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Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/9/2004 4:10:45 AM

Great photo.
I really liked it.
        Photo By: Zyle II  (K:1535)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 6:12:08 PM

Classical landscape photo. Should be "editor's choice" for the dramatic black/white shadows and composition.
A masterpiece.

Caro Fábio,
Um fotografia clássica. Deveria ser uma escolha do editor por sua dramática sombras no preto/branco e na composição.
Uma obra prima.
        Photo By: Sérgio Vieira  (K:3384) Donor

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 11:37:23 AM

Ver very clichê, but...beautiful. I really liked it. The position of her face (total desolation) and the transparency of the fabric (so fragile) are great.
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 11:29:39 AM

This is a beautiful photo. Nice colors, composition with diagonal line, light and everything else.
Really a great work.
        Photo By: Felipe Rodríguez  (K:9200)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 8:31:36 AM

That's is it, my favourite colours and a super hiper beautiful photo.
Very unusual composition.
Bravo!!! Bravissimo!!!
        Photo By: deneme 123  (K:602)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 7:06:17 AM

Great abstraction. The autumn colours are always impressive.
Very introspective mood.
        Photo By: Bill Morgenstern  (K:7157)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 6:17:43 AM

Yeah, very very unusual wedding photo. Not conventional at all.
I liked it and also liked the composition and light.
        Photo By: Rob St.Clair  (K:405)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 6:09:34 AM

Dear Ursula,
I really liked the unusual and strong colours of your photo. Very well done.
Otherwise, permit me to suggest a little crop on the top, to reduce the dead space, and emphasize the flower. Also, cutting the upper top, will allow the branch to guide the eyes to the blue flower.
Mauro (
        Photo By: Ursula Luschnig  (K:21723)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 5:31:11 AM

Dear Peter,
Really a nice photo, I loved those people. The colours are also fantastic, in abundance.
But I am a little crazy about croping, specially when people are involved, and would crop your photo a little, like the example attached. I also sharpened it a little (25/10/3 US PS). Hope you approve it.
        Photo By: Peter McDonald  (K:4951)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/8/2004 5:11:45 AM

Congratulations for this photo.
The branches of the tree are dramatic, given an impression that something terrific happened. You choose the right tone for this. Really well done.
        Photo By: Titia Geertman  (K:5582)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 4:02:09 PM

Dear Panda Panda,

If you had hidden the sun behind the body, you would get a better photo with a halo around her body. If you don't want her in silhouette, fire a flash to fill her face.
Try it, I am sure you will like it.
        Photo By: Panda Panda  (K:29)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 3:47:36 PM

Caro Paulo,

Sua foto da aranha é interessante, pelo motivo, cores fortes, etc.
Se fosse eu, cortaria um pouco do excesso de fundo que existe, concentrando a atenção no motivo principal, no caso a aranha, como o titulo sugere. Veja que também adicionei um pouco de nitidez a foto, pois acredito que ela tenha sido tirada sem tripé. Corrigi um pouco os niveis e contraste também.
        Photo By: Paulo L. Bitencourt  (K:227)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 3:23:51 PM

Oi, eu novamente.
Esta foto tem uma ótima expressão facial e uma boa saturação de cores, porém... novamente tremida ou fora de foco. Tente usar uma abertura de diafragma menor, em torno de 5,6, para conseguir um pouco mais de profundidade de campo, colocando assim o olho direito em foco também.
        Photo By: Emerson Copetti  (K:56)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 3:08:54 PM

Caro Emerson,
O seu assunto, a flor da Ninféia, é interessante, porém gostaria de sugerir algumas coisas:
1- Nunca, jamais, use flash com esta proximidade se vc tem um fundo escuro e úmido (refletivo). Use sempre luz natural ou um flash mais distante, não o flash incorporado a camera.
2- Use sempre um tripé para este tipo de foto. Quanto mais próximo, mais aparecerá borrada se houver o minimo movimento na camera. Eu até mesmo uso sempre o "timer" para evitar balançar a camera com o movimento de apertar o disparador.
3- Enquadre melhor suas flores, elas não precisam ficar isoladas no meio da foto, corte um pouco do fundo.
4- Assim como em retratos o ideal é focar nos olhos, nas flores o ideal é focar o centro. Caso não seja deliberada a escolha em outro ponto de interesse.
5- Como vc tem acesso a bastante flores, como percebo no seu portfolio, tente novamente fotografar desta maneira. Seu eu puder ser de alguma ajuda, não hesite em me contatar no email ou ICQ 318540363. Abraços Mauro
        Photo By: Emerson Copetti  (K:56)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 2:30:33 PM

I can't resist to comment this photo. What a photo, fantastic. The "cleaness" of the fabric and face contrast drastically with the background.
One of my favorites indeed.
        Photo By: Oistein Thomassen  (K:46)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 2:23:31 PM

Fantastic photo. It looks like a painting inspired by Japanese drawing.
        Photo By: Don Martel  (K:551)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 1:08:21 PM

Really nice work. The soft colours of background stress the bright colours of the dancer.
I liked the sand painting finish as well.
        Photo By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 9:25:35 AM

Really a great "jornalistic" photo, huge impact.
I am just wondering, was the cat added later? The back of the cat has a different "white" than the rest of the photo.
        Photo By: Renaux Loran  (K:323)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/7/2004 5:30:21 AM

This effect add a cartoon characteristic to your photo. The original photo seems to be great, almost colourless, and the character walking out looking suspicious.
The diagonal line (stairs) leading to the centre (man), really holds the eyes of the viewer inside the photo. The window and door block the way out.
        Photo By: Antonio Trincone  (K:23167)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 5:18:19 PM

Dear Gorete,

The subject of your photo is interesting. The signs of time is also interesting, but the final result is not satisfatory. If I could, I would like to suggest you to crop the excessive background, to focus the attention on the angel, and balance the level a little, like I did in the example attached.

Cara Gorete,
O assunto de sua foto é interessante. Os sinais de envelhecimento também é interessante, mas o resultado final não é tão satisfatório. Se eu pudesse sugerir, eu aconselharia a cortar um pouco do fundo excessivo, para focar a atenção no anjo, e equilibrar os niveis um pouco, como fiz no exemplo anexo.
        Photo By: Gorete Figueiredo  (K:44)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 3:41:52 PM

Great Photo, fantastic fantasy land.
In old days I used to take photos like this one using Cokin Creative filters.
(Sure I don't miss the "good" old days).
Now, light is very good, the grain is perfect for the mood and the gradient colors well applied.
        Photo By: Mitchell Miller  (K:3009)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 1:53:59 PM

This is a perfect portrait with great details.
Perfect light and composition. The softness of model's eyes is marvelous.
It really touches me.
        Photo By: Pat Fruen  (K:12076)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 9:25:59 AM

Great photographer + great model = great great photos.

Keep posting them.
        Photo By: mandy welsh  (K:3146)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 8:54:59 AM

The most beautiful photo I have seem lately.
Stunning, impressive, excellent.
His eyes shows all the sadness that goes thru his soul.

Congratulation for this photo. (and pass me feelings to the lion, if you see him again)
        Photo By: Rita Richter  (K:308)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 8:52:15 AM

Dramatic, very dramatic shot.
The strong light makes us wonder who or what is behind the tree.
Bravo!! Bravissimo!!!
        Photo By: Cliff Rosbotham  (K:2908)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 8:13:21 AM

Nice portrait. The solution of the light thru the hat is fantastic.
But, like Miguel Martinez said above, I would crop the botton area a little, making it square.
        Photo By: John Gordon  (K:7)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 6:57:57 AM

His look says "are you my dinner tonight?"
Well, I really love the well metered face and bright background.
        Photo By: Janine Parkins  (K:1384)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 6:55:51 AM

Wow, it is cold out there, isn't?
I never photographed in snow but I believe it must be very hard to comply with white balance. Have you measured the sky to get it right?
That's why I admire your picture with nice whites and blues.

By the way, I also admire "sunrises" because I never see one. They are always gone when I get out of bed.
        Photo By: vidar golden  (K:30)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 6:30:23 AM

Beautiful portrait indeed. The way she looks at the viewer (camera) is stunning.
The soft degrade of the background also add to final result.
My favorite too.
        Photo By: zet ka  (K:1411)

Critique By: Mauro Machado  (K:1159)  
3/6/2004 6:24:21 AM

Nice work. The sense of abandon is immense.
Also like the whole composition and the monochrome mood.
        Photo By: A. W. Osnafotos  (K:6373)

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