Critique By:
Nando Mondino (K:14261)
8/11/2005 6:31:54 PM
Wonderful image.
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Petal Wijnen (K:50989)
8/11/2005 3:46:05 PM
Neat shot!!! Wonderful in B&W!!! Great tones, perspective, DOF and composition... well spotted!!! Have a good move, hope everything goes/stays 'on track' instead of 'off the rails'..... LOL!!!!
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Robert Kocs (K:89085)
8/11/2005 3:15:38 PM
Splendid composition, love the silhouettes. Fine toning, perfect b&w shadows and lights. Great work! Best regards! Robert
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
8/11/2005 1:16:49 PM
Marie I remember you taking this and thought I'll get a shot too, but there was some photographers who kept getting in the way, don't know who they were. LOL Great lines - hope move goes smoothly and be in touch when we get back Margaret
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Den Thompson (K:30432)
8/11/2005 1:09:26 PM
I knew you were, off the rails that is. Only joking, you know me. I do hope everything goes without hitch and that you're soon settled in. This is a great shot BTW. The perspective is cool and B/W presentation gives it that wintery feel. Den
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mohamed Banna (K:34237)
8/11/2005 12:44:22 PM
great strong new creative angle
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Marie Johnston (K:1635)
8/11/2005 12:35:10 PM
Thanks for your comment I have changed the project to lines as you say its better placed there... Thanks again Marie
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Alastair Bell (K:29571)
8/11/2005 12:31:47 PM
Love this one babe... great dof and composition.... Superb shot...
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mohamed Banna (K:34237)
8/11/2005 12:20:31 PM
LINES i think is better projct for thos great photo ,, well done perfect B&W work
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mark Evans (K:17428)
8/10/2005 9:28:19 PM
I remember you taking this shot marie !! is it alastair !! hehehehehee !!! great capture .. marky .
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Burcu Avdan (K:338)
8/10/2005 9:58:22 AM
perfect colours congrats!
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Den Thompson (K:30432)
8/10/2005 8:20:03 AM
Forgive you? How could I ever Ms.Johnston. Of all the poses i did for you showing me as the suave, dashing, debonair character I is you pick the one of my portrayal of the virrij irriot. Well, praps you got it roit after all. I'll have to look out something to retaliate wiv. Seem to have one of you near the big wheel at the previous meet in Yarksheer. Den
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
8/10/2005 7:07:10 AM
Good to have so many funny friends, Marie.
Your far away friend Markus
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
8/10/2005 7:04:26 AM
Very nice photograph, Marie. But could it be, that you have done a little bit to much with color saturation? Besides this it is an excellent shot. The head of this little guy appears exactly in front of the wave and the reflections in the foreground are a very good complement. Well done.
Regards, Markus
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
8/10/2005 7:01:00 AM
Nice capture - do I detect a little V..... or V.... LOL Margaret
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
8/10/2005 6:59:17 AM
Well I don't know about forgive you - it serves as a reminder to me how lucky I am to have such a handsome sophisicated man with a wonderful dress sense - ...!!!*** LOL Now I know I can trust him to behave in a fitting manner on our cruise LOL Margaret
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
8/10/2005 6:54:15 AM
Really great Marie you caught the wave just right, and the walls leading the eye right into the wave Margaret
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mary Brown (K:71879)
8/10/2005 4:17:15 AM
Marie, the gold coloured reflections are lovely. Mary
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mary Brown (K:71879)
8/10/2005 4:07:15 AM
I like your title. I guess they wanted a good seat for the race. Good shot. Mary
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Keith Saint (K:13784)
8/10/2005 3:33:09 AM
You even got me in there Great work looks brill
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Keith Saint (K:13784)
8/10/2005 3:29:50 AM
He went further than me Very nice composition Caught him in two minds here I think
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Kathy Hillard (K:25721)
8/10/2005 3:00:26 AM
This little guy really wants to jump in doesn't he? Or maybe he's deciding that he should run before that wave gets to him. You really captured the feeling well! Love the reflection! Nicely done! Kathy
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Dave Stacey (K:150877)
8/10/2005 2:35:43 AM
Excellent collage of this group of UF'ers, Marie! Dave.
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Davide Contestabile (K:4091)
8/10/2005 1:03:20 AM
good photo
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Mohamed Ezz (K:2170)
8/10/2005 1:00:54 AM
ohh.. i think u have very nice friends..
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Petal Wijnen (K:50989)
8/10/2005 12:48:19 AM
Neat collage!!! Looks like some of them did their very best to pose/come across as sincere members of the community.... LOL!!!! Kind of begin to wonder if I'd fit in...... but I'm pretty sure the answer to that is..... yes!!!! Well done on the 'combo'...!!!!
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Danny Brannigan (K:19523)
8/9/2005 10:03:40 PM
Great shot of a great place on a great day.I have only just begun to realize what clever artistic people I was with.
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Danny Brannigan (K:19523)
8/9/2005 10:00:12 PM
Superb. As good as any I have seen.
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
ade mcfade (K:12388)
8/9/2005 8:53:35 PM
whoah - that's a hell of a sky!!!
jesus, was it really that dark!
nicely done, no velvia?
Photo By: Marie Johnston
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
8/9/2005 8:29:28 PM
Very dramatic shot, taken in the best moment, Marie. Well done. Congratulations!
Regards, Markus
Photo By: Marie Johnston