Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
10/3/2005 1:01:26 AM
Ok, so clearly Tracey has not been introduced to myriad of artwork on planet earth where text and image are sown together into one frame. Criticism - (minus) education = stupid comment.
But this one is nice. You've got great color, nice PS work, and imagery that contributes to the text...On this site, it is hard to see the text, but that's only b/c of my poor ass unable to buy a decent sized monitor...
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Tracey MacLeod (K:3244)
9/29/2005 4:21:26 PM
well, I do understand that but realize your eye goes straight to the LARGE scribble and it becomes the focus instead of the whole thing! and yes they are too small to easily read! Thank god for big screens!
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
brandon turner (K:0)
9/28/2005 2:51:04 AM
Thanks very much for the critique Tracy. However, the "scribble" is the backbone of the piece. Like the rest of the photos in this series, this photograph is intended to represent a piece of a persons life. Combining text and imagery, it seemed, would alow for me to do this without being cliche and simply snapping a picture of a pretty flower, calling it "Janes Inner Beauty" or some ridiculous nonsense. Thus, the photo is not intended to speak on it's own. I do realize, however that like the "locks" photograph, I have uploaded the photo to small and so you would not have been able to read the text. Sorry bout that! (maybe that was to long winded? anywho, that explaines the "scribble").
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Tracey MacLeod (K:3244)
9/27/2005 4:10:08 PM
nice capture! I can't wait to receive my Holga too! Lincoln Park trip!!!! Happy Holgaing!
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Tracey MacLeod (K:3244)
9/27/2005 4:03:03 PM
creative -(minus) the scribble = nice juicy color! good premise.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Tim Courlas (K:486)
9/24/2005 12:00:17 AM
Brandon, This looks interesting but it's too small to see what's going on. Could you upload it bigger?
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Mohamed Banna (K:34237)
9/22/2005 4:32:43 AM
amazing shot great artistic presentation
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Jill Hatzai (K:1854)
9/6/2005 7:51:46 AM
looks great, i wish it were bigger. i think you could have used the description for the title!
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
8/20/2005 3:09:44 AM
too cool these days to post more images?????
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
5/16/2005 1:33:32 AM
Obviously, brandon, you are a racist. Either that or Paul S has some emotional issues with skin pigmentation. Either way, this image is pretty decent, but is sits so perfectly in the middle of that grid of yours.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
5/16/2005 1:29:13 AM
i think michelle k has a crush on you. But dont go pushing your holga crap on others now, mister. You can keep your cult to yourself. regardless, this is a nice image.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
5/16/2005 1:26:27 AM
I took this picture. Stop copying my ideas.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
daniel mccain (K:924)
5/16/2005 1:24:32 AM
Brandon, you should have asked this old man out on a date. He is sexy......
Anyway, you should try uploading one of your grids...or at least your dyptychs.
Oh, and I got a call back on a newspaper job that I don't think I can take...you should call them. You want the number?
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
arwa abdullah (K:34415)
4/29/2005 3:34:35 AM
hi brandon to me this is the best image in your profile!! The colors the man with an odd looking beard the building! 7/7 Cant you upload It in a bigger size?
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Paul S (K:894)
4/25/2005 5:38:53 PM
I am going to claim that my comments on Untitled #6 were not influenced by Untitled #3. However, looking at Untitled #3 may have made me think about racism a bit and tainted my view.
I also understand your idealism and the disappointment that resulted from it as your image was interpreted with such a negative subject matter.
It is interesting that you stated the intent of the image. In this respect Untitled #3 is much more successful. Indeed when I viewed that image the simple pleasures of childhood was what I saw. Yet the implication of missing it by being busy is missed. This is because of the people watching the child chase the ball are static and actually watching the child. They are actively watching the child and not missing anything.
Your project theme for Untitled #6 does not seem to fit. I am a busy individual that you seek to reach out to. I work full time as an Accounting Manager. I am a parent and have the obligatory responsibilities of sports and school that go along with it. I am also going to school full time perusing a BS in computers. I am busy. However, if I missed a ?4? painted on a wall I really do not feel I am missing anything important. Indeed I would guess that the ?4? is merely a marker for a parking space, an address or for informational purposes. If I do not stop and enjoy it, I am not missing anything.
A limitation of posting images on line is that they are done out of context. What I mean by that is that images by an artist cannot be assumed to be related to one another thematically or for any other reason. As such each image needs to be judged by alone without any context.
Untitled #6 is an atonal image with a faceless African-American male. I cannot use man because I do not know his age or maturity. Indeed even assuming sex may be a big leap. The overwhelming contrasts between black and white are difficult to ignore and with no other context to view this image, I do understand how it could be interpreted any other way. However, I am very open minded and if someone else can use the elements of this image to describe a message I would love to read them.
You are correct in your disappointment at racism being still an issue in a society that values freedom and equality. However, as long as people are too ?busy? to stop making quick judgements based upon superficial criteria, then it will continue to be a problem. There are many ways to change attitudes and artists contribute by adding to the dialogue. There is nothing wrong with adding to this dialogue.
Your disappointment in me being ?tempted? is really alarming. I am more disappointed in the people who sit on the sidelines and only express remorse when the issue comes up. This is a sort of passive way of ignoring the problem is it not? A sort of out of sight out of mind scenario is it not? As a budding artist, you have the opportunity to add to the social dialogue that addresses controversial issues. Do not steer away from themes that are distasteful or controversial because of their nature.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
michelle k. (K:16270)
4/25/2005 5:10:14 PM
yes, successful. makes me wanna try holga more....
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
michelle k. (K:16270)
4/25/2005 5:08:19 PM
excellent, i love this.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
brandon turner (K:0)
4/23/2005 3:58:17 AM
Paul S. your comments are appreciated and helpful. Although I think maybe the audience, like yourself, may be tempted to read into this photo wrongly. Only after I had uplaoded both images did I realize that the subjects of both photos were african american. I am and was in no way attempting to make a statement about race. I do realize, however,that this is just something that you have to be careful of. Personally, I find it agravating that we as people still see a color and not a face. I have been shooting alot on the street as more of a way of capturing and preserving moments that we as "busy" individuals often miss and cannot appreciate. It seems a shame that the issue of skin color overpowers a simple statement such as this. Dont get me wrong, as I said, your comment is appreciated and I am not saying were wrong to think that, just maybe a little disapointed.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Paul S (K:894)
4/22/2005 9:14:05 PM
I have yet to try a roll of color film in my various Holgas. This is for two reasons. First I do not want to pay and wait for my film. Second, I do not want to give up complete control over my images.
When I first saw this image, I thought it was a B&W shot, gray wall, white number and black and white figure. When I clicked on it and saw the larger image, I still thought it was B&W. Only then did I realize this was in color.
This is a significant journey for the viewer to make with this image. My initial impression was that it was B&W and only after I got more familiar with the image did I realize it was in color. This is an important metaphor for judging something, in this case race, before all is known about the subject. I approached the image with a preconceived expectation and soon discovered I was wrong. I would never have fully appreciated this image unless I remained open minded and willing to not take a quick glance and just say ?very nice? or ?good shot?.
Preconceptions about photos or races will only prevent full enjoyment of what is offered.
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
michelle k. (K:16270)
4/22/2005 7:46:39 PM
i love these kinds of shots, i love holgas, and i love chicago....... more please!
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
michelle k. (K:16270)
4/22/2005 7:45:45 PM
really excellent
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Kiarang Alaei (K:49415)
4/22/2005 7:30:27 PM
Very nice conceptual combine, creative composition. bravo!
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Viktor Pravdica (K:4907)
4/22/2005 7:27:12 PM
Very nice
Photo By: brandon turner
Critique By:
Mark Drago (K:10902)
4/22/2005 6:56:02 PM
good shot
Photo By: brandon turner