Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
6/26/2011 3:41:55 PM
A lovely picture, but a little less sky would have given it better balance and emphasized the beauty of the lake imho. Lois
Photo By: Paul Davies
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
8/30/2009 7:02:16 PM
Just BEAUTIFUL! I can't imagine why there are no other comments on this. Thank you for posting it!
Photo By: Marc Fontannaz
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
1/18/2009 5:36:51 AM
Open water at -29C ? I thought that only happened in the ocean. A beautiful, tranquil winter scene. The lights in the building add warmth. Great composition!
Photo By: Stan Ciszek
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
1/27/2008 7:22:41 PM
I love the way the cliffs draw my eyes down the lake to the distant mountains.
Photo By: Arben Mallaki
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
1/12/2007 3:31:06 AM
When you take the slope of the tree trunks and the imbalance between the background trees on the left versus the right, I think the trees in the forground are in just the right spot. But then I'm no artist, I just know what I like :)
Photo By: Michele Carlsen
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
9/17/2006 3:07:36 AM
If you grasp for the rose, you have to take the thorns.
Photo By: Del Metheny
Critique By:
Lois Knorr (K:35)
5/13/2004 10:48:07 PM
I'm no artist or photographer but I know what I like. I love this one! It's the leaf that makes the picture. Great capture. Lovely colours and contrast.
Photo By: Roger Cotgreave