheeeesh... February???? Come on, Girlie Girl.

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

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