Critique By:
Petal Wijnen (K:50989)
4/29/2007 8:07:15 AM
Fabulous macro shot!!! Super DOF, great details, love it against that dark background and excellent (com)position... starting of in the corner... very well done!!!
Die pluizenbollen zijn me toch prachtig nietwaar en de afzonderlijke 'pluisjes'... te mooi om af te doen met 'onkruid'... en je ziet ze nu weer overal... heb er gisteren ook weer een paar 'beschoten', maar zo close lukt me (nog) niet... ;-DD
Photo By: Albert Jacobs
Critique By:
Petal Wijnen (K:50989)
1/27/2006 9:25:30 PM
Neat colorful (and healthy... ;-D) 'combo' shot!! Fabulous colors, nice textures, like the framing and composition (of the seperate shots as well... the frame filling 'works')... well done!!! The only thing I would change is switch the Granny Smith in the lower left corner with the red/orange peppers in the pic on the right of them... so that you don't get Oranges (in the middle one) on orange but on green... get it... if not let me know... LOL!!! BTW looks like you get your daily dose of 'vits and greens'... ;-D!!
Photo By: Steven vanHaaster
Critique By:
Petal Wijnen (K:50989)
6/1/2005 4:40:44 AM
Beautiful shot in B&W!! Great shape(s), excellent crop and composition.... well done!!! Sounds like you did quite some 'work' on this shot (I stopped understanding what you did after the word subject... ;-D)... makes me somewhat curious as to how the 'original' one looked.... but it looks like a job well done...;-D!!!
Photo By: Angelo Villaschi