Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
9/9/2009 7:19:45 PM
Fab image. I really like this.
Photo By: Malules Fernandez
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
9/2/2009 1:03:21 PM
It's not, it's a system glitch of some kind. Thank you for taking the time to look at my images Saad.
Photo By: Xena B
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
8/16/2009 1:45:07 PM
Yes ... from Erdene Zuu Monastery in Kharkhorin Mongolia.
Photo By: Xena B
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
5/4/2004 12:08:54 AM
I really love this image. The muted colour and hair blowing across her face and eyes make for a really unusual composition. Very beautiful!
Photo By: magdalena krajewska
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/30/2004 3:09:45 PM
Wonderful, Graceful image. The tones and soft focus and textures are beautiful.
Photo By: Al Calkins
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/26/2004 10:10:11 AM
In answer to your question here is the story behind this image. My partner and I were Handfasted at this spot at dusk the evening before. We wanted to see the sun set once more before we had to return to our own home down south. Marion came across this knotted piece of wood full of character laying almost lost in the grass. She felt that it should be standing upright and strong against the sunset. Marion has a very strong affiliation and connection with the trees and wood and while this was not an organized ritual it was most definitely an 'honouring'. She saw dignitiy in something many of us would step over and possibly not even see. I hope that answers your question? Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on the image. X
Photo By: Xena B
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/25/2004 1:33:20 PM
Very stylish image. The colouring is reminiscent of those acheived through cross processing slide film.
Photo By: Zaipe Hammer
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/24/2004 6:36:33 PM
Wonderful stage image. So many different contrasting qualities working both with and against each other. Light v's dark, movement v's stillness, the physical v's the ephemeral, serenity v's frenzy. I am really taken by the inherant gracefullness of this image.
Photo By: Reda Danaf
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/24/2004 4:58:21 PM
This is a great shot and I love the title. The shadow play in it inspires curiosity, from those being naturally cast along the ground to the dark, almost disproportionate figure on the upper right side. The shadows falling on the ground around the woman almost seem to hedge her in. The angle she's standing at is so strange in part, I suppose, a trick of they eye influenced by the curve of the tree. I spent some time looking over this image. Apart from the fact that its new work to me there is so much of interest in it. Just when you think you've seen it all something else creeps out of the shadows and attracts your interest. I like pictures that get me thinking. This, to me at least, is one of those. One for the favorites. Nice one boy! More like this please!
Photo By: PhilCB 1973
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/23/2004 6:58:02 PM
Ah Phil ...... where would I be without you???? Cheers bud!! XXX
Photo By: Xena B
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/21/2004 6:53:35 PM
Jose this is just wonderful. I'm completely intrigued your images and polaroid manipulation technique. I came across it once before by another photographer (whose name escapes me) and was very excited by it. I wonder if you perhaps know of a website or publication that deals with the techinque that I might refer to to learn more. If you have time to reply I'd appreciate your advice. Once again I am really taken by your work (you're on my friends list ;0) ... Good luck & Thank you x
Photo By: Jose Luis Quiroz
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/18/2004 11:43:13 PM
Beautiful Image ..... Vermeer 2004!!!!!!
Photo By: bea rowland
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/14/2004 11:24:44 PM
A wonderful piece. Gives 'painting with light' a whole new meaning. Beautiful work.
Photo By: Jose Luis Quiroz
Critique By:
Xena B (K:183)
4/14/2004 11:15:03 PM
No Phil, It's a posed portrait. I have a thing for pre-raphaelite art. I guess I had it in mind when I made this image. Magz
Photo By: Xena B