Critique By:
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP (K:18382)
10/13/2011 9:00:35 AM
A motive that appeals to the positive feelings of the viewer. With the best wishes, Gerhard
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Rachel Leah (K:26110)
1/14/2010 2:39:23 AM
Well she is VERY cute! I like the expression you captured here - and the lighting and coloring is nice as well - welcome back :)
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
kevin leroy (K:3)
7/14/2008 12:53:48 PM
hey there , any chance I could get this full sized imiage emailed to me? kevin(dot)leroy(at)gmail(dot)com
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
10/23/2007 12:01:03 PM
Where did your photos go Steve? Says a lot about parenthood that you haven't posted since this. Hope Betherly Eileen is getting about. Congratulations!
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
10/23/2007 11:58:26 AM
All I can think is that presented with such a thing to work with I'd trash it... I'm sure this would have dire consequences in the real world. Easy to also think this represents a cyber space tower block... Lots to think. Thanks for the shot.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Steve Hennerley (K:5776)
4/23/2007 2:17:21 AM
Hi Nikki,
I have emailed to your address, but not had a response. Hopefully you provided the correct address?
Thanks Steve
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
nikki hanmer (K:24)
3/30/2007 2:00:47 AM
Hi Steve, I must say your photography is amazing.
I'm sorry to contact you this way, but this is my only avenue. I believe you are from Chorley and your mum is Sheila.
Don't worry, it's not a fatal attraction thing or anything, I'm just tracing my roots.
If you are Steve, and your mum is Sheila, please email me at aug2974@yahoo.co.uk.
Please don't worry, it's good news.
Thank u
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
nikki hanmer (K:24)
3/13/2007 8:06:34 PM
Unsure as yet
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Steve Hennerley (K:5776)
3/12/2007 8:56:39 PM
Hi Nikki...
What relation are you to Sheila?
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
nikki hanmer (K:24)
3/12/2007 7:28:42 PM
Hi sorry to intrude, love the photo!! Trying to trace Shelia Hennerley from Chorley... Any relation? I am currently working on my family tree.
Mrs Hanmer
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
James Cook (K:38068)
7/11/2006 5:06:23 PM
This is a great zoom shot. I may have left a bit more black at the top of the image for balance, but very well done indeed. Again, your matting is well done.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
James Cook (K:38068)
7/11/2006 5:03:50 PM
This one looks like a living thing, as though the water has opened its mouth to speak.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
James Cook (K:38068)
7/11/2006 5:02:57 PM
I'm not sure if the sepia works for this image. There is a lot of detail in there, but I have to strain to see it.
It's a great shot with fine framing and composition, and your matting I think works well.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
5/9/2006 8:27:51 AM
welcome Bethany Eileen!!!! :-)
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
4/12/2006 7:29:45 PM
Hi Steve, Very good photo; the gulls against the soft, pastel evening tones are gorgeous, it creates a very tranquil atmosphere.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Weston Dru (K:3243)
4/7/2006 9:45:04 AM
Hi Steve! Hope you are OK! Best wishes
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Phillip Minnis (K:13131)
3/28/2006 8:38:02 PM
A lovely image, Steve! So cute! Really suited to B&W. Well captured!
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Dennis Hendricksen (K:4817)
3/28/2006 6:40:18 PM
Thanks for the explanation Steve. Well conceived and well executed. I'm going to have to give this a try someday.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Steve Hennerley (K:5776)
3/28/2006 8:54:04 AM
Hi Dennis...
the clouds are luminescent because the moon actually WAS shining behind them.... in fact the moon in both imges was in the same place.
The problems were that to expose the clouds meant overexposing the moon (white blob) and to expose the moon meanth the clouds were invisible (underexposed).
I took two pictures of the same with a slow shutter to expose the clouds, and then a fast (ie daylight settings) exposure to get the detail in the moon.
There was a little bit of work in PS getting it to look good - but not as much as you might think.
Thank you so much for your comments!!!
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Dennis Hendricksen (K:4817)
3/22/2006 3:24:20 PM
Well done Steve! Too often I see an image of the moon combined with earthbound objects (buildings, trees, hills and so forth). It is nice to see a creative picture of the moon with sky material (clouds). I'm not sure how you got the clouds to be luminescent as if the moon was shining behind them since this is a combination of two images. However you managed it this is a skillfully crafted shot and lovely to look at.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Salvo Valenti (K:17038)
2/20/2006 9:38:09 PM
hi steve , grazie per la tua osservazione , complimenti per il tuo portfolio , ciao salvo
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
al shaikh (K:15790)
2/14/2006 4:24:18 AM
I've heard of impatient photographers before but this takes the cake 
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Steve Hennerley (K:5776)
2/6/2006 9:31:16 PM
Hi Mary Sue...
I don't have the fie with me at work to check 100% - but you can be pretty sure that it was all the way over to the stop at 18mm.
Obviously, panos are WIIIIIDDDEEEEE - that's the point... so a short focal length makes your job easier.
Just for interest - I'm sure you picked it up - but the hill/road on the left is the same as the one on the right - the angle of view for the whole image is around 180 deg
Go out and give it a go - use 16mm and try to keep the camera very level and pointed straight at the horizon to minimise distortion (and keep the horizon reasonably stright) Obviously - you should always use a tripod.... (oops!).
The absolutely critical part is to ensure you are on full manual and you have everything set to manual - Aperture, shutter, White Balance. Use a small aperture to get a wide dof.
If you use PS CS2, the photomerge automation is great for lining your shots up - though it does not always give the best blending - I prefer to do this by hand.
Good Luck!!
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Mary Sue Hayward (K:17558)
2/6/2006 12:59:39 PM
I'm curious also about one thing Steve. Do you remember where you had the camera set...was it more at the 18mm focal length or at the 55mm? It is probably in the EXIF info captured by the cam.
Not that those mechanics are important really, but I've never shot a stitched pano like this and am trying to think of how it would work with my lens (16-35mm)on the 10d.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Steve Hennerley (K:5776)
2/6/2006 4:43:45 AM
Hi Mary Sue!
Thank you so much for your comment - asfter looking again I agree with you - the balance would be much better - especially sin ce the people in the shot would then be both sides too - will do just what you suggest!
This was certainly spru of the moment - I was on the hill (North Head on Auckland's North Shore - it is an old WWII naval station and gun emplacement) with my mother and her sister who were visiting from England. I had forgotted my tripod, and just had my camera with me - UF's panorama upgrade had just happened and I had the urge to stitch so to speak...
So I set my cam to manual and shot the photos you see above all handheld - was kinda tricky - cos all the boats you see were moving pretty fast - So had pretty much no time between shots.
Was fairly pleased with the result - though it's not as even as I would have liked.
Was stictched together in CS2 using the photomerge tool - but all the blending was done by hand - I find that the automatic blending tends to leave annoying diagonal lines everywhere.
Thanx for your comment!
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Mary Sue Hayward (K:17558)
2/5/2006 10:43:01 PM
This is spur of the moment and hand held?? Great job! I like the framing except for one miniscule nit: I'd crop off (or maybe clone out) that little peek of roadway on the right side. That would allow the tree to be the right-most element, balancing the tree on the left side.
Nice view, nicely seen.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
1/30/2006 4:48:10 PM
lovely image of that thoughtful pussy cat.
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Sophie King (K:3250)
1/27/2006 3:37:18 AM
Very good. I would have had the black line all the way around, but that is just a personal preference. This is a great panoramic picture. Very good for hand-held and great detail in the sky. Well done
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
1/24/2006 4:29:30 AM
An interesting image of that little pussy
Photo By: Steve Hennerley
Critique By:
Christina Stalia (K:893)
1/23/2006 2:48:40 PM
Excellent tones, colours, well focused...I like the direct...and the pal clarity of this photo! Congrs! Christina
Photo By: Steve Hennerley