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Critique By: Marcelo Sestren  (K:177)  
9/23/2006 12:31:02 PM

Sorry... later I can see you are from Turkey. Congrats anyway!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Marcelo Sestren  (K:177)  
9/23/2006 12:27:38 PM

Que bom ver um brasileiro na primeira pagina do Usefilm. Ainda mais postando uma fotografia com excelente composição e que nao tem nada a ver com o "cartoon like" que parece dominar a preferência. Grande foto... parabéns Ivan!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor  
9/22/2006 5:54:03 AM

Estimado Ivan,
He llegado a tu galeria gracias a Armando Alcazar, quien se ha auto-asigando como tu agente representante.
No se como me he perdido de tus trabajos, pero bueno, al fin te encuentro.
Que es esto, una pelea de perros o un encuentro inesperado?
Bueno amigo, te insto a continuar con tu trabajo fotografico.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/21/2006 7:24:08 PM

LoL! I LOVE the "He-Who-Cannot-Be-Named" pseudonym!! You keep up the good work with the rescue raids . . . and be careful.

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 7:01:22 PM

Well.. he-who-cannot-be-named decided to alter the content of my about... but anyway.. those are tamperings of the past. All is well now. Life is, again, beautiful.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 6:59:42 PM

of course it will depend on WHICH person... :-)

Actually, forgot to say something... today a couple of us sneaked into the shelter from hell and rescued another couple of critically starved dogs... and a cat!!!!!!

This is starting to look like one of the Animal Liberation Front operations... anyway...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/21/2006 6:58:10 PM

Ok . . . I'm confused about the

"Seems that Mr. Wettig is again tampering with my image... nice Mr. Wettig... nice. "

comment. Care to elaborate?

Doyle I <~~~~~
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/21/2006 6:53:21 PM

I wasn't trying to say that you had made that connection . . . that was responsive to the Paul Lara comment and, in effect, you received it as courtesy since this is your shot. My good friend Gayle's comment too "There is no difference there between a dog or a man." did not sit well with me. While I respect all life and abhor cruelty . . . were I to be forced to save either a person or a puppy from a fire . . . I might just make the choice of choosing the person - see my point? (Of course, that may well depend on WHICH person ) LoL! Just kidding!

Wishing you and all you have activated in this quest the very best of luck!!

Doyle I <~~~~~~
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 5:29:19 PM

Doyle, I did not equate Darfur with animal wellfare, what I said was that they were both situations created by the indifference, callousness.. etc..
You speak wise words and I cannot but aplaude you.
I will just quote my favourite Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi "All things of creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. ... God wants us to help animals, if they need help. Every creature in distress has the same right to be protected". Another favourite of mind is: Fill your hear with compassion ...
Those who try to draw lines, differenciate, and in general find reasons to justify their indifference fall below what I have drawn for myself and my people as basic standards.

On a different subject, in a few days I will post an update of the effect this image and the slide show that accompanied has had on this matter. I cannot but applaud the hundreds of people (in a few days will surely be thousands) that have bombarded that company and the government officials involved with complains.

I cannot tell you exactly to what extent, it will be clearer by the end of the week, but one thing is sure, this time they have made a real difference.


        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Saeed Al Shamsi  (K:47735) Donor  
9/21/2006 4:52:39 PM

Am so glad the related problem calm down, we need a balance for calming the temper.
And Al did it again.. Hope this is not a case to blame any one but to whom close to that shelter to get some help so to see the shelter in name and action.
Thanks to bring this issue.

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/21/2006 2:13:39 PM

Guess I'm old school then . . . somehow I get that Superiority Complex thing that somehow . . . someway . . . human life is more important than animal life. I value all . . . but don't think equating a dog with a human being is a valid point. In fact, it seems to alienate many people who would otherwise support these efforts. A better response might be to say that Darfur is important . . . but isn't in this photojournalistic shot. Just because there are other things to legitimately be upset about doesn't mean that we can't be upset about this image.

That being said . . . a sign of a good photojournalistic image is its ability to move people to action. That's really why the terrorists of the world film their atrocities . . . free publicity! And that will require a degree of passion . . . and this shot moves people to a passionate response . . . It's, sadly, not often that we can't think of a worse situation. But, just because there is a worse situation doesn't excuse all the bad things that are NOT the worst.

It is not by what we love that we will ultimately be judged . . . but by what we detest. Cruelty in any form to living creatures can be added to MY list!

Doyle I <~~~~~

PS: Outstanding (and real) photojournalistic shot! If this type was excluded from permissability . . . then the category should be elimanted. (In my opinion).

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor  
9/21/2006 2:12:44 PM

Guess I'm old school then . . . somehow I get that Superiority Complex thing that somehow . . . someway . . . human life is more important than animal life. I value all . . . but don't think equating a dog with a human being is a valid point. In fact, it seems to alienate many people who would otherwise support these efforts. A better response might be to say that Darfur is important . . . but isn't in this photojournalistic shot. Just because there are other things to legitimately be upset about doesn't mean that we can't be upset about this image.

That being said . . . a sign of a good photojournalistic image is its ability to move people to action. That's really why the terrorists of the world film their atrocities . . . free publicity! And that will require a degree of passion . . . and this shot moves people to a passionate response . . . It's, sadly, not often that we can't think of a worse situation. But, just because there is a worse situation doesn't excuse all the bad things that are NOT the worst.

It is not by what we love that we will ultimately be judged . . . but by what we detest. Cruelty in any form to living creatures can be added to MY list!

Doyle I <~~~~~

PS: Outstanding (and real) photojournalistic shot! If this type was excluded from permissability . . . then the category should be elimanted. (In my opinion).

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: ARMANDO ALCÁZAR  (K:42404)  
9/21/2006 11:14:27 AM

Hermano: finalmente se hizo justicia, pues mostrar una foto de este tipo para que podamos ver cómo estan tratando a seres vivientes y de paso intentar ayudarlos no es de ninguna manera ningun tipo de activismo, eso se llama tener buen corazón y enseñarnos hasta donde puede llegar la crueldad del ser humano.
Thanks to Al for put this pic again in the ivan's portafolio, you are a great guy my friend, God bless you
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/21/2006 9:06:42 AM

Paul Lara: "Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a dog or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage."
~Sri Aurobindo

Also,one important measure of society's humanity is how well we treat animals.....

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)  
9/21/2006 8:32:32 AM

querido Iván, afortunadamente la justicia y la libertad de expresion ganan. esperemos que ademas esto sirva para concienciar a la gente con el maltrato animal.
un abrazo
r u t h
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 6:27:32 AM

Opposite sides of the same coin Paul. A coin called indifference, callousness, selfishness, inhumanity.
Equally upsetting and equally worth fighthing for.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor  
9/21/2006 6:23:11 AM


Darfur. THAT is something to be upset about.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/21/2006 5:02:38 AM

hi,congrats for well deserved award and beautiful image for the new project...wish i was there!
love the subtle whisper of color,reflective light and her position within your framing of shot...
peace and love,gayle
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: In Transit  (K:29432)  
9/21/2006 4:33:15 AM

For: Mr Al Shaikh

Less Said Is Best Said
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 4:18:56 AM

A small victory of freedom of expression and decency against the insensitivity and inaction that plagues our society today.
Thank you Al for your fairness. Thank you Gayle for having stood by me on this. My eventual departure was not important, but making my point across was.
Really thank you for your time, efforts and kindness.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/21/2006 2:41:51 AM

Thank have not only restored an important photo,but my trust in people
best regards,gayle
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: al shaikh  (K:15790) Donor  
9/21/2006 1:56:31 AM

I have reinstated this picture.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: - -  (K:1009)  
9/20/2006 5:22:19 PM

great shot & wonderful reflections

Congratulations : )
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)  
9/20/2006 4:49:21 PM

ueno, una de cal y otra de arena, hoy estas en portada, creo que es buena señal
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: David Walker  (K:1148)  
9/20/2006 3:23:56 PM

Wow, amazing shot the imenseness and mood are stunning. Well earned award.

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Paul's Photos  (K:35235)  
9/20/2006 2:23:36 PM

Excellent image..have not seen the "image" , keep up the passion.. ( reminds me of your VT days! ) good work
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Manu   (K:13082)  
9/20/2006 12:56:27 PM

Great "moment" you have managed to catch here...good color and composition also.


        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Hesham Abouzekry  (K:15927)  
9/20/2006 4:26:16 AM

direct to my favorite.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Sheila Carson  (K:5924)  
9/19/2006 9:10:38 PM

A beautiful portrait. Great composition!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)  
9/19/2006 4:50:43 PM

Bravo! Photography is about PASSION and photojournalism is socially conscious work bringing awareness to the masses...these dogs that are being mistreated in a so-called "neuter-release" shelter in Istanbul,Turkey demonstrates cruelty,ignorance and a lack of respect for living is said that an important measure of a society's humanity is how we treat our have my profound respect for your efforts to document the forced starvation and inhumane treatment of these dogs,for taking food to them and for rescueing those that you was a medium to document and inform the public of current events long before it ever became an artistic expression or visual diary for families...this is one aspect of real life and hopefully we can make a difference to prevent or stop similar in our own areas as well as email the company who sponsors this shelter...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

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