Critique By:
Roger Skinner (K:81846)
11/15/2006 6:01:02 AM
man is she ever thin... I mean I dont like 'em fat but she is thin I agree with the shoes comment tho
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Roger Skinner (K:81846)
11/15/2006 5:58:05 AM
nice pose great lighting...
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Roger Skinner (K:81846)
11/15/2006 5:52:45 AM
what the hell is going on... two comments on a great image like this great model cool pose and a slightly left of centre environment yeah freat work
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
11/15/2006 5:22:34 AM
Very great portrait, wonderful light, colors and details
Wishing you all of the best my friend
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Alessandro Capelli (K:34805)
7/14/2006 1:11:51 PM
beautiful klaudia..ale
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Lauren Taylor (K:332)
5/27/2006 12:40:06 AM
excellent pose by the model and excellent use of shadows
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
tugba trr (K:123)
5/26/2006 9:04:28 AM
her smile is perfect. right time to take this pict. congrats
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
João F * Photography (K:41945)
5/20/2006 1:08:30 AM
I love this one karl !! jo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
karl rothenberger (K:107)
5/19/2006 4:58:23 PM
hi hugo, my walls have a type of coating on them that is somewhat reflective thus the highlight. i will be using this light from now on because i love the mood and the shadows. -k
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
jacques brisebois (K:73883)
5/19/2006 4:50:03 PM
the best of your 4 portraits, love the lightning and contrast. Think that this is the one who really put your model on her best side.
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
5/19/2006 4:47:49 PM
Hi Karl, Yeah, I agree, it makes people think, and that's one essential criterium for a successful photo. And that's beyond discussion.. Interesting bit of info on the lighting, though. It shows in the model, but how did you manage the glistening on the wall I referred to as a "flash bounce"? (should've known - a flash bounce doesn't fit with the lighting on the model)
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
karl rothenberger (K:107)
5/19/2006 4:43:10 PM
thanks for your comment. you really summed it up in a way that i wasn't able to. sometimes it takes an outside objective opinion. . . i guess thats the point of this forum right?
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
karl rothenberger (K:107)
5/19/2006 4:40:02 PM
thanks hugo for your comments. the very fact that this photo has caused people to have such contrasting reactions means it was a success. i read an article once where a photographer said that all he wants when someone looks at his work is for them to look at an image for 4 seconds, if he gets 4 seconds it was a success. also the light souce was one lowell tungten light places to the right side of the subject. -k
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Jacek Gasiorowski (K:-2226)
5/19/2006 3:08:44 PM
great "body landscape"
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Virender Rathore (K:60)
5/19/2006 10:39:03 AM
Wow......Awsome. Female figure has been explored so much, that some time one wonders if there's anything left to capture. And this photos just shows HOW. I'm assuming it's a single source light, and BOY, how it enhances the muscle structure yet retaining the softness of the Female form. Great Pose, Great Capture Karl. - Vir
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
metoni . (K:24727)
5/18/2006 10:24:38 PM
Perfect photo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
metoni . (K:24727)
5/18/2006 10:24:18 PM
great BW photo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Franz Thoma (K:3365)
5/18/2006 9:34:07 PM
Spiderman would be delighted! Regards FRanz
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
5/18/2006 9:28:23 PM
Hi Karl,
Intriguing series, and I'm impressed by how well they fit together. To me, the combination of the photos together is stronger than each individual one (as stand alone) and i think that's the key factor of success of a series. In all fairness, I think this is the least of the four, though.
I realise the contrast and lack of detail in the black is intentional (at least I think it is), so I won't go into that, yet the pose of the woman emphasises her skinniness just a bit too much, I believe; the wrinkles in her neck, as well as the protrusion of her bones on her bare back are not really complimentary, although it's one of the elements which make this shot intriguing.
I like how you used the flash bounce to your advantage, it fits with the rather dark feel of these photos. Nicely done, and a very expressive series.
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
5/18/2006 8:56:50 PM
again, and again, and again... Leo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
5/18/2006 8:55:58 PM
Again... Leo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
5/18/2006 8:54:47 PM
Another good one!!! Excelent!!! Will add to my favorites... Leo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
5/18/2006 8:53:45 PM
Very beautiful Karl!! Congratulations!! Leo
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Nicola Barbieri (K:18000)
5/18/2006 7:15:54 PM
Great b&w portrait..congrats.Ciao, Nicola
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Susan Hernandez (K:6487)
5/18/2006 6:54:10 PM
Very dramatic shot, love the lighting, well done
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
tyson fast (K:-305)
5/18/2006 7:27:20 AM
wow! this image is amazing!!! the girl on the left makes the picture so intense.
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
3/29/2006 9:21:59 AM
not a bad image with lovely lighting and her beautiful face
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Fabiola Barrientos (K:8169)
3/29/2006 5:29:47 AM
Beauty girl but better is the light in the face...absolutly right!!!Excellent shot!
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Ismail Derguti (K:184)
3/29/2006 5:18:57 AM
it's perfect description of womens world ... so secret that you dont see anything (since there is no light, Kambiz K)and, you have so many different colors in the background just as the veriaty of womens opinion... PS I see 5D works great with colors ... good luck.
Photo By: karl rothenberger
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
3/29/2006 4:07:34 AM
Great ligth in this sensual model! Well done! Leo
Photo By: karl rothenberger