Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/13/2005 5:05:01 AM
Thanks Daniele for the kind comment!
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/13/2005 5:04:18 AM
S E V E N ! Really like this shot Daniele
Photo By: Daniele Di Marco
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/13/2005 5:02:12 AM
There you go Pancho!
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 5:44:06 PM
Gorgeous shot Orazio - really like it.
Photo By: Orazio Minnella
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 5:10:21 PM
This is a great pic Val, one to frame and put on the wall! Nice shot!
Photo By: V@lérie
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 4:13:36 PM
We are on the same wave length ;-) Hope all is well in Sweden Jeanette!
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 4:04:50 PM
Thanks for your kind comments Orazio! I do appreciate it.
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 3:13:12 PM
Wonderful shot Roberto - really like it!
Photo By: Roberto Okamura
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/11/2005 1:33:37 PM
Very nice angle and light. Thanks for sharing.
Photo By: Roberto Okamura
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/10/2005 5:11:54 PM
Thanks for the kind comment Val! Yes, Hawaii is truly amazing...I have been to lots of islands in the sun and there is something very different about Hawaii, less commercial and the natural beauty is well preserved. Highly recommend going there!
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/10/2005 2:08:28 PM
Roberto, this is a fantastic shot...really captures the mood and I like the contrasts. Many of your photos are superb. Look forward to seeing more in the future!
Photo By: Roberto Bertone
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/10/2005 12:48:53 AM
This is a fantastic shot! Well done.
Photo By: Xunilek
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/10/2005 12:24:50 AM
Thank you my friend! I need to take lessons I think, most of my photos go straight from camera to Usefilm...I'm sure I am missing something. Here is the result of the border, better I think...
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/10/2005 12:09:54 AM
Thanks Khaled for taking the time to leave the comment - it was a windy stormy day and I think that helped. Trust all is well with you.
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/8/2005 4:15:23 PM
Val, great shot, the contrasts in color are powerful as is the expression of the little guy. I don't understand why the comments start of as 'its sad'...there is nothing in the picture that indicates for sure this little fellow is a symbol of the suffering in Africa...Kenya is not in famine, for all we know he could be playing in the sun...In any case, great shot and powerful picture!
Photo By: V@lérie
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/7/2005 10:04:09 PM
Capturing a great moment - really like it! Always nice to see your shots, Jon.
Photo By: Jon O'Brien
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/7/2005 10:02:01 PM
Nice one Kamran - this photo is both comical and telling.
Photo By: Kamran
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/7/2005 9:38:21 PM
This is a fantastic shot, Khaled. I really like the contrast from shadow and sunlight. Great shot!
Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/6/2005 12:12:04 AM
Great pic, Val. I really like the expression on the little guy's face...almost like he is asking 'what do you want?'. Nice work!
Photo By: V@lérie
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/4/2005 3:48:59 PM
Very powerful expression on the old lady's face...nice shot Philip!
Photo By: Philip van de Graaf
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/4/2005 3:28:42 PM
Merci Philippe - Janvier 2006...reserve your calendar! Hope all is well in Africa and look forward to seeing your photos over the coming months!!!
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/3/2005 11:21:58 PM
Nice work, Reza. I like the mood captured in this shot - was it early morning? Like the new philosophy too.
Photo By: Reza Fakhrai
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/2/2005 3:07:56 PM
Its the price you pay for leaving the D70 at home and taking the small Pentax Optio with you...I had to zoom in from a long way out and no tripod...tough way to learn a basic lesson...
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/2/2005 2:54:08 PM
Kamran, this is a pic with a thousand words...I'm starting to see the story telling from your pictures. Great shot!
Photo By: Kamran
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/2/2005 2:51:37 PM
Thanks Andy - I agree with your comment but unfortunately just below the line I took the photo there was a couple sat at a table eating a nice local meal. This was shot on a terrace overlooking the ocean...
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
3/2/2005 2:49:25 PM
Thanks Khaled. The pic is totally naturally, no edits with PS...the scenery in Hawaii is amazing.
Photo By: Shahriar Broumand
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
2/26/2005 7:26:30 PM
Fantastic shot Soumia!
Photo By: Soumia Khaldoun
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
2/26/2005 7:25:17 PM
Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
2/26/2005 7:15:33 PM
This one would sell I believe ;-) Very artistic, well done!
Photo By: Rona K **
Critique By:
Shahriar Broumand (K:692)
2/26/2005 7:08:30 PM
Hi Rona, this is truly one of the best works you have done. Not only is the model's expression effective (it takes you to a far away place where she is staring into), but the surrounding elements of carpet and wall are fantastic with the mood. 7!
Photo By: Rona K **