Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 6:18:12 PM
Love this shot. excellent composition here. This kind of photo's needs an excellent timing. Wonderfully done here, my compliments!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Ron Wilson
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:32:53 PM
Haha, you caught this one right at a good moment! Really lovley shot, this needs some great time ing. The reflection in the water is wonderfull, nice picture. And like every good picture need, an excellent composition!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:20:07 PM
Haha, nice job. Ive got a friend of mine who can do this to, it looks really nice in one picture. Excellent job!!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Heath Bennett
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:18:57 PM
Waow, this picture is going to my favorites! I really like the shot, the hard contrast in it. The blue sky with the clouds, the metal reflecting the sunlight. The dunes creating a wonderfull shadowplay. Excellent job. Wonderfull composition!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Heath Bennett
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:04:12 PM
Sorry about putting my comment up 4 times, but my computer said that it wasn't uploaded :p sorry my mistake!
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:03:27 PM
Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:03:03 PM
Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:02:53 PM
Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 2:02:47 PM
Woaaw, this is a briljant picture! Really really nice, the runner has become a silhouwet wich is briljant. I like the composition of the bridge with the snow on it. The tracks in the snow left behind by people, excellent. Love the snow falling at the streetlights. Excellent job, my compliments! a 7+
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 1:59:57 PM
Hi Hogu, bedankt voor je comment, hoop dat je me nog iets meer kunt vertellen over het straatlicht. Hoe kun je dat dan precies weg krijgen (als je wilt kun je me e-mailen lex_bronk@hotmail.com) alvast bedankt want het was een hele handige comment!
As for this picture, wonderfull colours. I like the needle standing not straight, almost like has to be this way. The trees are forming a nice natural frame. The top of the picture has a wonderfull blue colour, but the bottom of the picture is almost overlight of something. Don't exactly know what it is.. But overall still a wonderfull picture! Compliments!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Hugo de Wolf
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/22/2006 1:55:43 PM
Hi Jose, wonderfull picture, love the colours and the silhouwetes of the trees at the foreground. Excellent job!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/20/2006 9:55:38 AM
Again a wonderfull poem. you caught a really really dramatic shot here. Making the man at the ground lighter than the man walking creates an extra demention wich is really working for me. Some kind of light shoots out of the white thing on the ground. Excellent B&W shot, briljant scene!!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Larry Monserate Piojo
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/20/2006 9:53:06 AM
Woaawww, wonderfull picture, and a lovley poem! The colours in the picture are briljant, the pink reflection in the water is just so lovley. Looking at you're portfolio was like digging up a gold mine ;-) Just soo many wonderfull shots, you take briljant B&W shots! Fantastic!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Larry Monserate Piojo
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/19/2006 8:18:43 PM
Hi Greg, i think ive seen a lot of pictures from this lake, but everytime it gets more to perfection :-) Of course there all really wonderfull in there way, but i seem to like them more and more. This b&w has a lot of dramatic elements in it wich i really like. It looks like something catastophic is going to happen. Excellent job!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/19/2006 2:40:38 PM
Briljant picture! I really like the composition with the human standing at the left and the clouds rushing in. Wonderfull job! I wonder how you got the colours this way, becose this isn;t just B&W... Really hope you can tell me what effect you used to creat this. Excellent picture 7+
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Kadir Erten &kadoo
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/19/2006 2:28:01 PM
Hi hugo, i like this landscape/ cityscape. The wonderfull mountain at the background, excellent job! Great composition with the city at the left and the mountain in mist on the right. The picture is a small stroke, i like that, that makes you focus on the important parts only. Excellent job! (as usual!)
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Hugo de Wolf
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/19/2006 2:24:47 PM
Hi Hugo, Breath taking picture, really superb shot! The colours are wonderfull and the reflection in the water is almost perfect, maybe a little more sharp. But i don;t know if thats possible :P I love this picture, the clouds around the mountain are so wonderfull. Excellent job, briljant!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Hugo de Wolf
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/15/2006 10:53:14 PM
Wonderfull scene here! The composition is briljant, the leaves taking the sunlight away, and forming a natural frame for the picture, briljant! The reflection in the water is wonderfull. But there is something not good but i don;t know why.. There is some noise, or its not quite sharp at the top of the building... Still it remains a wonderfull picture, great job!
cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Asim Roy
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/15/2006 10:50:28 PM
I really like this one! The water drops are looking really really nice on the leaf! This one is a perfect shot for the new photoproject, patterns of nature! Maybe there could have been i tighter crop, but this way is also really works for me!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: sanjeev jain
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/13/2006 1:15:48 AM
I just dropped by and got stuck with my eyes in youre porfolio becose you have such wonderfull detail and macro shots! really wonderfull
Well youre D2X makes quite sharp pictures, no doubt about that, the DOF in this picture is wonderfull, the eyes and forehead are excellent sharp, and his neckless already blurry, really wonderfull. I love the cat's eyes, excellent job!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: SarahM none
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/13/2006 1:03:09 AM
Waow, this one is just magic! The sun comming trough the trees really a fantastic composition. Well shot! It gives me some kind of magic feeling witch is really nice. It has something from fairy tales. Really great!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Neil Niamh White
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 11:12:47 PM
Waoww, dit is ook weer echt een plaatje :-). De kleuren zijn perfect, soft en rustig. De weerspiegeling van de lucht in het water ziet er echt super uit. Zo'n hele groep met vogels zorgt ervoor dat het oog van links naar rechts word genomen, en dat het niet saai word. Dat is hier echt prachtig gevonden.
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Richard Marks
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 11:10:42 PM
Hey Richard, dit is echt een pracht plaatje! De oranje wind molen steekt echt prachtig af tegen de helder blauwe lucht. De slierten van wolken die er voorbij trekken geven de lucht een extra demensie. De lijst die je eromheen hebt gezet creerd een luchtige sfeer, heel erg mooi geheel. Super werk!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Richard Marks
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 1:58:34 PM
Im jealous of you becose you live in such a wonderfull country (and/or make such beautifull pictures) NZ has so many different faces. Here: wonderfull water, but still the great green hill behind it. Excellent composition, but i have the idea that its not totally sharp, there is something strange about it. Not quite sure wat... The reflection is wonderfull. Maybe its something with the camera, or do you still make pictures with it. Maybe it would be nice to go back to this spot and take a new serie of photos. Check how you would do it now, becose the scene is BRILJANT!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 1:53:08 PM
Im amazed that i have never seen this one, becose the colours in this picture are really wonderfull. The shot could have been a bit bigger, becose it has so much to offer. Probably you have a really close cut, to bad. Im not quite sure if its sharp, but i belive the middle is! I like the background with the one mountain top, the blue green colours are just excellent!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 1:49:06 PM
Oeps, im a bit tired.. i ment 'GATE WAY TO GREENER PASTURES' that one really impressed me, and i put it to my favorites. forgive me!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 1:44:59 PM
Congrats on the BIP award. I looked back at page 1 of youre portfolio and saw some amazing field shots just like this. With a fench and at both sides another colour. really wonderfull there too! ( i though the name was 'over the hill and far' I have put it to my favorites ;-))
this one really fits the new project, the parrerns in the grass are excellent! The fench cutting it in two from left to right, i really like that, it gives the image something extra. The thick fuzzy cloud above the hill is wonderfull, hope you get back here and make some more shots, (maybe with a red sky from the sunset!)
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 1:40:49 PM
Hi Greg, i've been off for a while (too bad from my side) becose i see i've mist a lot of wonderfull pictures from youre side.
This one for example.. really really fantastic job. The light reflections on the water are briljant. I love the background colours and the low angle is superb. The mountains look really nice, this picture really encougage me to go to NZ once, becose its really like a fairytale. Wonderfull!
Cheers, Lex
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 12:11:18 AM
Briljant! Simply briljant, i really really like this shot! The B&W are fantastic, they make this picture work for me. The big line leading towards the back of the car is excellent, really a briljant picture! My compliments!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Giulio Rotelli
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
1/12/2006 12:09:09 AM
Wonderull picture, really like the lines and the contrast in this one. The quite water and its colour looks really really nice under the boat. Excellent picture.!
Cheers, Lex.
Photo By: Mohamed Banna