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Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 5:08:05 PM

una regadera????
que poco glamour...
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 4:19:44 PM

Si senor... profundidad de campo, angulo, hasta la vibracion del bus podemos sentir en esta imagen...
Cuando nos empezaras a mostrar a tus amigos de la guerrilla maoista? O esas las guardas para venderlas a TIME?
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 4:15:13 PM

Asi me gusta... que siempre estes buscando locations interesantes. Te aseguro que las duchas del Four Seasons dan mucho menos juego...
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 3:50:51 PM

Osea que es en Madrid donde se te encuentra?
El resto de la panda andan desperdigados no? Willy en Barna y Ruth?
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 2:45:14 PM

Gayle... for a reason that I dont really understand there is some kind of nasty virus running amongst my friends that forces them to get married and have babies like hamsters...

This one is a pic from a wedding here in Istanbul. I did not bring my camera to the one last week in San Sebastian which in retrospect was a very good idea, I was off my face most of the time and it would have been nearly impossible to focus.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 2:42:59 PM

Lo siento pero a tu boda, si me invitas, ire sin camara. No pienso pasarme la velada preocupado por la iluminacion y las ASA mientras todos vosotros os poneis morados de canapes...

Sorry man...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 2:41:04 PM

Tu composicion es tan buena que, falto de palabras he acabado por fijarme en la textura de la sombra (lo cual, si lo piensas, es bien triste...)
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 2:37:37 PM

Espectacular... ahora bien, te imaginas lo que esta foto seria si hubieses incluido a Pirri (o incluso a Villy) corriendo tras una oveja?

        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/29/2005 2:27:01 PM


As a man, photographer, and someone that never chop heads, I like this picture.

Viewer's eyes go to the right places, granted, there is always room for improvement but it seems improvement is an unlikely to come from Agus mum as it will from you.

I agree with Judi.. rules? bah!...
        Photo By: gus tinov  (K:419)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/28/2005 5:45:12 PM

Intentalo.. pon cara de mala leche y ya veras como nadie te dice nada...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/28/2005 3:10:00 PM

Me lo veo venir... Caida en plancha, ni#o llorando, madre histerica... muy tipico del verano.
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/27/2005 9:13:40 AM

Strange... I went to see if that red neck's ass was worth kissing only to find that he had dissapeared, vanished... imploded!

A nice example that we should encourage others to follow.

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 11:27:13 AM

Hay de todo en esta foto, si senor... las bicicletas, motos, chiquillos trabajando (pongamoslo mejor, ayudando en casa), el cartel de la academia de informatica... pero lo mejor? la sonrisa del ni#o y su graciosa postura.
Say Gucccccci!!!!!

        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 11:23:04 AM

Como dice el refran: Moses is Moses, Business is business...

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 6:23:44 AM

Mira.. mira...
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 6:12:00 AM

The plea of Istanbul dogs in winter... You've captured a great, intimate moment. I love the way the snow flakes hang there in the air. Very atmospheric.
        Photo By: Oral Erlat  (K:1930) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 6:09:56 AM

Very very nice... great angle and choice of tones.
        Photo By: Oral Erlat  (K:1930) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2005 6:08:40 AM

Agree.. Hasankeyf should be saved, but not only from the rising waters, also from the hordes of tourist buses that crowd the place turning it into a dump of garbage on weekends.
I was there about months ago and it was sad to see a site of such beauty turned into the worlds biggest open air mangal!
        Photo By: Oral Erlat  (K:1930) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2005 4:34:29 PM

Y estos son probadores de leche verdad?
La verdad es que, quizas de un modo subconsciente, has puesto de enfasis las manos de estos hombres...
La has bordado.
Por cierto, la inscripción en sáncrito escrita en el muro de atras dice: Asturias patria querida...
Que cosas...
        Photo By: lourdes de rioja  (K:62)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2005 10:29:07 AM

Many more mountains to climb for this one...
Great job.
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2005 10:19:19 AM

Fantastica composicion, si se#or!... cualquiera que haya estado en India recordara con nostalgia no solo esas caras, sino la silueta del Ambassador. Genial.
        Photo By: lourdes de rioja  (K:62)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2005 10:18:50 AM

Desde luego, los espanoles nos hemos vuelto unos pijos que da asco... cada vez que intento convencer a mis amigos para ir a India de road trip me salen con que esta todo muy sucio, la comida es un asco y encima lleno de vacas por todas partes...

Cuando oigo eso, lo unico que hago es recordar que el verano pasado casi me mato al chocar mi moto con un rebano de cabras en Galicia.

Sin comentarios...
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2005 10:15:06 AM

Me queda claro que la banda sonora de vuestras reuniones de familia no debe de ser otra que los click de vuestras camaras...

Por cierto, fabulosa la trama detras de la foto... agarra la película "Closer" en video, algo me dice que te sonara a algo...

Un saludo

        Photo By: lourdes de rioja  (K:62)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/22/2005 4:03:36 AM

.. that's a pretty good story already...

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2005 3:36:47 PM

Hey Kike...
Nada, yo alli sentado delante, con la camara baja disimulando...
Si se despierta el menda no quiero ni pensar la de improperios... y el de la derecha.. bueno, ese estaba demasiado ocupado chequeando online el mercado de diamantes de Antwerp como para percatarse de mi...
Un abrazo Kike.. veo que no estas muy productivo tu tampoco!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/15/2005 3:52:41 AM

As I said, economic migration doesn't care for niceties.
And now.. off to some wonderful mountains indeed.. the Pyrinees (go google if in need :-))
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/14/2005 3:05:31 PM

Yes, I must admit that America's landscape is very photogenic, unfortunately I dont see what America's lakes, mountains and rainbows have to do with the country's vulnerabilities in almost every aspect of social policy, that at the end of the day should REALLY be what governments should be measured by...

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/14/2005 5:43:57 AM

Economic migrants, Bradley, are hardly the barometer by which you should measure how nice, or not nice a country is. People look for a better future in your country because, in theirs, the situation is perceived to be much worse.
I guess you will agree with me Saudi Arabia's 6-million foreign workers dont choose the place because is "a pretty great place to live"...

        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/13/2005 10:06:54 AM

I could give you, Bradley, my very intelligent friend, a thousand examples where the passive act of permission by a head of state or legislator is interpreted as an act of encouragement.
I could give you Bradley, a thousand and one reasons why most of the world looks at you and your country in disbelief.. and I assure you.. nobody is laughing.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/13/2005 9:50:29 AM

Hi Gayle... yes.. this is where I live. And hey!! the plastic cup is essential.. turkish coffee!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

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