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Critique By: Javed Rassi  (K:8223)  
4/20/2004 5:14:03 PM

Very expressive street shot, good contrast, I like it alot.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Antonio Carlos Trivelin  (K:1193)  
4/17/2004 4:22:33 PM

wonderful !!! very good, i really love this scene. Regards.Antonio
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)  
4/17/2004 10:17:25 AM

great documentary.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Andrei Kislov  (K:4041)  
4/17/2004 7:31:44 AM

Great B&W shot! I like the composition and subject
Well done!
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Di Ciuccio Maurizio  (K:57398)  
4/16/2004 11:19:03 PM

mitico pk..un pezzo di givane antiquariato..bello scatto con ottima tonalita'..complimenti
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
4/13/2004 8:13:05 PM

Hi Tim, I like this street scene. It has the atmosphere of a quick and dirty snapshot, induced by the way it is composed, but I know the Yashica.... Very well exposed. Judging by the movement in the policemans' hand, I think the sutter speed is a guess? I like that touch of movement, though, it livens up the scene. The photo tells a story; the interaction between the two men, the lined up vans, it implies something heavy is going on. In that case I don't think I would've taken the time to carefully go through the options, but I think an even lower camera position might emphasise that atmosphere even more. Very good shot, mainly because the photo doesn't include the "bigger picture" but it tells a story nonetheless.


        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
4/12/2004 12:34:02 PM

I agree with Dubravko's comment :-)

The image plays with the viewer, at least in this virtual space where we first get to see only the thumbnail with the title: first the title directs the viewer's mind onto these historical ruins, and suddenly as the full image loads, those ruins are deemphasised by the unexpected use of focus. I like that.

I also like how the focus has neutralised the tourists who seem to be present in several parts of the scene. Making their figures almost unrecognisable has made the scene very peaceful.

The sky is a bit too white for my taste - I would prefer at least a hint of detail. If some detail is available on the negative, burning the sky might help to bring it out. If not, I would consider using a simple black frame for the photo to separate the white sky from the surrounding white area.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Dubravko Grakalic  (K:25235)  
4/12/2004 7:30:54 AM

nice candid portrait
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Jeannie Theriault  (K:52)  
4/12/2004 7:16:40 AM

Wow! You've beautifuly captured a story here with this shot! Great!
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: PhilCB 1973  (K:1894)  
4/10/2004 8:58:00 AM

Nice capture here. Love the chaos of the composition and the juxtaposition between crates and railings, good shot.

        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Gertrud Gozner  (K:14222)  
4/9/2004 12:12:00 PM

nice capture!!
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Peter van Nugteren  (K:421)  
4/9/2004 11:59:52 AM

Leuk shot. Doet me denken aan een straat bij het Vaticaan.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
4/9/2004 9:04:04 AM

outstanding "sisters"
gorgeous tones and composite!
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: D W  (K:2560)  
4/9/2004 8:42:11 AM

Beautiful shot here. The gestures of the three women is so compelling. Great work!
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Dubravko Grakalic  (K:25235)  
4/7/2004 5:13:47 AM

nice work
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
3/5/2004 6:48:16 AM

Isn't street photography with medium format fun? I like this Spanish series of yours. What attracted me to this photo was the strange combination of motion and calmness. The world is moving, people are going about their business, but no-one is in a real hurry - a Saturday morning kind of atmosphere.

The haze in the background adds a sense of depth. In the foreground, I think you could print it a bit brighter (judging by what I see on this particular monitor) to let the sunlit areas shine.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Carlheinz Bayer  (K:14220)  
3/3/2004 6:32:22 PM

I like the tones, the angle, the composition & the crop.Very well done! Carlheinz
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
3/3/2004 7:51:38 AM

Hi Tim, I like this way of portraying such an ordinary scene as a train. The camera postion and angle adds a great deal of dynamism and tension. The composition is very well balanced. The atmosphere creates the exact right mood of a heavily used train compartiment. There are a few minor dust spots, and the grain is quite present, but I think it only enhances the mood of the photo. Nice tonal range and, again, an excellent composition. My compliments, very original and an excellent representation.


        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Riny  Koopman  (K:19998)  
3/1/2004 4:05:02 AM

een prachtige composition in zwart wit!!
groet riny.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Salvo Valenti  (K:17038)  
3/1/2004 3:11:41 AM

Bel B.W. completato da un ottimo taglio complimenti , Salvo
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor  
3/1/2004 3:04:32 AM

Great use of the black and white, very eye catching, composed perfectly.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)  
3/1/2004 2:56:08 AM

Since I don't have a dark room (yet :-)), I've had it developed at the local drugstore.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
2/29/2004 6:08:44 AM

I think this image has potential, all those geometric lines and shapes hold some interest, but I miss a main subject, something that would grab my attention. As it is now, my eyes wander all about the scene without finding anything to focus on.

I don't see much grain, what did you develop the film in?
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Marcio Giudice  (K:244)  
2/28/2004 6:08:28 PM

Agradabilissima foto! )
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: JL E  (K:9693)  
2/25/2004 6:12:37 AM

excellent! a litle over-exposed for my gusto. but great work, I like it so much.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Murat Tanriover  (K:8387)  
2/25/2004 5:32:43 AM

B&W looks good here...
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: stefano mannucci  (K:4793)  
2/25/2004 4:52:08 AM

very very good
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Gabriele Pfund  (K:11745)  
2/24/2004 2:26:45 AM

Very nice tones and light effects in a clever composition ; very effectful! I like it a lot. Regards
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)  
2/22/2004 5:54:27 AM

Thank you both for your comments. I appreciate the suggestion for cropping the image, but i want to keep the focus on the pillar. It gives a nice contrast between the busy market and the timelessness of the massive pillar.
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

Critique By: Alexandar Angelovski  (K:155)  
2/21/2004 9:00:30 PM

That?s a very good idea you posted Kevin, I looked at the image and the placement of the piller bothered me, but by cropping the image the way that you did made it less in the way without removing anything essential to the picture. Plus it gives more attention to the event that matters...
        Photo By: Tim Hoogendijk  (K:255)

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