Critique By:
11/2/2004 10:18:09 PM
None of us know what lies beyond, hence why we continue down that tawdry road to who knows where. Is there truth, or redemption, or even damnation to be found?
I don't know, so let's travel together.
Photo By: Aaron Loar
Critique By:
Aaron Loar (K:15)
11/2/2004 9:45:16 PM
Dirck, Thanks for the input. In the print I'm having made for my folks (they like it a lot), I will use the mat to crop that out. Thanks!
Also, you have some magnificent photos posted yourself. I especially like "5:15 a.m.".
Photo By: Aaron Loar
Critique By:
Dirck DuFlon (K:35779)
11/2/2004 8:55:07 PM
Very cool and eerie shot, Aaron - I almost expect to see bigfoot pop out of the woods there! A nice sense of perspective motion from the slight blur at the edges of the road. You should probably crop the bottom to get rid of the little piece of the car dashboard, but otherwise a very nice 'debut' photo. Welcome to Usefilm!
Photo By: Aaron Loar