Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/4/2004 5:47:04 AM
Dear Bikramadittya, Thanks for your comments. I just want to explain about the red background. This photo was taken about 10 years ago, using film and Cokin color correction filter on the lens. There's no special effect added later by PS or similar. The color of the background was only stressed by Cokin filter, usually used in black and white photography. This is an old way photo.
Photo By: Mauro Machado
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/4/2004 5:31:50 AM
Welcome Akas, As you asked for, here goes some suggestions: 1) Increase the contrast and adjust the balance between black/white, so you will have a better color saturation. Please see attached what I suggest for your photo. If you want to contact me, my email is mauroma@terra.com.br
Photo By: Alyazia Khaleefa
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/4/2004 5:13:57 AM
Everything was already said above. Beautiful portrait. You should be very proud of this masterpiece.
Photo By: anton albert
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/4/2004 5:08:57 AM
As all your photos, the composition is great and colors combination/saturation is perfect.
Photo By: Carmem A. Busko
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/3/2004 7:16:31 AM
Hi Carmem,
Really liked the image with omni effects. It really shows the "mood" of Paraty. Congrats
Photo By: Carmem A. Busko
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/2/2004 3:09:32 PM
Nice work Fabio, you captured the textures of the mosaic very well. Just curious, where or what is Calvia? Any place near Utopia? Congrats
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
3/2/2004 8:08:29 AM
Congratulations Pat, this b/w portrait is great. Strong blacks and striking whites, even Ansel Adams would be proud of this work.
Photo By: Pat Fruen
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/27/2004 8:37:24 AM
Very sensitive work. The eyes are strong enough to get the attention of the viewer. Congratulations.
Photo By: Zyle II
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/26/2004 5:17:52 AM
Finally, a picture that does justice to her smile. Congrats.
Photo By: Alvaro Ennes
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/26/2004 5:11:03 AM
Somehow I missed this photo before. It is really good and worth developing the idea. Great work.
Photo By: Kim Taylor
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/26/2004 5:07:42 AM
Great shot Carmen, the juxtaposition of colors is perfect and the composition is very unusual. A masterpiece.
Photo By: Carmem A. Busko
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/25/2004 4:58:05 PM
Nice portrait, Carla, I specially like the composition with the face in the left corner. Congrats.
Belo retrato, Carla. Gostei especialmente da composição, com o rosto no quadrante esquerdo. Parabéns
Photo By: Carla Pires
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/25/2004 5:30:17 AM
Great portrait, the eyes says everything. Congrats!
Photo By: Kevin Witty
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/23/2004 3:26:44 PM
Dear Ana, As usual, a piece of art, or better, a masterpiece of art.
Thanks for sharing.
Photo By: Ana Vianna
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/23/2004 12:05:18 PM
As beautiful as your other photos "face" and "face me". I will consider myself a photographer the day I take photos like yours. Congratulations.
Photo By: Tamara L
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/23/2004 11:52:30 AM
"This is an hobby that makes my life brighter"...this way you must be shining today. Great photo, very very nice. Congratulations.
Cara Elsa, Parabéns pela foto, ficou lindissima. Gostei da saturação de cores e do corte preciso, realçando a boca ameaçadora. Congratulações
Photo By: Elsa Mota Gomes
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/20/2004 7:21:27 AM
Congratulations Lissa, the portrait is fantastic. And the eyes...really great.
Photo By: Lissa Hatcher
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/20/2004 4:35:37 AM
Congratulation Carmen, this photo is perfect. Love the light and color contrast. Depth of field is excellent.
Photo By: Carmem A. Busko
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/19/2004 10:25:45 AM
Nice Fabio, very nice. It seems that you have good eyes for details.
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/18/2004 7:01:08 PM
Great lighting, composition and FX.
Photo By: Daniel Furtado
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/14/2004 6:07:39 AM
Real nice. The blue tone gives a fantasmacoric feeling. Composition and lighting perfect. Congratulations.
Photo By: Juergen Kollmorgen
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/13/2004 5:18:59 PM
Nice shot but I agree with Sandy, a crop on the left would enphasize the window and the subject, be it you (the photographer) or the dance. Is it what they call "metalinguistic" of photography? The photographer as his/her own subject? I like it. Congratulations
Post scriptun: crop the left and try to remove the chairs, focus the attention on the window. Try it.
Photo By: Eva Varon
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/13/2004 5:07:18 PM
Lovely lovely shot. One has to be very sensitive to be adopted by the cats.
Photo By: evangelia g
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/13/2004 8:55:37 AM
Amen Ali!!! Always a great portrait.
Photo By: Augusto Buffa (Ali)
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/13/2004 8:53:46 AM
Great, looks like an arrow up to the sky. Great composition with good care of the lines. The color of the bells fit well with the overall sepia tone.
Photo By: Daniel Furtado
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/13/2004 1:48:44 AM
Can we call it "sailing poetry"? Great photo.
Splendida barca. Perche navigare è bisógno!!!
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/12/2004 5:03:15 PM
Hi Anna Maria, Touching photo. The irony of pessimism is that nothing can be worse. Maybe it's time to cheers up.
(animo garota, vc está muito down)
Photo By: Aira Manna
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/9/2004 2:44:36 AM
Dramatic shot indeed. Nice composition and sense of light. Congratulations.
Photo By: Danish Abadi
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/8/2004 6:17:18 PM
Congratulations Daniel, really nice shot. The light is just perfect, don't touch the shadows, the contrast in the wing is well balanced.
Photo By: Daniel Furtado
Critique By:
Mauro Machado (K:1159)
2/6/2004 11:18:06 AM
Oi, Gostei do "grafismo" da flor e da saturação das cores. Estas flores ficam lindas na contra-luz também.
Mauro mauroma@terra.com.br taymo@taymo.com
Photo By: Carmem A. Busko