Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
8/6/2007 8:47:20 AM
You did well to keep the face in sharp focus at 1/30 sec. here. This is my favorite slalom paddlers. Joanna
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
8/6/2007 8:14:16 AM
This is one of my favorites from yours. (Is it because I am female?) I like the light/dark contrast, the diagonal lines, and how the hood frames his face. Joanna
Photo By: Erwyn's Image
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
8/6/2007 8:08:00 AM
I really love the perspective here. It looks like she is ready to fly off into space. I also like the magenta/black color contrast and the two sets of parallel black horizontal and vertical lines. Joanna
Photo By: Indra Yoto
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
8/6/2007 7:49:40 AM
I like your framing and composition here. The orange and black color contrast adds something as well. Joanna
Photo By: David Sacoff
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
4/25/2006 10:19:25 AM
Terry I am struggling with a decision to purchase this lens or a different one. How do you like your Nikon 24-85. It would be the perfect range/size/weight for me. I am wondering if it is sharp?
Photo By: Terry Taylor
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/6/2006 10:24:30 PM
Hiroshi, I have just discovered your portfolio. You have such an artistic eye. I will definitely keep a watch for your pictures. Joanna
Photo By: kokupsy_un morita
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/6/2006 9:59:55 PM
A most amazing shot. I expect some hobit or elf to come wandering out of the mist at any moment. Joanna
Photo By: Giovanni Stelluti
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/6/2006 9:52:07 PM
I love the color manipulation here. You have only posted two pictures here, but I can definitely see a style developing. Carry on! I want to see more. Joanna
Photo By: Brane T. Cervek
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/6/2006 9:48:42 PM
This really does look like and abstract painting. I love the lines, especially the small white drip at the top and the weld seam on the right.
Photo By: Federico Bottaini
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/5/2006 11:10:43 PM
I like the haunted atmosphere. It would make a good halloween poster. Joanna
Photo By: Ameed El-Ghoul
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/5/2006 10:52:04 PM
Very cute! Did you try a shot in portrait orientation too? I would like to see what it is perching on. Joanna
Photo By: Craig Law
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/5/2006 10:48:33 PM
Thank you Janet, for your explanation. I too live in a small house (in Tokyo). I do use shallow DOF and sometimes "black out" the background by using a small aperature and a bounced flash. I will keep the white foam board in mind. I have recently converted a few of my granddaughter pictures into B&W. I will see if there are any I feel I can post on UF. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/5/2006 4:09:09 AM
LOL Thank you Jim. Arigatou. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/4/2006 11:31:05 PM
Hi Janet. I do really like this lens. As you can tell from my pictures, I love macro, so this lens spends a lot of time on my camera. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/4/2006 11:18:34 PM
Janet, I know this is not a new post, but it is a perfect example of a question I have for you. So many of the pictures I have taken of my granddaughter are detracted by the cluttered background. You don't have anything "excess" in your backgrounds. Do you overpaint them? How do you do it?
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/2/2006 11:32:27 PM
Thanks, Chris. I was focusing on the very tip of the leaf, and I did get that in sharp focus, but I wish the whole edge of the leaf were in better focus. A slightly different angle might have done that for me. Shallow depth of field is really challenging and fun, but I do make a lot of mistakes. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/2/2006 8:50:32 PM
This is a very tender image with excellent use of shallow DOF. I do wish just a little more of the dog were in focus though. Now, only 2 of his wiskers and the woman's lower lip are in sharp focus. Just a little more sharpness in the dog's nose would have been great. Joanna
Photo By: Sebastian Fainbraun
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/2/2006 8:42:33 PM
Very good detail in the feathers. The expression is very good. Joanna
Photo By: surya fajri
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/2/2006 8:22:49 PM
Jannet, I have been away from UF for a while, and recently spent some time catching up. I love your Boxy story and pictures. Your B&W pictures of your children are always so inspiring. Thank you. Joanna
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
1/1/2006 5:55:58 AM
Hello, Jim. I was so impressed with your cowtown picture the other day. All the pictures in your portfolio so far are from India, so I just assumed that is where you were from. It is nice to know you are so nearby. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/31/2005 11:14:14 PM
Thank you Uri. Actually, I do have another view a little more to the left, but the light reflected too much off the leaf, so I didn't like it quite as much. I will post it here. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/31/2005 11:07:36 PM
Hi Claudio, It was shot at 1/200 sec and f/4. The ISO was set at 200. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 5:09:59 AM
Thank you Anne.
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 5:05:26 AM
Thank you all for your comments. I was disappointed by the haze when we first started our hike, but it was a plus for this view. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 4:59:08 AM
Thank you Rashed. I haven't logged on here for some time now, so really enjoyed going through your gallery to see your new ones. You are truly an artist. Joanna
Photo By: Joanna Ohmori
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 3:42:52 AM
I love her expression. She certainly likes the person she is looking at. (You?)
Photo By: Marko Milovic
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 3:39:43 AM
Amazing timing! Joanna
Photo By: Mohammad Al-Mumen
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 3:38:04 AM
This reminded me of my daughter over 25 years ago who loved her red boots, just like these. You captured the joy of childhood well with this photo, even though you cannot see her face.
Photo By: A K
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
12/27/2005 1:50:02 AM
I love the simplicity of color in this picture. The bikes add balance. I'm glad you included them.
Photo By: Jim Murray
Critique By:
Joanna Ohmori (K:547)
11/14/2005 11:53:40 PM
Thanks, Roger for commenting on some of my pictures. I live in Setagaya ku, between Sangenjaya and Gakugeidaigaku. That's not far from Jiyuugaoka. I enjoyed meeting George and Vivi in this picture. The B&W picture you commented on is a picture of my daughter, Emi, and my one and only granddaughter, Frankie. They live near Yuutenji. It's a small world. Joanna
Photo By: Roger Williams