Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/14/2006 9:24:01 AM
Thanks... she's in now in Via Condotti... shopping!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
1/14/2006 8:51:10 AM
MARVELOUS simple and great.. the mode and fashion.. i like it also the psoe and the contrast! cheers roby
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
1/14/2006 8:48:17 AM
..wonderful tender and lovely.. plato have a so intiamte expression.. i like it roby
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
1/14/2006 8:47:39 AM
MONTE CERVINO.. arealy double fantastic show for the italinan part and switzerland part.. but also for all the world.. have a nice week end roby
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
1/14/2006 8:46:29 AM
hello Ivan.. i see many your photo also the "dog series" is so big, this family are so tender ,also i have looked that the S: BERNARDO are a closed monastair and the save-dog are cancelled.-.

Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Kanwarpreet Singh (K:1868)
1/14/2006 5:41:48 AM
Hehe. Nice shot. Nice portrait. 
Regards. kp
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
1/13/2006 10:04:53 AM
very great capture and a wonderful image ,very plesent details and contrast here ,wishing you all of the best my friend .
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/13/2006 12:35:24 AM
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Sergio M. Cameno (K:7856)
1/13/2006 12:09:04 AM
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Iván!
Pues hiciste muy bien. Cuesta mucho resistirse una vez que has "visto" una foto. Por cierto, te ha quedado estupenda, seguro que mucho mejor que la que estaba haciendo él .
Un saludo...ah! y sí que vi algo más en Ámsterdam, los escaparates están muy chulos (y no hablo de tiendas...).
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/12/2006 4:36:20 AM
No me hables de la dichosa gripe del pollo.. aqui el 90% de la poblacion tiene gallinas en casa con lo cual la situacion es realmente acojonante... Plan de contingencia? Darle todas las pechugas y huevos que tenemos en la nevera a mis perrillas y en caso de que el virus mute de humano a humano pues eso.. a rezar!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
1/12/2006 2:45:49 AM
Por cierto cuidado con esos virus que andan por Turquía.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
1/12/2006 2:44:34 AM
Jajaja pues la voy a hacer por mis narices, te pongas como te pongas. Dicho y hecho. Y para haberla hecho bajo presión está impresionante. Parece que te has pegado horas haciendo fotos para pillar la expresión perfecta. Muy bueno el comentario de guili, pero yo añado ...y descomer. Un abrazote Ivan
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
SAM (K:1503)
1/11/2006 8:07:34 PM
So CUTE! Great photo Ivan. SAM
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Oui Lee (K:3238)
1/11/2006 2:02:30 PM
jaja, lo mejor el contenido de esos barriles. no te habrás llevado uno de estos a turquía no? como tiene que comer un bicho de esos!! jejej
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
1/11/2006 1:12:16 PM
I think the little one is whispering to them not to listen ha ha a lovely picture ivan .best wishes nessa
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Deleted Member (K:7533)
1/11/2006 12:53:55 PM
very good composition so nice congr my friend
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/11/2006 10:11:50 AM
What can I say Linda... I prefer dogs to people... they never dissapoint.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Linda Mac Donald (K:1892)
1/11/2006 5:30:03 AM
This is a great shot Ivan. I love the detail and the close crop. You do wonderful with your dog photo's. I love them
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Linda Mac Donald (K:1892)
1/11/2006 5:19:12 AM
I love this photo! I love the story as well. They are just to cute to resist I agree. Theses adorable dogs need a new master!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
r u t h d r io (K:4339)
1/11/2006 4:36:05 AM
muy chula Iván...aunque no lo acabo de entender no se si por el inglés o que. No te dejaba sacarles una foto con tu propia cámara?? pero que mas le da al g....ollas, no se, igual no es eso lo que decías. Me encantan los modelos, lo que me parece una crueldad es el atrezzo de gafas de sol al pobrecito de en medio ( tiene cara de star hasta los huevos de que su dueño lo someta a este tipo de estupideces...pobreciiito )
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Marco Maresca (K:14418)
1/11/2006 3:43:58 AM
Great capture!!! Splendid!!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Nadia Stanke (K:5318)
1/11/2006 3:39:26 AM
Wow, yes, what a beautiful dog. There is something about her, isn't there! I think she really does look 'mature'. Maybe it's partly the lack of a tail (showing, at least). Her legs remind me of a llama! A very beautiful face though. Well done.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Nadia Stanke (K:5318)
1/11/2006 3:34:45 AM
Haha, very funny story, thanks for that )
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/11/2006 3:24:09 AM
Thanks Nadia... I agree with you.. unfortunately right next to the puppy there was a swiss guy waving obscene gestures at me forbidding me from shooting his dogs. Nein Nein Nein!!! He had to be cropped out. He was picturing them with skiers and with the Matterhorn as a background. Very nice. I asked the guy to let me take a pic of the dogs with my own camera and I would pay anyway... he emphatically refused... I had no option but steal the pic... what to do? they were too cute. As a result of this pic I had the chance to learn how to say f*** off in german-swiss...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Len Webster (K:25714)
1/11/2006 3:18:00 AM
'Nature's drama' indeed! This is a fantastic shot, Ivan. The classical mountain peak.
Best wishes, Len
(The shape is reminiscent of the magical hat in 'Harry Potter'!)
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Nadia Stanke (K:5318)
1/11/2006 3:15:13 AM
Very good portrait indeed, very well done Ivan.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
1/11/2006 3:14:06 AM
La vida son cuatro dias... y yo ya llevo mas de dos...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Nadia Stanke (K:5318)
1/11/2006 3:11:11 AM
A very endearing capture Ivan! Oh, and I only just realised the centre dog is wearing sunnies! Great shot. Was there a bit more of acceptable fore/background on the left of the original? The crop feels a little too tight near the smallest doggie. Great work.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
1/11/2006 3:02:58 AM
Como vivimos algunos....
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
1/11/2006 3:00:51 AM
Jajaja, está posando como una modelo, así da gusto. Genial la camiseta talla XXL. Un abrazo
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez