Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
9/19/2006 9:10:38 PM
A beautiful portrait. Great composition!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
9/19/2006 4:50:43 PM
Bravo! Photography is about PASSION and photojournalism is socially conscious work bringing awareness to the masses...these dogs that are being mistreated in a so-called "neuter-release" shelter in Istanbul,Turkey demonstrates cruelty,ignorance and a lack of respect for living creatures...it is said that an important measure of a society's humanity is how we treat our animals...you have my profound respect for your efforts to document the forced starvation and inhumane treatment of these dogs,for taking food to them and for rescueing those that you could...photography was a medium to document and inform the public of current events long before it ever became an artistic expression or visual diary for families...this is one aspect of real life and hopefully we can make a difference to prevent or stop similar in our own areas as well as email the company who sponsors this shelter... peace,gayle
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Stan Ciszek (K:56854)
9/19/2006 3:34:56 PM
Very expressive display my friend, Thank for shering Regards Stan
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/19/2006 3:34:47 PM
Thanks Michelle.. you are obviously an animal lover, please follow this link for a different perspective on the picture.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Michele Carlsen (K:146013)
9/19/2006 3:33:17 PM
Wonderful capture of such a beautiful and large group all together each with their own personalities ! They are too cute !!!
Thank you for sharing , Michele~
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Paul Lara (K:88111)
9/19/2006 2:50:34 AM
Armed with a camera, almost anyone can spread the cause of journalism. Thanks.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
9/19/2006 1:30:53 AM
Jeroen, so what if it's activism? Wouldn't this issue unite rather than divide? Who will protect these defenseless creatures, if not us - a united global community, speaking out against the needless suffering. It will do no harm to UF community to raise awareness. Unless of course, there are some here who would advocate this kind of cruelty...? I doubt it.
Ivan, good luck with your endeavours, I will also lend my voice to this in the hope that maybe we can make a difference.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Linda Imagefree (K:72276)
9/19/2006 1:15:10 AM
My heart is broken..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Linda Imagefree (K:72276)
9/19/2006 1:11:03 AM
My heart is broken..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
9/18/2006 10:02:16 PM
ohhhhhhhh.. OMG is so cruel.. so dramtaic and very hard life, what is possible!!!! this dog have the terrific sign in your body, in your soul.. is not possible STOP this this denunce to scream of pain .. touching! thanks roby
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
r u t h d r io (K:4339)
9/18/2006 6:51:59 PM
pasa de todo Iván, mamones hay en todos sitios
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
r u t h d r io (K:4339)
9/18/2006 6:51:15 PM
I think that you don´t really understand this Jeroen, each one make photos about think it´s important, call it activcism if you want
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
M. Bi (K:3646)
9/18/2006 5:16:12 PM
Cruel... Great journalist shot! Mauri
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 5:11:19 PM
En espanol o en chino... muchas gracias Ruth... espero que no se ofenda por el comentario el gilipollas este que me acaba de dejar una perla. Mamon...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
r u t h d r io (K:4339)
9/18/2006 5:03:34 PM
estas cosas hacen que me hierva la sangre, gracias por hacer lo que haces, mandare ese email, en español, claro.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Jeroen Wenting (K:25317)
9/18/2006 5:03:19 PM
This is not the place for activism, political or otherwise. No matter how horrid this situation is, we can't tollerate that or else where would we have to draw the line?
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 10:07:15 AM
Hi Ahmed...
Well.. have a look at the link I sent... until the end, grab the phone and call any of the numbers. Tell them you know what they are up to and that the world is watching. By the way.. I left that place with the irish setter and this dog under my arms (they were incredibly light).. they tried to stop me but they should have known better. The two dogs are now in intensive care at our shelter. Give me a hand... go to that link, watch the whole thing and then give them a call.. or send them an email..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Etem Etem (K:3551)
9/18/2006 10:00:06 AM
What is this?Nobody can not tolerate this.Who is responsible?SHAME,SHAME,SHAME.....!!!! After viewing this shot I felt a pain in my stomack.Poor dog... As an owner of a dog (how stupid is term ''owner of a dog'')and a person that likes and loves dogs more than people I am ready to do everything for this dog. I sad likes and loves dogs more than people bcs. dogs (generaly animals) do not lie,play dirty games behind your back,brake our harts without any reason etc. Let's do something for this dog!!!!
Good sample of documentary photography!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Pablo Dylan (K:63918)
9/18/2006 9:08:14 AM
I visit the site....how much stupid cruelty, but fortunately is sensitive persons like you that they denounce these absurdities.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 8:47:37 AM
Many thanks Gayle... well see...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 8:47:05 AM
Hi Derya... I live in Turkey but my turkish is cok kotu... yavas yavas...
Many thanks for writing to those people... emails... calls to the responsible people in that shelter (you have their numbers in that presentation...) everything is a step forward towards stopping their crimes.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
9/18/2006 8:43:33 AM
This is photojournalism at its best letting the world know about the inhumanity toward animals...i hope that all at UF will take a moment to voice their concern at: biosav@bio-sav.com Thank you my dear friend for bringing this to our attention...peace and love,gayle
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
derya demir (K:107)
9/18/2006 8:11:50 AM
I sent an email to biosav, and i asked the reason of that upsetting condition. If I can take a response, I will inform you.
By the way do you live in Turkey? Can you speak Turkish?
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
9/16/2006 11:50:32 AM
Que te voy a contar que tu no sepas. De casualidad nada de nada, totalmente merecido. Si señor. kike
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
9/16/2006 11:49:08 AM
Otro pedazo afoto! No se ha dado mal el verano. Dos vueltas más y lo lanza para batir el record de lanzamiento de pitbull. Actualmente el record está en manos de un alemán que dejó la categoría reina de lanzamiento de cañiche sin carrerilla.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
9/16/2006 11:44:37 AM
Como está el nivel! ¿Solo tres comentarios? A mi me parece un fotón en todos los sentidos. La gente debe estar hasta las narices de la playa... En cuanto al viñeteado, a mi me gusta. ¿Soy un impuro?
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
9/16/2006 11:41:14 AM
Muy buenas Ivan! De nuevo por aquí. Veo que has caido en las garras del digital, y con un buen bicho. Buenas fotos y con sentido del humor, es fácil encontrarte. Un abrazo kike
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Benedetto Riba (K:15792)
9/12/2006 9:34:29 AM
Great photo, I like the colors and composition Very well seen. Regards
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
a. M. (K:9020)
9/12/2006 9:20:05 AM
WOW! talk about the water meeting the sky...so beautiful! i love the peacefulness and beauty of the sky and water. beautiful shot. congrats Ant
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 3:48:25 AM
Que gracioso el guili... soy un fotografo no un dominguero. Habia mucha luz y hacia calor, cierto, pero de ahi a necesitar una sombrilla... que mas necesito? una fiambrera? una nevera para las cervezas? una hamaca?
Joder.. los hay comodos.. eheeheh
ok, en serio.. no.. no parasol, este fin de semana me pillo uno, si bien a mi me gusta tambien el efecto a veces incordia. Debe estar usefilm lleno de puristas porque 23 visitas y ningun comentario hasta el tuyo.. les debe de dar asco la image. Enfin..
Respecto a los botes... si, lo pense, pero los deje para reforzar el efecto de que esa no es una playa donde van los turistas normales (acaso soy yo de esos?), es una playa situada a los pies de una favela, lo que explica la actitud de los chavales. Imagino que esto tambien jode a los puristas, que abogan por playas blancas y limpias, lo que ocurre es que esas, o estan desiertas con la consecuente falta de sujeto humano o perruno o estan hasta la bandera de gente, incluyendo vendedores de helados, chiringuitos de playa, etc.. es dificil encontrar un termino medio...
Un abrazo
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez