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Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/15/2004 8:28:19 PM

Great image Leonardo. I like the way you have come close to the cobble stones for emphasis there. Interesting that you use HP5+ this is quite a fast film for the situation.
Very nice result, congratulations.
        Photo By: Leo Clinquart  (K:902)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/13/2004 1:21:18 AM

Ahaaah you use the PMK! Yes I know it but I have not used it before. Upon your recommendation, I must try!
The 4x5" sheet film development is very easy. I use 6"x5" plastic trays in the dark (cost 1 Euro each). One each for - developer, stop bath and fixer and washer. Chemicals the same as 35m or med format. Easy!! :-)))

BTW have I told you about the website May be interesting for you G. It would be nice to see you there!
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/13/2004 1:09:50 AM

Ciao Giuliao, yes - LF is quite different.
Some good info about lenses ... ml . There are many good second hand lenses. Film holder, lupe, etc are cheap!
For me the 35mm is on the shelf with dust and LF is my fun.
Today is becomming yesterday, and tomorrow is today ;-).
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/12/2004 12:20:21 AM

Ahhhh beauty!! This image glows! Love it.
How is the large format coming ;-) ?
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/12/2004 12:11:45 AM

Immaculate as always . Congratulations, regards, John
        Photo By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/11/2004 5:16:34 AM

Hope this is your girlfriend ;-)
It's lovely, very well capatured, regards John.
        Photo By: Diego Ruggiero  (K:10659)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/11/2004 4:48:36 AM

Really like this Hugh. Actually many of your images shown here, but this one happens to stand out for me, regards, John.
        Photo By: Hugh Hill  (K:1618)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/11/2004 4:31:19 AM

Ahh - real beauty Salvo. The bird really makes the image. regards, John.
        Photo By: Salvo Valenti  (K:17038)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/11/2004 3:46:46 AM

Lovely image, you've captured very well.

But you need to come even further 'downunder' - the sunsets may even be better )

ps. thank you for your comment, I enjoy all of your work. very creative Emgy, John.
        Photo By: Emgy Massidda  (K:60358)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/11/2004 3:29:37 AM

Good photo. Very noticeable Tony. caio John.
        Photo By: Tony Diana  (K:13396)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/10/2004 4:19:58 AM

Excellent. Love it.
        Photo By: elfi kaut  (K:87)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/10/2004 4:10:23 AM

This one I like even more. Excellent - satisfies my love of abstracts. Regards, John.
        Photo By: Efisio Mureddu  (K:13104) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/8/2004 10:39:55 PM

Ahh the thoughtfulness of your photography goes back a long time Giuliano. The agony of young adult guys is universal, and you touch a chord with many. 'tis very good work I think. It must be something caught in front of the camera with large feelings from behind the camera - no? :-)
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/6/2004 3:05:15 AM

Ehi he - you are becomming a star Giuliano!
Congratulations for your best comment award.
all the best,
BTW I love this photo.
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/4/2004 1:54:43 AM

Hello Chris. Really enjoy this image. Very nice, best regards, John.
        Photo By: Chris Hunter  (K:25634)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/3/2004 8:41:59 PM

ehi he. I often enjoy your point of view.
You have been creative .
regards, John
        Photo By: Efisio Mureddu  (K:13104) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/3/2004 8:24:27 PM

Ha ha - lovely photo. regards John
        Photo By: Dr. Thomas Krebs  (K:1376)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/3/2004 4:20:09 AM

Ciao Aira - as always you make such original images, with imagination.

p.s. don't listen to that Giuliano. His is the flatterer ;-)

        Photo By: Aira Manna  (K:11187)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
8/3/2004 3:27:30 AM

ehi Hello Giuliano!

You have been busy! And of course with the talent for using the tools, the light and such imagination! Wonderful.

all the best, John.
No holiday, but I wish
There is a description for you .....
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/21/2004 10:20:24 PM

Very nicely seen snapshot of life. Really enjoy it. Only wish for a little more detail in the highlights, but you certainly were limited by the film used and scanning required to present here. I have enjoyed viewing your whole portfolio, (and am a Nina Simone fan myself as well).
I notice that you have a particular interest in traditional B&W film Dr. Kreb. It may be of interest to you to view the website
Best regards, John McC.
        Photo By: Dr. Thomas Krebs  (K:1376)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/14/2004 9:58:20 PM

Very good. I like it a lot.
        Photo By: Maleonn   (K:3054)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/12/2004 2:57:16 AM

No no - leave it! Only add Large Format :-)
        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/8/2004 10:52:18 PM

Guess maybe I'm qualified
This is v nice shot. I like very much the way you've seen the cloud, and I think it's well framed. There is lots of zone vii (as us consv types might call it) but that seems to work well, and given the red filter this perhaps was your intention. Perhaps a little more detail here might be an advantage. But good, all the best John.
        Photo By: Rebecca Raybon  (K:26654)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/8/2004 10:32:21 PM

Yes! Love your imagination Aira.
        Photo By: Aira Manna  (K:11187)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/8/2004 12:47:17 AM

Sincere appologies for any offense caused by my reference to wool and knitting needles, Mark. Certainly none was intended, but re-reading my comment it does come across as flippent. It was just *my* guess at what was the orig subject, if that's wrong - well it's me that looks silly eh?
Generally, in my experience one could be irked by a comment that seems insincere or cynical (in particular). But I'm not this way by nature :-), and most certainly not about other people photography.
        Photo By: Mark  - MarkMedia -  (K:1062) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/7/2004 10:51:11 PM

Very good. like it a lot.
        Photo By: Mark  - MarkMedia -  (K:1062) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/7/2004 10:37:57 PM

Mark, I guess my question is a door to the debate that many digital photographers are faced with from time to time. And it is understandable that you would be sensitive to the possible suggestion by anyone, that your artistic work could be construed as 'not photography'.
I summise from your reading your happy and honest comment on my image that you thought I was having a dig at you, and you've returned the favour. I wasn't.
My question to you was serious. I *was* interested to know the answer (I am no longer).
        Photo By: Mark  - MarkMedia -  (K:1062) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/7/2004 8:17:03 PM

Ha ha - yes very good. I guess it was a ball of wool and knitting needles before.

My question is: Would you call this a photograph now?
        Photo By: Mark  - MarkMedia -  (K:1062) Donor

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/7/2004 8:14:31 PM

So good Murat - as always. regards from John.
        Photo By: Murat Harmanlikli  (K:7846)

Critique By: John McCallum  (K:1856)  
7/6/2004 11:07:34 PM

You never offend when honest, my friend :-) J.
        Photo By: Efisio Mureddu  (K:13104) Donor

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