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Critiques From Mohammad Porooshani

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Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
1/19/2010 6:29:27 AM

Now that I'm looking at this photo of yours, I see that we are looking at many things just the same way.

I mean, look at this one, so simple, so vivid and so tranquil! is it just me who love this or everyone should just love this?
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
1/19/2010 6:25:42 AM


is she this pretty or it's your magic? there's no difference I think, both are at a very high level!
I love the light rays all over her hair and the smile is great too, it's real!

very nice
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
1/19/2010 6:23:24 AM

Hi Roberto
what a nice photo!
I like the photo maybe because it's my kind of photos, not that big a subject, but still simple and lovely.
I remember to take a shot like this years ago and I can imagine your feelings shooting this one (probably), you saw the door and the the lock chamber and.... and found it really hard to forget, so (still probably) decided to take some photos.
anyway, good to see you again
see you again
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/13/2007 6:30:05 PM

Dear Avi,
Such a great work here, really simple but very deep for me.
You know, I always love your shots, I don't know why, but they all have some kindness that I think it has a deep rot in your personality, I'm sure no eyes can see what the soul can't see itself, so, this softness, this tenderness has something to do with your soul. Such a sensitive soul can feel comfort in this view you post here, no matter how is the composition, color tone or any other technical stuff, the mind is beauty.
Keep up these good works, I will always love to see your valuable works,
Very well done.
Mohammad Porooshani
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/13/2007 5:33:00 PM

Oh god, how sorry I am, that would be my pleasure indeed.
anyway, Thanks for your support, I will upload as soon as possible some new photo.
Take care my friend
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/13/2007 5:23:54 PM

Dear aLi,
I'm so happy to hear read from you here.
Now that you tell me you are in the same situation, I was thinking about a suggestion,
Could be good to shoot with me? I know I'm not that good, but, maybe if you want...
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 7:00:57 PM

Nietzsche's point of view is something like: Your walking speed can impress your spirit, you walk too fast, you gain some stress in your soul... I'm in agree with him, but as an extended edition I think the complexity as the worst it could happened to somebody's soul, it make it confused, I love simplicity and I just want to stop tying and enjoy the reflection of trees on a simple yet wonderful window, I'll go inside, I will stand in front of it, I will swim, I will fly in the jungle, I will sing a song for green leaves and I will pour on the soil, I will grow stems, I will be a drip. and I will be in this shot!
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 6:51:38 PM

My brother, we talked sometimes about your views while you take your shots and every time I imagine your roof top, your stairs and... I can feel the warmth of a cool sunset, the warmth I feel inside. it makes me feel relaxed and I feel the wind on my face, I can close my eyes yet see the sun on the other side.
Take care yours and the cat for sure!
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 6:46:00 PM

Well well,
you know my brother, I have a memory of a golden butterfly once, every time I see one, I remember that:
One night I was on street strolling talking to one of my best friends then, I was talking really disappointed about my circumference have been really cruel to me and nobody paid attention to my feelings and all my lost sight of love and crap like this, then one big golden butterfly that was gloriously fly and shine just stop on my shoulder. I just stop and turn my face, see it from the closest distance, enjoying its beauty, as I was silent, my friend told me, God loves you Mohammad, and I was silent for all the rest.
That's my memory, every little thing in this world could be a message from God exclusively sent for you.
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 6:37:21 PM

Very different shot dear brother.
I love the warm tones in the background it makes the cold green in foreground so balanced I feel really comfortable looking at and I can imagine the moment you were there to take this shot, this moment.
In every action we have so many parameters involved that only God knows what is purely wrong or right, but, if everyone of us think of situations each other were, we can understand the results, that's what all saints or sages did and that's why they are so lovely (I think), especially when they were really careful to reduce the consequence of their actions in the wrong way. that's the true respect.
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 6:29:20 PM

Very peaceful moment my dear Shehzaad,
these days I'm so busy I just forgot how good could sunset be and it's a good reminder how perfect it could be beside a good friend, someone who listens, someone who care...
This time, I'm totally in agree with your article, yes, there could be found good in the worst man on a earth, at least he is a creature of what we love. Even if God damned him, he is still alive, because he wants him on earth so he has a purpose and that make him important for every little thing in the world.
I believe disappointment as the most cardinal sin, because it make the mind so much away from God that only one thing could be and for sure that could be something (or someone) like Evil.
Keep on hopes...
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
10/1/2007 6:19:22 PM

My dear Shehzaad,
After this long time that I was away from this site I'm here again just to see your works again, and I'm pretty happy for that when I see these images you provided us here, lets begin here.
Watching this image is one thing and reading your article is a lot different thing! I don't mean they are on different path, no, they are both describing one solid concept you described as beauty or as various standards of beauty in every man's mind.
To be more meaningful let me start by the photo then I will go for your article.
This photo is a real comforting feel for me, because of first of all it's balance in its composition, then its a little unusual lighting and for sure the centralized composition. three distant objects (Leaves, Trees and the mount in background) make it a little complex yet kind enough, for now I feel free to say it's an emotional work and I have to imagine your feelings while you were there and that would be golden moments for sure.
Let's move on to the article. We all see people here and there with the specifications you described above and I'm in agree with you but to some extent. That's all true what you say about them but my brother, believe me, it's not All the truth about them.
I don't want to say there are no man with $ sign on his iris but they are as few as they can be ignored in our world today, or if not, we can ignore them anyway, because they are not in our world at all!
you're right, many has their Standard for beauty which are not proportional with ours, but, it has something to do with the great Creator, isn't it?
Let's finish it, every one has it's own love, and that would be the most love for His greatness.
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
7/2/2007 2:47:48 PM

Dear Virgis,
It's stone carving with more than 2500 years history, it's still from Perspolis.
In Perspolis there is lots of statues on walls or individually, all made by a part of Great Old Persian like Old Egypt, Greek and so on, all of them back to 2500 years ago.
and for a larger view, please be here soon, I'll post one tomorrow.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
7/2/2007 10:01:39 AM

I don't think so, It's a semi-human-semi-bird statue fight a man.
Thanks for your attention
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
6/26/2007 10:32:20 AM

Dear Virgis,
I've had no plan to make it a series,
but now that you want this and plus I have a deep intention myself,
I'll do my best to make it.
Thanks for your encouragements,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
6/23/2007 5:22:06 PM

Very strange shot dear Simone,
It's a story, not just a shot, it's a whole thing, someone can get involved this story, I can.
I can see, it's not that simple it looks, make me curious to find what was in your mind while taking this shot.
I like it,
        Photo By: Simone Tagliaferri  (K:28180)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
6/23/2007 5:19:14 PM

Great as always dear Roby,
I admit, it's a little hard to find, the thing, the beauty you had in mind taking this shot.
Using your context I find that you may see this view thousands time and always think, someday I will take a shot, someday.
And, this time you see a warm light all over and decide to take it.
Or maybe I'm all wrong!
Anyway, it gives me pleasure looking at this shot.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
6/23/2007 5:14:05 PM

Wonderful shot dear Alison,
Very still, very comfort, very attractive...
I love it,
I missed you so much,
        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
6/23/2007 4:59:40 PM

Nice Work dear Mr. Bakhtiari,
Complex enough, Colorful enough and lovely enough...
I love the way focus catches eyes...
Very well done to you and I missed you so much,
and those lights and shdes....
My bests,
        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24036)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/27/2007 8:42:29 AM

Dear Karol,
I'm sure I can't express how much I love this shot, it's in my favorite style, the way you catch the light be means of that dusts in the air and the sense of running-flying of a horse in a field, I do love this feelings.
I wish you had more luck on the foots timing and they were more expanded, but it's superb even now, and I'm sure it deserves award and I wish you even better works in future.
Again I want to tell you how much I love this decent work of you (and for sure one of my 10 favorites!)
My warm regards,
Mohammad Porooshani
        Photo By: Karol Machalski  (K:132)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/27/2007 8:28:46 AM

I love it dear Edgar,
it's more than perfect, and I'm sure you know it by yourself,
Perfect in every aspect, specially the light control and the composition, I do love it dear friend,
My bests,
        Photo By: Edgar Monzón  (K:827)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/27/2007 8:11:49 AM

Dear Joe,
I'm the most surprised when I see most of people think we have nothing more than Islamic traditions here in Iran!
We have lots of great artistic works about the Christian ceremonies, statues and personally I love Jesus (Peace be upon him) and I've learned so much of him reading Holy Bible, I'm so sorry for the imagination everybody has about my country but I think you do know nothing about it and so you are judging us for no reason!
But dear Joe, Be sure we all are friends of every human kind.
Sincerely yours,
Mohammad Porooshani
        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24036)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/27/2007 8:05:34 AM

Good grip Dear Mr. Bakhtiari,
I have an alternative version from the time it was under cinstruction, the portrait of Santa Maria, in Santa Maria Garden, check it out!
Very good one.
My bests,
        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24036)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/27/2007 7:55:12 AM

Good work Dear Mohamed,
Very dramatic,
Well done to you.
        Photo By: Mohamed Badawy  (K:11828)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/15/2007 12:52:49 PM

Dear Murad,
This shot is my favorite one from your perfect works.
I love silhouettes you know why? Because it makes as less as needed details about a good subject for viewer to enjoy.
I'm in such a bad condition of mind, this shot help me so much!
        Photo By: murad ertaylan  (K:1240)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/13/2007 5:56:08 PM

Dear Alison,
In fact this shot is a little touched up!
your version is really close to the original version (without the posturized effect you added).
I wanted this white horse to be glowing in white and I do Really Love My own version.
Thanks for your time and nice words.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/6/2007 8:35:48 AM

Nice Shot dear Alison,
The focus is really hard to find for me but I feel the essence of being refreshed like this Magnolia,
Very well composed I think, placing Stamens in a golden point and Petals look like a spreading hand....
Very nice done,
        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/6/2007 8:33:03 AM

Very Sad title dear Shehzaad,
you are still doing perfect on Sunsets,
I love the silhouettes here.
My bests,
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
5/1/2007 7:42:55 AM

Good Work Dear Mostafa,
this shot is much better than your priors.
I love those drops on the glass, I feel I'm out there and it's freezing in the cap.
Very good one to share dear Mostafa,
My bests,
        Photo By: Mostafa Tartak  (K:1639)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
4/29/2007 8:51:30 PM

Dear Mr. Sadri,
Although I still don't know why would you tell me "maybe it wasn't that bad we didn't make it to the mountains,after all"?!!!
But, it seems it won't work this way, it's OK for me.
Take care.
        Photo By: Mahmoud Baha Sadri  (K:19634)

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