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Critiques From Robert Delgadillo

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Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
4/23/2010 6:32:55 AM

Thanks, I really like the evening sun tones. This was the only one of many that came out right.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
4/23/2010 6:30:39 AM

I had no idea the help sign was on the door till I uploaded it later. I love these kinds of surprises.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
3/9/2010 3:21:55 PM

Shooting into the sun made for very hard shadows and i could not get decent print out of it but I liked the perspective. But changing contrast and giving a hand colored antique photograph look was the best I could do.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/15/2010 9:10:25 PM

Funny how they get all dressed up to be seen and when someone takes their photo they get a curious look as to why.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/15/2010 3:33:39 PM

Thank you for your kind comment. Composition without the distraction of colors. Basic elements.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
11/14/2009 8:35:01 AM

I think it might be a Dirt Devil?!
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
10/24/2009 1:55:18 AM

Unfortunately the post processing program I use strips that info from the image data.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
10/20/2009 4:58:47 PM

Great landside tours, great food and beautiful deck side views!
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
10/15/2009 5:59:50 PM

It was at the Americana outdoor shopping mall in Glendale California last Sunday. A very fine collection of super autos.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
9/24/2009 12:43:11 AM

She's got her priorities right, save the beer!
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
9/17/2009 7:38:32 PM

Thanks, I was quite lucky. Maybe I should have called it Urban Camouflage?
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
9/1/2009 3:53:56 PM

I changed the title to "Touching", Love was not exactly right. Touching has a double meaning in this case and more appropriate I think.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
8/9/2009 4:44:23 PM

This is a place where people dress up as famous characters to pose with tourists. This one was portraying Marylin Monroe.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:38:02 PM

Well done.
        Photo By: Lejla  Ibrahimi  (K:660)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:36:37 PM

Beautiful flower.
        Photo By: Greg Hawes  (K:866)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:35:23 PM

Great timing.
        Photo By: aurelioclick aurelio  (K:-134)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:32:42 PM

Great composition. Well done.
        Photo By: Carmen Fuchs  (K:6967)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:31:03 PM

Saying more with less. Well done.
        Photo By: RC. Dany  (K:64104)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/28/2009 4:29:43 PM

I like it, a slice of everyday life.
        Photo By: serhat ÖNCÜ  (K:522)

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/23/2009 5:58:27 AM

She did and gave a big smile right after.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/19/2009 5:14:33 PM

Patience, patience, patience and good luck. Bright day so you can use high shutter speed and shoot in burst more. Don't try to follow it with any auto settings.
I was pretty lucky. I have caught bees and a few wasps but this lady bug was special.
Thanks for your kind comment.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/16/2009 8:59:08 PM

She has a great smile, thanks!
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
7/10/2009 1:36:59 AM

Yes he is, my kid brother. And a rare good politician. Funny how the person behind him make it look like he has longer hair.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/17/2009 7:53:50 PM

Notice the front wheel is off the ground on the yellow funny car.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/15/2009 6:07:13 PM

This will be the last Christmas with him for a while. My son is now stationed in Italy for the next 4 years. I hope to travel there in the summer. Grand kids are great, they make me feel young again.

Thanks again for reviewing my portfolio. It is always a pleasure to see your thoughtful comments.

I read in the forum your comments on Usefilm. It seems that the management doesn't care to respond to members suggestions. I made a few suggestions in the forum and got a "If you don't like it you can leave" response. I like this format but with so many new photo sharing places that offer so much more. I don't know if I will renew this year.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/15/2009 5:48:25 PM

"The Doo Dah Parade is a popular farcical and flamboyant parade held in Pasadena, California about once a year, usually in the fall or winter. Conceived in 1976 by several friends as a response to the traditional formality of the Rose Parade, which is also held in Pasadena. So they decided it would be fun to have an alternate parade that year. Some of the early participants were Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, The Lawn mower drill team, The Briefcase drill team and General Hershey Bar, among many others. The Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, The Men of Leisure Synchronized Nap Team, and the band "Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, still the Official band. Many groups participate in the Doo Dah Parade as a fundraising effort for various charities"

I've taken a liking to street photography and parades are a perfect place to take photos of people, both in the parade and peoples reactions to the parade in the crowd. The Doo Dah is my favorite so far.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/3/2009 7:52:34 PM

I honestly can't say as this was my first Doo Dah. From what I've heard and clips I've seen, I was expecting a little more craziness, but the crowd craziness was just as good or better than the parade.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
2/2/2009 11:42:59 PM

I used to live a few blocks from the Rose Parade and I would hate it because of all the traffic problems and mess left behind, some on our property. But now that I have photography I go to as many parades as I can and the Doo Dah is right at the top for fun for the crowd. I do believe there is a sister Doo Dah Parade in the mid west someplace.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
1/30/2009 10:42:08 PM

None so far, I think it was very funny. But I could see where some might object. There were a few OMG's from the crowd. They did this very straight faced with the band leader very serious and they were playing a very popular rock song as they marched and danced around him.

The Doo Dah Parade is held in Old Town Pasadena with no set date and is essentially the opposite of the Rose Parade and even runs at right angle to the Rose Parade. The crowd dresses almost as wild as the participants.

My first time there and I will be sure to arrend next year. It was a blast.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

Critique By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor  
1/26/2009 9:18:42 PM

This was last weekend at the Doo Dah parade. Not directly accociated with Chinese New Year.
        Photo By: Robert Delgadillo  (K:3509) Donor

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