Critique By:
Pedro Libório (K:36301)
6/6/2004 10:34:04 PM
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
6/6/2004 10:09:19 PM
Silvinho, excellent Macro I like it Teunis
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
6/6/2004 9:59:53 PM
Silvinho,Ainda bem que largou a cerveja naquele momento. Espero que tenha bebido logo de seguida, para comemorar o excelente trabalho!! abraço Rui
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Angelo Villaschi (K:49617)
6/6/2004 9:57:49 PM
Caro Silvinho,
Acabo de encontrar seu portfolio e resolvi comentar essa imagem, pois ainda não tinha nenum comentário.
Interessante momento. Bom "timing". Gostei do efeito da teia e a transição de "focada" para "fora de foco".
Pelo ângulo, ficou difícil distingüir entre presa e predador.
p.s. corrigindo: "a lei do mais forte" geralmente (sem considerar licença artística) traduz para o inglês como "Survival of the fittest" ou "Law of the jungle"
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
6/5/2004 8:45:04 PM
Great shot Teunis
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Romulo Lubachesky (K:11836)
6/5/2004 8:06:27 PM
Nem na intimidade tu deixa os bichos em paz, hehe! parabéns pela foto e abraço!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Gertrud Gozner (K:14222)
6/5/2004 8:07:00 AM
nice composition and macro!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Gerry Pacher (K:7303)
6/5/2004 5:35:26 AM
Dear Silvinho, I love lady-bugs and these bugs are all over the world. Your composition is beautiful and razor sharp. Great work.
Regards, Gerry
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Paulo Machado (K:4482)
6/4/2004 8:36:27 PM
Ótimas cores, ótima profundidade de foco. Ficou muito bom o contraste do fundo com a joaninha.
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Christian Stocker (K:3143)
6/4/2004 8:20:07 PM
Great macro shot! Nice colors and details!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Saeed Al Shamsi (K:47735)
6/4/2004 8:08:45 PM
One of the best macro shot,sharp details,great elemnets and wonderful dof,art photography image,superb,Saeed
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx (K:10405)
6/4/2004 8:02:44 PM
exceelent catch....perfect red color....it goes so perfect with this tiny flower...
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Alan Orr (K:9671)
6/4/2004 7:57:52 PM
Beautiful macro, great composition as well.
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Harry Jasper (K:2913)
6/4/2004 7:47:48 PM
Perfect and beautiful.
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
6/4/2004 7:41:36 PM
Excellent macro congratulations
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
6/4/2004 7:23:47 PM
Silvinho WOW, what an beautiful great compositie Nice colours Sharp Great Macro Teunis
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Roberto Ramires (K:2420)
6/1/2004 8:42:36 PM
Otimos detalhes Silvinho!!!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
v m (K:2014)
6/1/2004 4:51:11 PM
Excelente captura. Enquadramento e cores óptimas. A contra-luz fez maravilhas nesta foto. Junto envio foto duma "prima" portuguesa ;-)
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Gerry Pacher (K:7303)
5/31/2004 7:23:22 PM
Dear Silvinho, this is indeed a fantastic moment and you captured it in a perfect way.
Great work.
Regards, Gerry
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
juliano santos (K:502)
5/31/2004 5:50:11 PM
bela captura do momento silvinho! parabéns! abraços!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Paulo Machado (K:4482)
5/31/2004 5:07:01 PM
Excelente. E como terminou?
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
ppdix (K:17069)
5/31/2004 4:15:18 PM
A spider without a complex of inferiority... My kinda girl :-)
ppdix says 6
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Paulo Machado (K:4482)
5/30/2004 5:20:15 PM
Excelente, cores, nitidez e DOF.
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
André Bermak (K:14443)
5/30/2004 4:02:20 PM
Ótima macro/captura.Excelente composição e cores!!!!
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Roberto Ramires (K:2420)
5/30/2004 2:49:54 PM
Belissima foto silvinho!!! Parabens
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Chris Hunter (K:25634)
5/30/2004 2:37:05 PM
Excellent...perfect capture, nice detail and DOF
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Dan Lightner (K:12684)
5/30/2004 2:34:17 PM
This image is just a rainbow of color . I have done some Bee pictures I try to capture them in flight. It is very diffecult getting them in focus,I like you presentation and composition.
Regards Dan
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Paulo Machado (K:4482)
5/30/2004 1:44:30 PM
Excelente, muito nítidas, ótimas cores e profuundidade de foco.
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Roberto Ramires (K:2420)
5/28/2004 2:40:33 AM
realmente pequeno!!! Parabens
Photo By: Silvinho .
Critique By:
Claudia Sachs (K:1467)
5/28/2004 12:12:11 AM
oi Silvinho... nao sei como vc consegue captar esses momentos tão mínimos! Parabens Cindy
Photo By: Silvinho .