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Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/12/2005 1:11:44 PM

Thank you Yatharth, the dusts were on the UV lens protector. very easy to clean later
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/12/2005 1:09:48 PM

Thank you very much Vasso.
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/12/2005 1:07:28 PM

Thanks Ann, keep puttin' up those cool shots.
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/10/2005 10:08:17 PM

excellent photo - it is a vortex of vision.
        Photo By: waldemar ebner filho  (K:5242)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/10/2005 9:47:55 PM

marco - i like, very much, what you are expressing - especially the multiple images and the colors over the architecture. however, i am not drawn to the swirls.
otherwise very nice to look into.
        Photo By: Marco Fichera  (K:1135)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/10/2005 2:59:31 PM

very very nice stage shot. very crisp.
        Photo By: Alberto Messina  (K:1801)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/10/2005 2:47:25 AM

gabry - fantastic photo - i love all the different ways the lines cross and how big the ladybug is against them. very cool.
        Photo By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/9/2005 9:26:25 PM

wow - i thought that at first and then even after i saw the original. excellent shot and even better crop and manipulation. a very striking image, this version the change makes the track seem as if it were this oversized track in the middle of a very large field almost prairie like. i really like it.
        Photo By: Peter van Nugteren  (K:421)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/4/2005 3:21:39 AM

great shot.
1st i like the color better.
i've been there and i do't remember it looking so cardboard, but your photo brigs out the truth of the place. it looks like an architectural model potograghed through a model scope. very very nice.
        Photo By: Erik Shea  (K:1600)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/4/2005 12:25:08 AM

i like this composition for an IR shot.
        Photo By: Ed Konczal  (K:267)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/4/2005 12:16:47 AM

jon - thanks for the comments to me.
i missed this one at first but george is on to something. the colors and textures have excellent depth. i like the mud in the forground but i thought a little crop and a frame would bring some added focus to the hull.
just a thought.
thanks again.
        Photo By: Jon Slater  (K:1340)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/3/2005 11:26:38 PM

thanks jon.
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/3/2005 11:25:41 PM

petal - thank you for the toughts.

i checked out your folio and could decide which was the one to share a comment on. all your photos are excellent. so i'll keep looking and keep you postd.

        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/3/2005 11:09:47 PM

thank you for seeing and commenting
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/3/2005 2:48:48 AM

a beautiful bird, a very pure creature. and your photo translates that superbly.
        Photo By: James Hager  (K:6285)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
5/3/2005 2:30:58 AM

does any one know how to remove the sunburst color in PS? next time i'll just use a polorizing filter, but that could be a few years and i would like to know a few tricks :^)
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/29/2005 6:38:00 PM

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night (nor cherry blossoms)stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

i like the added movement of the mailman.
very nice photo.
        Photo By: Stan Pustylnik  (K:6768)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/29/2005 6:23:01 PM

Thanks Ian, i agree with you too it is too dark. i think the flatness comes from the lens and the circular polorizer and of course nature. the clouds were very regular that day and the sun directly over them like a back light.
thanks again
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/29/2005 6:19:08 PM

Thanks Davide, i agree it's too dark but when i try to lighten it in PS the photo is ruined and not at all correct. i think the noon-day sun is the main element to over come. i plan to go back, maybe w/ a reflector. we'll see.
thanks again
        Photo By: allan basik  (K:434)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/29/2005 3:21:55 AM

hi george,
i really like this shot. i like the strained light and how it exagerates the petals a silvery/satin finish.
good one.
        Photo By: George Black  (K:102014) Donor

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/25/2005 1:00:59 PM

very nice composition and beautiful subject.
        Photo By: khoa pham  (K:360)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/25/2005 2:05:47 AM

absolutely fantastic.
from a cubs fan and soon to be dad.
        Photo By: Jessica Hughes  (K:266)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/25/2005 2:01:47 AM

very nice capture - excellent color and I really like the vortex effect you've created with the composition.
        Photo By: Joann Winborn  (K:12550)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/25/2005 1:53:29 AM

Erin, very nice perspective, it definately gives an exagerated view of height. Maybe not what you intended, but not only the height of the tulips but of the trees surrounding them. Excellent.
        Photo By: Erin Smith  (K:455)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/25/2005 1:35:56 AM

very striking.
excellent color.
        Photo By: SORRENTE Patrick  (K:3307)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/21/2005 1:26:02 PM

Excellent! what is the surface the pepsi is landing on? It seems so translucent that the pepsi is splashing in mid air.
very very nice.
        Photo By: Gabriella Carta  (K:22879)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/21/2005 1:16:45 PM

        Photo By: Jim Christensen  (K:18843)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/20/2005 10:11:59 PM

George, this is a great shot both of poeple and effect with the play off the glass.
As for the composition, the photo would get to the next level if you could see all of the doors and maybe a little of the ground to see the connection of their images to 'the street'.
Nonetheless a great capture.
And thanks for the comments to me.
        Photo By: George Black  (K:102014) Donor

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/20/2005 2:11:07 AM

another 1000 words to go along w/ 1000 memories. excellent!!

altre 1000 parole da andare avanti con 1000 memorie. eccellente!!

(sorry if the translation is poor)
        Photo By: soul 21  (K:27572)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/20/2005 2:06:02 AM

hey chad - i like the simplicity of the colors (greens, white and shadows). i think a simple frame would set it off nicely. and don't be afraid to get out your clippers next time to cut what you don't want out. it's easier than the clone tool in PS, as it is it's just clover and i'm trying to get rid of a ton of it im my own yard. i like it.
        Photo By: Chad Parish  (K:335)

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