Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
7/9/2007 5:50:54 PM
Misterio a lo 2001 space odyssey! Bravo!
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tim Hoogendijk (K:255)
7/9/2007 5:05:10 PM
I'm afraid the scanner is not to blame this time... I "forgot" to bring a tripod, so I had to brace myself against a wall to make this 1 sec exposure. The other image, of the large cross, was 1/4th of a second, handheld. Hence the soft look.. I know, I know.. "always use a tripod" etc etc... These damn things are a real bother when walking around in a city, not to mention the weight... It's a love-hate thing I guess
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tim Hoogendijk (K:255)
7/9/2007 4:48:15 PM
@Patrick & Kes: Thank you for your comments!!
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Nelson Moore [Kes] - (K:20241)
7/8/2007 6:45:10 PM
...and a yashica mat! Do you "roll your own" film? I'm down to one local lab for developing and printing...hence the D80 purchase.
Nice shadow use to break up the foreground.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Nelson Moore [Kes] - (K:20241)
7/8/2007 6:41:20 PM
"hey! your in my shot! move it!" heh heh
this is pretty cool. great architecture shot.
the dark object distracts...but a crop would lose the balance for the "wash-out". I think you made a good choice to keep it.
Nice to see someone still using a twin lens. The two images I've seen so far look a little soft....that's ok, even good if it's what you're after...but it is probably just the scan losing definition? (just a guess)
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Nelson Moore [Kes] - (K:20241)
7/8/2007 6:34:53 PM
mmmm, nice.
Hi Tim, your composition is excellent here. I can see at a glance at your /Random pics column that you have an eye for composition!
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Patrick Crowther (K:13393)
7/8/2007 6:14:55 PM
EXCELLENT! Atmosphere! Atmosphere! Atmosphere! There is such power and grace in this image... an all-time Usefilm favourite of mine and a 7++++++++++++++ :)
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Richard Marks (K:3809)
7/6/2007 6:16:25 PM
Very nice, special how the distant between those people is. Goed in z/w. Richard
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tim Hoogendijk (K:255)
7/6/2007 3:11:24 PM
Dit is inderdaad het centraal Rini. Helaas in de steigers. Maar goed, het wordt er vast mooier op (net als de grote hal binnen, die nu al weer een tijdje in opgeknapte staat te bewonderen is).
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
David Morandi (K:978)
7/4/2007 4:44:41 PM
Amsterdam,I like it... The centraal station,I remeber this place. Amsterdam,the best place in europe. Hi David(Vos)
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Riny Koopman (K:102911)
7/4/2007 3:44:25 PM
Het centraal station Tin..?
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tim Hoogendijk (K:255)
7/4/2007 2:48:01 PM
Thanks Leo. Nice work with the Rollei btw :-)
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
7/2/2007 3:44:29 PM
Great 6x6 image!!! I love to use too... Congratulations Tim!!
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
ana ribeiro (K:21290)
6/12/2006 4:18:48 PM
nice photo .
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
2/26/2006 3:27:29 PM
very great job been made here and very creative , all of the best my friend.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Ivan Di Pietro (K:1229)
11/25/2004 11:03:52 AM
Suggestive image, beautiful composition.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Paul's Photos (K:35235)
11/13/2004 11:03:17 PM
nice architecture.. like the use of b&w
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Paul's Photos (K:35235)
11/13/2004 5:24:06 AM
interesting image.. nice abstract
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Magda & Tomasz Stepien (K:894)
11/12/2004 1:31:57 PM
Gooie middag Tim Wonderful composition
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Warren B (K:7272)
11/8/2004 4:24:12 AM
Nicely done, I like the way you've composed this.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Dubravko Grakalic (K:25235)
11/7/2004 9:37:49 PM
simple and good
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Hamed Noori (K:6805)
10/30/2004 1:24:15 PM
Very very good......
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Mark Scheffer (K:1809)
10/30/2004 1:07:14 PM
Leuke foto, maar wat weinig contrast. De mensen vallen een beetje weg tegen de huizen bedoel ik.
Groeten, Mark
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tim Hoogendijk (K:255)
10/28/2004 11:40:24 AM
Riny, Het was de grote demonstratie tegen de kabinetsplannen (2 oktober). Er waren toen ongeveer 200000 mensen op de been (volgens de vakbonden 300000 ;-)). In ieder geval een mooie gelegenheid voor wat straatfotografie... De komende dagen zal ik nog wat foto's van deze demonstratie op usefilm plaatsen. Groet, Tim.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Riny Koopman (K:19998)
10/28/2004 10:39:16 AM
wat voor demonstratie was het in Amsterdam Tim? Groet...Riny.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Kim kyungsang (K:14135)
10/28/2004 10:36:39 AM
nice shot!
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Ari A. Alves (alvesari) (K:7733)
10/26/2004 6:13:12 PM
Very good journalistic image.
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
piet hendriks (K:19)
10/21/2004 8:28:56 PM
Beatyfull . Sharp , light/ dark is good. verry good pickture well done Tim Piet Hendriks
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
piet hendriks (K:19)
10/21/2004 8:26:02 PM
looks good Tim , the foreground is too much . If you cut it off its gets more. The unsharp person and the sharp gitarplayer gifs a good contrast. Quality is good for the circumstances. Good work overal Tim Succes Piet hendriks
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk
Critique By:
Tony Diana (K:13396)
8/31/2004 12:00:27 PM
Una peciosa imagen en toda su sencillez, saludos
Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk