Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
5/2/2004 6:07:19 AM
what a perfect face! reminds me of a Hummel figurine
Photo By: Pat Fruen
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/9/2004 6:42:20 PM
Amazing colours! I love the feeling of industry in the morning (i don't really know how better to put that (the hustle and bustle that takes place when everyone else is still sound asleep?)), and this captures that.
Photo By: Doug Ohlemeier
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/9/2004 6:39:46 PM
Absolutely breathtaking and awe-inspiring
Photo By: David Siller
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/9/2004 6:37:57 PM
so real, almost 3d, i feel like i'm looking out of a window in my computer! if only...
Photo By: Stepan Borodulin
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 1:26:56 AM
fascinating details! it's funny how camera's can capture things in a way that the human eye never could....or maybe my vision is just awful
Photo By: Stefan Sahlander
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 1:21:06 AM
I seem to be reading everything politically today, so forgive me, and I assume this wasn't on the agenda for you, but at first sight it made me think of a pro-life ad
Photo By: maciej chojnacki
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 1:10:06 AM
I'm sure she's a lovely creature, but this photo is a rare, disturbing take on cats! Interesting contrast to your typical cuddly-kitten picture
Photo By: Lee Na Png
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 1:08:35 AM
ha, i love fat cats! I like how his fur is mimmicked by the greenery surrounding him.
Photo By: cecilia tovini
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 1:04:40 AM
This picture is intensely suggestive. Of course we don't really know what he was thinking at the moment, but the way his face is captured looking out from behind the bars, i can almost feel his sadness myself. I don't know if you intended it as commentary, but it said something to me, and I think it's fabulous.
Photo By: Volkan Ersoy
Critique By:
Melissa Pollock (K:80)
4/6/2004 12:04:15 AM
Hello Morgan! (& Kessia, though I don't know you ;-)) I still check your buddy profile, because you always have great and amusing links, and luckily I was led to this picture. I am absolutely in love with it! I love scenes like this with such great colors...don't you think the rotunda should be painted like this instead of that boring white? take care -melissa
Photo By: Kessia & Morgan UVA