Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/23/2005 4:08:47 PM
Hi Jose, a wonderfull picture, like this shot. Like youre last one, artist are wonderfull on film!
greets, Lex.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/23/2005 4:01:18 PM
Wonderfull shot! The strings are excellent sharp and the composition is amazing! Really really nice job! Just a superb shot for the 'alternate perspective' project! Excellent job, compliments again.
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Jani Salvataggio
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/23/2005 3:59:56 PM
Hi Jani, nice to hear from you again! I just wrote that youre english isn't really good. Well you can speak german to me to, becose it can read that really well to! Ich spreche keine german, aber ich kan es wel lesen oder so :-p! Well wat i wanted to say is, the picture is really really nice! I really like the light comming trough it! Superb colours and a really really nice detail in the picture! My compliments!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Jani Salvataggio
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/23/2005 3:50:20 PM
Again a really nice abstract picture Rafael! The light spot in the middle really adds something, good work! I always like youre abstract ideas, excellent!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/22/2005 8:17:05 PM
Hi Jose, again a wonderfull shot here! There is so much joy speaking from the picture that i really love it! The guitar is excellent, wonderfull smiles, and they really seem to like it all. Excellent composition and wonderfull people caught in the shot! My compliments.
greets, Lex.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/22/2005 8:15:13 PM
I really like this one, this peacefull picture. So much silence speaking out of the shot that it's wonderfull! The yellow field is amazing, the soft cloudy sky, and the nice blue sky. Excellent. Really good good job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Bob Aldridge
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/22/2005 8:13:33 PM
Hi Bob, Wonderfull picture here, again. The colours are a bit soft, but that is just nice! I like the orange in the flower, wonderfull detail there. At my opinion the background could have been a bit more blurry, but that's just me. So no hard feelings becose it is still an amainzg shot overall! Really nice job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Bob Aldridge
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/22/2005 2:23:32 PM
Good shot, nice moving object. This is tecnically a very difficult shot from a driving car! but you have done it nicely. Good Job!
greets, lex.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/21/2005 5:16:28 PM
Joe, please critic on my pictures, cause that is where im learing from the most, so thanks for the usefull comment!
As for this picture, the composition is really nice. I like the sea, the floading water, but 'frozen' on the picture is really good. Although i must agree with Saqib, the foreground is a bit too dark, a little longer shutterspeed would be good! But overall still a wonderfull picture, compliments!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Joe Teng
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/19/2005 6:26:45 AM
This one is really amazing! The blue colours in the picture are so fantastic. The fisherman is busy but there is nothing else to notice. that makes you focus right away on him. Excellent job, there is some sort of silence and peace comming off this shot, Superb work, really really nice!
greets, Lex.
Photo By: Mark Julian
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/19/2005 6:24:22 AM
Wonderfull shot! this really is an unique shot! Good job.. The blurry background, and the people there are wonderfull, becose you see them both from behind you actualy get the feeling something is happening there. Wonderfull job.
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Mark Julian
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/19/2005 6:20:25 AM
Hi Jose, i like this one! There is a lot happening in the picture, the colours are good and the composition is wonderfull! I like the 'moving' weels, gives a wonderfull effect to the picture! My compliments.
greets, lex.
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 5:38:05 PM
Amazing. You can actualy see the stars in the sky, and still there is such a mystical light just above the horizon. Almost like there are two pictures combined togheter. Wonderfull, the anchor at the foreground. Such an amazing picture, the colours, the softness, the composition, overall i think it is a 7. Just briljant, i think the ranting now is just too low.
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Joe Teng
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 4:37:12 PM
I was looking trough youre portfolio and i must say that you have some really really nice pictures there! This is youre latest one, and it is really nice. The soft colours and the wonderfull composition make it a superb picture. The background really fits in, makes it a peacefull shot. I am unsure what to think about the dark spots around it, but i think it great, becose it makes you focus on the mainsubject, the trunk. Excellent job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Joe Teng
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 8:01:55 AM
Waooow, i really like this shot. Amazing composition and really really nice colours. There aren't too many colours witch is great, makes the photo serious and dramatic. The lower point of view is wonderfull, makes the light fall trough the leaves and makes the background, the blue and cloudy sky, an original one! I like the little yellow band in the flower, excellent job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 7:58:12 AM
Congrads on youre 'BIP' award! It is on his right place here, this picture is excellent. The B&W choice is fantastic, i like this one more than the colourd version you put up, simply becose this B&W one brings more drama more emotion to the picture. The hanging tree, the mainsubject, looks really nice in B&W, this all agains the soft and moody background, the soft sky, Excellent job, my compliments!!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 7:55:49 AM
Hi Greg, i see i mist some serious action here! This one is amazing. The deep blue colours are fantastic. The colours in the sky, superb. Really nice job, it is just perfect. The blue reflection in the water is really really nice to! Compliments my friend.
Greets, Lex
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 7:53:37 AM
Aahhh, just wonderfull, becose there is some sort of white mist hanging over it the feeling of softly sleeping is extra strong, witch is excellent. She looks really cute laying there! Dreaming like a little cute princes! Excellent job, my compliments.
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 7:48:23 AM
Hi Rafael, there is a lot of PS work done here. The effect is quite unusual, and becose of that, nice! Really creative abstract shot, wonderfull job here!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/18/2005 7:46:47 AM
Hello Rafael! I really like this picture, so simple and so effective. The colour orange is excellent and indeed as you say, the word is used for many things. It caught me becose i have a picture uploaded called 'orange' too! Funny!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 6:29:51 PM
Wonderfull, just wonderfull. You achieved this shot very very well, compliments. The choice of B&W here is superb, it is excellent sharp and fantastic in detail. Really amazing shot, i really really like it! Nice to see the fingers around the cute little feed. Gives some peacefull and 'safe' feeling to the picture. Also some softness, but most safety, like: 'nothing can happen becose i'm here'! Really really nice job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 6:26:35 PM
Waow, i really like this one! Becose it was in colour, and most of youre photos are B&W this one just jumpt into me. The colours in this picture are really really nice, and so it is a really good choice to hold it colour! The background is nice straight and i really like the smiling family in the grass. The grass has a superb colour, and i like the detail you can see in the grass. Amazing shot, really really great job!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 4:41:50 PM
Hi Rafael, not heard from you in a long time. How are you doing? This picture looks really nice, wonderfull cake, i really like the candles on it, to bad the number of candles didn't match, but like it is still a wonderfull picture. A shot of her face would have been nice to, a happy smile! The ps work is excellent, makes it look like some sort of painting! And at last: Happy Birthday to her!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 3:21:07 PM
Hey Teunis, lang niks van je gehoort? Geen tijd meer voor comments :P? Dit is weer een prachtige foto, maar sinds wanneer ben je overgestapt naar digitaal? Dit is in ieder geval een top plaatje! De kleuren zijn heel mooi en de scherpte is om van te houden! Prachtige details en ik vind de strak blauwe hemel op de achtergrond echt fantastisch bij de rest van het plaatje passen, wederom mijn complimenten, ik hoop ook ooit dit niveau te bereiken :-)!
Groeten, Lex.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 3:18:26 PM
Waoww, this is really an amazing shot! The lightplay on the water is briljant! I really like the choice of B&W, it makes the picture more softly while there is so mutch emotion, really nice! The tree plumes comming out of the water really add's something to the picture, gives you something to look at, really nice job! Compliments!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Laurie Gould
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 3:15:46 PM
Wonderfull imgage! Great colourplay and excellent composition!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Pedro P. Palma
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/16/2005 3:12:51 PM
Really nice picture. The choice of B&W in this picture is excellent! The depth and the composition is briljant! I Really like the shadowplay from the trees on the field, excellent job! My compliments on this work!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Tony Smallman
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/15/2005 8:18:51 PM
An amazing shot, the composition is excellent. The brown colours gives some 'old' feeling to the picture. The pictures self looks kind of old to, that feeling is given trough to the viewer, really wonderfull. The glasses give the feeling there was hapening something a few seconds ago witch is wonderfull! My compliments on this extreme great work!
greets, Lex.
Photo By: soul 21
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/15/2005 8:16:25 PM
Woaw, i really like this picture! The choice of B&W is excellent. Gives some great emotion to the picture! The light twinkling at the water is wonderfull. I like the person standing there! Excellent composition and wonderfull picture!
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: soul 21
Critique By:
L B. (K:13965)
6/12/2005 8:26:16 AM
Wonderfull shot and a more than wonderfull poem. You really got talent for wrighting! the poem really really fits the picture, when i saw the picture i immidiatly got a 'slowmotion' chilling feeling. Wonderfull how you combine the two! As for the picture, it is a wonderfull quite landscape shot with a nice blue quite sky, wonderfull. I think you used a little bit PS, to make the constrast higher.. (or im wrong) but that could have been kept a little lower i think, now there is a white mask hanging over the picture. But no hard feelings, becose it is still a Wonderfull shot and a Fantastic poem!!! My compliments.
Greets, Lex.
Photo By: Quix Photography