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Critique By: Patrick Ziegler  (K:21797)  
8/16/2005 3:30:09 AM

I am not familiar with Miami so I do not know what your orientation with the sun was, but I do think a circular polorizer would would have helped your lighting situation here.

And the detail, Not sure what went wrong here, what are you settings as far as image file type size etc... I'm a film guy but it looks like maybe you captured a small file and bumped it up. Or maybe just missed the focus...?

Advice, capture large files, To me this shot looks like it called for f/11 and a tripod. Use Auto focus when possible, Expose for the sky and use a polorizer..

Not picking on you just trying to help. You seem to have a good eye for composition.
        Photo By: TimeShift Studios  (K:7)

Critique By: Patrick Ziegler  (K:21797)  
4/11/2005 1:44:56 AM

Rona, This happens to me all the time with the sky blowing out. I have learned to allways meter the sky. I do not know what contrast range your camera has but you should find out. Meter your sky and then in this case the old house. If the differance is within range of your camera then adjust the exposure for your sky and take the photo. If the differance is too large you will have to take other steps like Graduated ND filter or alot of time a circular polorizer will do the trick.

If you use a tripod you can take one shot with exposure adjusted for the sky and then with out moving the camera adjust the exposure for the foreground and then put em together in PS...

Another trick is to avoid shooting the southern sky (understanding you are in the northern hemispher)

ANyway, I do all these things and still blow out a sky once in a while....

        Photo By: Rona K **  (K:2375)


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