Critique By:
Andrea Forti (K:3069)
8/27/2004 8:52:30 PM
Fantastica...dà proprio il senso e le emozioni dell'allenamento... bellissimo il mosso del braccio... bella anche la tonalità.
Pratichi pugilato? Sai stavo pensando di costruirmi un sacco da appendere in garage per scaricare i nervi ogni tanto... dici che sia impossibile? perché so che costano molto... che ne dici, riempirlo con della sabbia o cosa? involucro in tessuto sintetico tipo quello degli zaini e me lo faccio cucire da mia madre...?
ciao AF
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Andrea Forti (K:3069)
8/27/2004 8:49:04 PM
bellissimo ritratto, peccato solo per la mano tagliata in basso, e comunque quei capelli sono davvero forti... una chioma dorata infuocata...bellissimi riflessi...
ciao AF
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Stephen Bowden (K:64141)
8/27/2004 8:14:27 PM
Beautiful portrait Andrea
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Siddharth Siva (K:3327)
8/27/2004 7:06:04 PM
very nice moment captured..
2 problems i see..one is that the on camera flash looks very harsh and even a little unflattering..on the other hand it has focussed light on the subject and must have left the background suitably dark. I would have somehow tried using ambient light. the other thing that bothers me is that it appears that the focus is not sharo enough..her eyes look a little soft. otherwise..the attempt is great and u have successfully captured a quiet, pensive moment.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Massimo Ghini (K:2311)
8/23/2004 11:39:19 AM
Immagine che ben esprime la passione sportiva, talora anche eccessiva dei tifosi di calcio.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Marcus Claésson (K:2179)
8/19/2004 11:27:29 AM
One of the most interesting images of that kind I?ve seen. Good!
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
emily savva (K:21113)
8/3/2004 8:08:54 AM
very nice fire movement... gives a dreamy feeling to it... well done...
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
WALT MESK (K:10691)
8/3/2004 7:24:17 AM
un'immagine di grande effetto....molto molto bella. walt.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Antonino De Rosa (K:114)
7/23/2004 7:12:40 AM
MOlto bella Andrea. Ottimi colori ed eccellente nitidezza. Bravo
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Massimo Ghini (K:2311)
7/23/2004 7:06:01 AM
Nice macro shot with good lighting and colors.Some problem with the unfocused element in the upper part.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
7/18/2004 6:09:48 AM
Great colours Andrea.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
Massimo Ghini (K:2311)
7/17/2004 7:43:29 AM
Nice lighting effect that transmits strange feelings.
Photo By: Andrea Salis
Critique By:
WALT MESK (K:10691)
6/9/2004 8:28:07 PM
benvenuto...... walt.
Photo By: Andrea Salis