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Critiques From Sean Nel

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Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
5/16/2006 2:11:05 AM

This is gorgeous! You have a stunning portfolio Howie. Candid portraiture is most definitely your forté in my opinion.

A first class image.

        Photo By: Howie Mudge  (K:27933)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
5/5/2006 1:46:20 PM

Stunning. I've been looking for decent photographers to show what the D70 is capable of and you are one of the few photographers around who give me hope.

How did you get such strong colour saturation? Is this straight out of the camera? If not, would you briefly explain your workflow? It would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards
        Photo By: Tim  Schumm  (K:29196)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/18/2006 6:17:16 PM

Beautifully done Joggie.

For a 1/250 shutter speed at f16 you must have used artificial lighting. What flash system do you use?

Very impressive indeed.
        Photo By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/17/2006 1:14:37 AM

The high key effect here is lovely. Love the perspective too!!

Well done Anne.

        Photo By: RC. Dany  (K:64104)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/8/2006 10:50:46 PM

Thanks Judi. Just have to find a suitable image now!!
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/5/2006 12:40:46 AM

Nicelydone Torstein. You've used an interesting compositional technique here. The tones are really pleasant...

        Photo By: Torstein Thingnæs  (K:1267)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/5/2006 12:38:35 AM

Thanks Torstein. I liked the effect that the IR filter gave here. Was lucky to get them as sharp as did as exposure was over a second. Thanks for the kind comment...
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/4/2006 6:23:45 PM

Great image Maximus. You certainly have an outstanding image here...
        Photo By: Maximus Sherrill  (K:17)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/4/2006 6:22:15 PM

Well that is one of the nicest comments I've had! Not sure whether they would be impressed with my little A95 though!! Thanks again Maximus.
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/26/2006 2:27:46 AM

The shallow DOF really works well here Judi. Really lovely work. That 5D and you make a great team!
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/26/2006 2:24:15 AM

Hi Judi! A long time ago you commented on a request that I had made to you about your lanscape technique. I'm sorry that I never got back to you about that, but have not had much chance to do any photography since then as I have been VERY busy in my new job. Does your offer to help me still stand?
If so, I have taken the liberty of posting an image to you that we could work with...
BTW I love your latest work!

        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
5/28/2005 1:30:06 PM

An interesting image, and not something that most people would choose to add a filter to, but it works well. I would be interested in following your train of thought leading to the conclusion of this image. It is best viewed from 5 feet away...
        Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann  (K:89517) Donor

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/17/2005 12:37:29 AM

An interesting image Allan. I would have perhaps liked to have seen a little more detail in the shadows, but the composition is
great it really is.
Best regards
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/17/2005 12:30:37 AM

Thanks very much for your kind words Allan. Off to see your portfolio now...
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/17/2005 12:28:28 AM

Larry, thanks for your very kind comment on my image. I'm still a noobie at photography but, like you, have been inspired by the many great images that capture time forever. You have a great portfolio and I would encourage you to continue with what you are doing.
Best regards
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/16/2005 2:11:08 AM

Thank you Judi! I have a large number of images that I captured in SA with some amazing cloud cover. Hopefully some of those will be workable... I do appreciate you lending me your hand to assist. I'll contact you next week!
You're very kind...
Best regards
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
4/14/2005 2:15:27 AM

Judi, its very very beautiful. You are an exceptionally talented lady. Please, please tell me how you get that wonderful 3D effect on your clouds? You have some excetional ones a little way back in your portfolio and it looks as if you have applied the burn tool? My email is If you would rather not, then I understand...
This is awesome in its simplicity (so difficult to get right) and the amazing depth to the tones. You have handled the light wonderfully with just the right amount of detail in the shadows and highlights.
A big 7...
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/17/2005 1:09:11 AM

Really beautiful Jennifer. The really shallow DOF makes this image and I do like the tones in it a lot. I thought you had post-processed it at first...
Very special image indeed.
Best regards
        Photo By: jennifer armstrong  (K:6688)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/15/2005 12:19:38 PM

Nice original image. The creativity in this is great although i find the lack of detail in the shadows slightly disconcerting. Otherwise its excellently executed.
Best regards
        Photo By: Samantha P  (K:1961)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/12/2005 6:24:44 PM

Michael thanks so much for your meaningful comment. Its the first in a series of attempts to develop a marketable technique. Your encouraging remarks have certainly inspired me to continue! Thank you.
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/12/2005 6:08:16 PM

Absolutely stunning. Not an easy image to get right, but it is executed beautifully (is that an oxymoron?!).
So artistically seen.
Best regards
        Photo By: Aimee' Desire'  (K:744)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/12/2005 6:05:57 PM

So very beautiful. Love the colour in this as well as the perspective. It stands out from the other macros (or in this case 'close-ups') in that the DOF is not ultra-shallow and allows us some perspective. Obviously this was an option with the lens you were using though... A 7 for this...

Thank you for your very kind comment on my work. I always seem to be my worst critique and when people show their appreciation for my stuff, it really makes my day!
Keep on shooting...
        Photo By: Aimee' Desire'  (K:744)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
3/11/2005 11:31:15 PM

Hi Marcy

I think for me the big thing missing in this image is the lack of catchlights in the eyes. They seem a little lifeless so to speak. I think Richard made a valid comment about the composition of the photo, but I wouldn't have cropped it as severely as he has. I would have only pulled in the left edge so that the boy is looking into the image.

I don't think that it is a 'bad' image though.

Best regards
        Photo By: Marcy Massura  (K:1848)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/26/2005 4:08:01 PM

Beautiful work Lida. You have captured this perfectly. Love the wind-blown effect here and its reflection in the water below...
Stunning image in B&W.
        Photo By: Lida Chaulet  (K:3430)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/26/2005 3:41:22 PM

Hey Lida,

Good to see you here my friend. I use Usefilm as a testing ground for my photos; if I get more than one comment then I know it is a good photo! lol
Have a great weekend filled with all the things you love to do! ;-D
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/26/2005 2:57:30 AM

Marcy, this is such a lovely image. Love the clarity and the saturated colours in this. His expression is beautiful and so natural. You are talented!!
Best regards
Sean Nel

PS I will respond shortly, still trying to get my head around a couple of things... Moving home in a few days, so things are mad. :P
        Photo By: Marcy Massura  (K:1848)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/11/2005 4:36:43 AM

Marcy, this is lovely. I love the saturation in the colours and your POV is delightful! The softness here is lovely too and he has a lovely expression. A truly sentimental image!

Best regards
        Photo By: Marcy Massura  (K:1848)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/10/2005 2:47:49 PM

Thanks for that Alex. Unfortunately my P&S doesn't seem to be compatible with any of the adaptors out there. Looking forwards to getting a decent camera soon... ;-D
        Photo By: Sean Nel  (K:557)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/10/2005 2:45:31 PM

I have to agree with you. For a sunset to appeal to me anymore it has to have been worked hard for... Its just too easy for digi photographers to play with levels and saturation and create eye-candy from a sunset...

This has been well worked, and the inverted 'L' frames the image well. I also like the way you have made certain that the sun is behind the tree to prevent blowing out the image.
        Photo By: Alex Billington  (K:1260)

Critique By: Sean Nel  (K:557)  
2/10/2005 2:40:45 PM

lol love your desription... The shallow DOF is what makes this work IMHO. I have something similar which I took in Autumn here in the UK which consisted of mainly oranges and yellows, so this really stood out to me...
        Photo By: Alex Billington  (K:1260)

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