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Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
2/5/2006 11:05:15 AM

Yess this one is briljant, no critiques for this picture. Excellent colours briljant composition. I love the snow and the clear green/blue colourd water. Excellent picture reallyu really nice! Congratulations my friend.

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
2/5/2006 11:03:23 AM

Hi Jose, wonderfull colours thats for sure. But there is one thing: make sure to keep a straight horizon! that's one of the main things in taking pictures of the sea, make sure you have a straight horizon. Overall wonderfull detail lovley picture!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
2/5/2006 10:59:53 AM

Briljant shot! The pathe leading the eye into the fog is superb. There is a really mystical atmosphere here. The light at the far left is wonderfull. Really a superb picture, my compliments!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Mistral Vortex  (K:627)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/24/2006 8:48:26 AM

another... Another wonderfull shot! The B&W is briljant here. Love the composition. Really like it that you can't see the water he;s jumping in. Excellent job. Caught it just at the right moment. The water splashes at the right are wonderfull. People at the side of the pool arent disturping. Excellent!!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Heath Bennett  (K:427)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/24/2006 8:46:12 AM

Very nice portrait, love her smile. The choice for B&W is excellent, adds some drama to the picture. The thing i dont really like is that she's right in the middle. Maybe a little crop at the right, bringing her head more to the right could help. Overall still a wonderfull picture, its just a suggestion!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Ron Wilson  (K:18362)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/24/2006 7:22:27 AM

I really like this picture. Wonderfull colours and composition. the white cracks really shoot against the brown. Wonderfully done!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 12:33:06 PM

Wonderfull job. Like the details and the sharpness in it. The main part of the photo is black wich gives the viewer a lot to think about. The shadowplay is wonderfull. Really love this picture. Excellent play with the light. good job!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Asim Roy  (K:10051)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 12:30:22 PM

Gefeliciteerd met je SC. Echt een prachtig plaatje die deze prijs meer dan waardig is! Ik ben er nou niet helemaal uit, uit je verhaal begrijp ik dat het geen ijsberg is, maar een ps truc?? Wat het ook is, de sneeuw is echt, deze is prachtig. In mijn verbeelding is het nog steeds een groot donkerblauw meer met een ijsberg erin. Zo goed is het dus gemanipuleerd, dat ookal weet ik dat het niet echt is, het toch een meer lijkt. Prachtig werk, echt fantastisch!

Groet, Lex.
        Photo By: John Griep  (K:2521)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 12:25:48 PM

Nice shot. Wonderfull macro picture. Excellent detail and sharpness. Did you need to chase the fly for a long time ;-)? The natural blue background is wonderfull, good work!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Roberto Okamura  (K:22851)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 12:22:40 PM

Nice job, i wonder what you have done with PS, wat was added and wat was there originally. It;s a verry original idea, and its nice work.

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN  (K:16316)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 12:21:21 PM

Waoow, i really like this portrait. Excellent colours and details. I think that the best portrait pictures are B&W, but this proves me wrong. A superb colour portrait. Wonderfully done, my compliments!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN  (K:16316)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 9:30:14 AM

Like this one. Good choise to add no colours in this picture. That adds more 'drama' to the picture. The compostition is well balanced. Love to see that exhibition becose you took a picture of some nice art! (or maybe its just becose the picture is nice!!)

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: ventrix drogo  (K:65398) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 9:26:06 AM

Ahhhh, this is really a cute picture. Love the soft tones here. The little kid discovering flowers with his tiny cute little hands. Wonderfull composition. Cutting it off makes you give all youre attention to the most important part of the picture, the kid and the flowers. Excellent job!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Giulio Rotelli  (K:28441)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 9:22:12 AM

Excellent shot. The bridge really has a golden colour here. Wonderfull. I like the big black hole at the left side of the picture, cutting the picture in two pieces. the tower in the middle. Excellent composition. All the little lights at the rivershore are wonderfull. Excellent night scene!

cheers, Lex
        Photo By: Paul's Photos  (K:35235)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 8:23:51 AM

Hi Teunis, pracht plaatje. Je bent de laatste tijd niet meer zo actief op UF hè? Het fotos maken ben je in ieder geval nog lang niet verleerd! Dit ziet er weer prachtig uit, de boom is een soort van natuurlijk frame voor de foto. Breekt de anders 'saaie' voorgrond. Qua natuur fotos ben jij in mijn ogen echt De expert hier, niemand schiet zulke mooie natuurplaatjes!

Er is alleen een dingetje dat ik niet snap, de titel. Dog betekend hond. Als je haven bedoeld.. dat is een dock :P Ik ben zelf ook niet al te goed in engels, maar je hebt op internet goede vertaal sites bijv.:

Groet, Lex.
        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 8:16:35 AM

Love this shot, wonderfull colours and composition. Excellent job. The made angle lets you see everything wich is really nice. Wonderfull job!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Bubamara    (K:11030)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 8:13:00 AM

Wow, this is a wonderfull shot. Really dramatic portrait, her said eyes can make me sad to. Excellent composition and picture. Her cute face at the left of the photo and not in the middle. Excellent job!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Saintz Saintz2  (K:11250)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 8:09:02 AM

Love this shot! Excellent composition. The long shadows over the snow, wonderfully done. It;s really a peacefull picture. Lovley!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/23/2006 8:06:17 AM

Hi Roberto, wonderfull shot here. The background moving really gives you the idea of speed. The cyclist is wonderfully still, doesn;t move. Excellent job here! He's perfectly lit, while the background is a bit dark. Did you use a flash? Wonderfull job!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 6:18:12 PM

Love this shot. excellent composition here. This kind of photo's needs an excellent timing. Wonderfully done here, my compliments!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Ron Wilson  (K:18362)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:32:53 PM

Haha, you caught this one right at a good moment! Really lovley shot, this needs some great time ing. The reflection in the water is wonderfull, nice picture. And like every good picture need, an excellent composition!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:20:07 PM

Haha, nice job. Ive got a friend of mine who can do this to, it looks really nice in one picture. Excellent job!!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Heath Bennett  (K:427)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:18:57 PM

Waow, this picture is going to my favorites! I really like the shot, the hard contrast in it. The blue sky with the clouds, the metal reflecting the sunlight. The dunes creating a wonderfull shadowplay. Excellent job. Wonderfull composition!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Heath Bennett  (K:427)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:04:12 PM

Sorry about putting my comment up 4 times, but my computer said that it wasn't uploaded :p sorry my mistake!
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:03:27 PM

Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:03:03 PM

Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:02:53 PM

Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 2:02:47 PM

Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 1:59:57 PM

Hi Hogu, bedankt voor je comment, hoop dat je me nog iets meer kunt vertellen over het straatlicht. Hoe kun je dat dan precies weg krijgen (als je wilt kun je me e-mailen alvast bedankt want het was een hele handige comment!

As for this picture, wonderfull colours. I like the needle standing not straight, almost like has to be this way. The trees are forming a nice natural frame. The top of the picture has a wonderfull blue colour, but the bottom of the picture is almost overlight of something. Don't exactly know what it is.. But overall still a wonderfull picture! Compliments!

Cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: L B.  (K:13965)  
1/22/2006 1:55:43 PM

Hi Jose, wonderfull picture, love the colours and the silhouwetes of the trees at the foreground. Excellent job!

cheers, Lex.
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

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