Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 8:05:10 PM
ya muhtesem bi calisma olmus... fotografin detaylari cok guzel... about'lada muhtesem bagdastirmissiniz murat bey... ( kusura bakmayn bey'siz olmicak) her sabah 2 dize okuyosunuz, butun gun ona uycak fotograflar cekiosunuz sanki... neyse tebrikler... candas... 7+
Photo By: Murat Harmanlikli
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 8:05:08 PM
ya muhtesem bi calisma olmus... fotografin detaylari cok guzel... about'lada muhtesem bagdastirmissiniz murat bey... ( kusura bakmayn bey'siz olmicak) her sabah 2 dize okuyosunuz, butun gun ona uycak fotograflar cekiosunuz sanki... neyse tebrikler... candas...
Photo By: Murat Harmanlikli
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 7:52:16 PM
Amin... kazasiz belasiz insallah...
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 7:41:47 PM
bende bi caykolik oldugumu belirtir cok cok tesekkurler ederim efendimmm... (hani baska sehirde tek yasiorumya... etrafa alisana kadar bole konuscakmisim... ))
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 7:21:45 PM
arzuuu... saol cnmmm... walla cok saolya... insallah hayirlisi olur... walla odamdan muhtesem gunbatimi gozukuyo hergun... ama ilk fotografin ozel olmasini istedim ondan bi nevi kahwaltimi paylastim sizinle... gunbatimlarini paylascam... merak etmeyn... kendine dikkat et cnm... saol...
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 5:26:42 PM
cok guzel calisma olmus ahmet bey... fotograf gercekten canli gibi olmus... info fotoda konusuyo hani... neyse tebrikler... candas...
Photo By: Ahmet KASIMOGLU
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/26/2004 5:22:52 PM
mukemmel 7+
Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/24/2004 3:08:44 AM
another photo taken seconds before...
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/23/2004 12:51:54 AM
eksiksiz... super yansima... tebrikler guzel yakalamissin... candas...
Photo By: Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/23/2004 12:36:50 AM
way... cok guzel ps calimasi yapiosun... tebrikler... bu arada kompozisyon cok guzel... nice capture...  candas...
Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/22/2004 11:42:47 AM
thanx for all comments...
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/22/2004 1:57:07 AM
ahmet nediym walla super... ama pinarinda dedigi gibi... el tarzi daha cok belli edio... cok guzel foto ve fon... candas...
Photo By: Ahmet KASIMOGLU
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/20/2004 11:44:43 AM
a ow... i think he's going to hurt somewhere... good capture bea... congrats...
Photo By: Bea Friedli
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/20/2004 11:27:15 AM
cok guzel olmus pinarya... tebrikler... isigi inanilmaz guzel ayarlamissin... cekimde ayri bi guzel olmus zaten... cok net cok guzel gercekten... tebrikler... Allah nazardan saklasin...  candas...
Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/19/2004 11:36:25 AM
beatiful scene, taken from good angle... congrats serdar... candas...
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/18/2004 1:23:46 AM
ahmet, fotograf makinesini konusturmussun walla helal... gezmeye devam...  candas...
Photo By: Ahmet KASIMOGLU
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/12/2004 10:11:46 PM
what a great capture harry... congrats... i surprised that eagle misses... great shot... candas...
Photo By: Harry Eggens
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/12/2004 10:09:37 PM
wow... that's a beatiful scene ria... so beatiful... candas...
Photo By: Ria Swart
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/11/2004 2:50:28 PM
yok hayir... ama almak istiyorum... sey... bu arada bisi solemek istiorum... o bi kedi..
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/11/2004 11:18:24 AM
muhtesem murat bey... kompozisyonda, gule verdigin efektle bize yansittirdigin etkide muhtesem... guzel calisma... tebrikler... candas...
Photo By: Murat Harmanlikli
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/11/2004 11:09:39 AM
ahmet bey, hosgeldiniz... fotografta "beyoglu" falan guzel olmus yani... tanidik biyer gibi sanki...
Photo By: Ahmet KASIMOGLU
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 9:56:07 PM
insanin gercektende tek kendini bildigi andir o... yatarsin yatagina, belki saatlerce tavani izlersin... o gun icinde yasanilanlari dusunursun... "ben bole bisi nasi yaptim... benim tanidigim BEN bole biseyi nasi yapar..." kendinle yuzlesmek... fotograftaki kizin yuzunun renksiz maskeninde renkli olmasi... muhtesem bi kompozisyon bence... cok guzel annatiyor... tebrikler... bu arada guzel ps calimasi...
Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 9:42:44 PM
dakikalarca bakip gulebilirsin... boynu nasil kivrikya... tutsan kirilcak gibi...  tek bacak uzerindeki dengesi, top gibi olup uyumasi.. superya... tebrikler... basliginda cok guzel... candas...
Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 8:30:11 PM
excellent photo edgar... perfect shot... she is amazing beatiful... congrats... candas...
Photo By: Edgar Monzón
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 8:27:49 PM
wow what a great capture and comp. congrats... candas...
Photo By: Edgar Monzón
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 7:56:20 PM
great capture... it's sooooo beatiful ozlem... congrats... candas...
Photo By: Özlem Mehmet
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
9/4/2004 7:55:04 PM
liked the idea..  used reflection well.. beatiful photo... candas...
Photo By: Tony Diana
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
8/31/2004 12:24:21 AM
i wrote the title "great capture by the gull" from backside of the steamer, they throw piece of breads, so that gulls catch and eat... that's the moment gull catchs bread...
Photo By: candas poroy
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
8/30/2004 7:13:18 PM
good capture cesar... her/his eyes are beatiful as the photos... i think you made her/him angry while 2nd photo...  congrats... candas...
Photo By: Cesar
Critique By:
candas poroy (K:912)
8/30/2004 6:04:14 PM
gokyuzu yapma, golde sulu boya gibi... buneya... muhtesem bi fotograf tebrikler dilek hanim...
Photo By: Dilek Nur OZGUVEN