Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
12/29/2006 4:29:08 PM
Hi Sandra, I have always liked your photographs of the Maine Lighthouses...and this is awesome! I know someone who would love having that one hanging in his office. Keep up the great work.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
11/27/2006 4:11:58 PM
I know how difficult it is to get the "perfect" grab shot during a wedding and I think you managed to pull it off very well with this one. My only suggestion would be (and it's just my opinion) to crop the photo at the top and bottom, removing some of the 'wasted" space and to bring the attention to the subjects. I feel the foreground and the ceiling detract from the photo, and after I played with cropping it, liked it better. Sorry I didn't attach it along with the comment. :)
Photo By: Aniko Heart
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
7/18/2006 7:14:53 PM
Sandra, Happy to see you are still photographing lighthouses. This is an awesome shot, the color of the sky is amazing, and with the white foliage makes it intriguing.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/22/2005 3:49:59 AM
I really like this photo! I think it should be on a postcard. I like the way my eye is drawn to the main windmill and then follows the shore line to the others in the back ground.
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 11:47:15 PM
How did I miss this one? This is a beautiful shot. I have this feeling that you and this lighthouse are old friends! This photo would look great on a calendar.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 2:08:22 AM
This is wonderful. In close, nice glow from the morning sun, good compostion. Excellent.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 2:06:21 AM
Very nice. I am speechless.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 2:05:10 AM
This is perfect. Nuff said.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 2:03:56 AM
I'm jealous!! I don't seem to be able to get the butterflys to stay still long enough. This is a terrific shot.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 1:59:59 AM
How nice! There is that I know I'm getting my picture taken look in the cat's eyes.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 1:57:52 AM
Good time exposure. I like the warm reflection in the water.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 1:51:16 AM
Sandra, this is a very interesting concept and a very unique view.
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/20/2005 1:50:18 AM
I like this one!
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/19/2005 4:07:08 AM
Howard this is totally awesome. I love a good sunrise or sunset and I'm sorry I missed this one, but I'm happy you took a great photo of it for me to see!! Wonderful!
Photo By: Howard M. Parsons
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/19/2005 3:56:44 AM
This is an interesting picture...I'm not sure if I like it or not but I am drawn to it. It would have been so nice if you could have gotten closer or drawn in the main lighthouse closer to fill the frame more, since it seems like there is too much sky (for my tastes).
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Lewis Kline (K:52)
1/17/2005 9:58:53 PM
This is a terrific picture, what an opportunity!! I think I would have either moved the camera up some (lose the reflection of the Heron) or move it down more to get more of the reflection in the foreground. Did you manage to get anymore like this?
Photo By: David Dias