Critique By:
acharouak adil (K:60)
7/3/2006 7:37:09 PM
une tres tres belle photo, vraiment fèlicitation pour cette belle prise
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
7/2/2006 5:42:46 PM
very beautiful image, great details and wonderful tone, all of the best my friend
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
7/2/2006 4:42:38 PM
Interesante abstracto. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
carlo raingini (K:11977)
7/2/2006 3:39:40 PM
very nice portrait
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
carlo raingini (K:11977)
7/2/2006 3:39:08 PM
great crop & shot
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Ioana-Alecsandra Bour (K:714)
7/2/2006 3:34:06 PM
Wonderful shot and post! Congrats!
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Howie Mudge (K:27933)
6/30/2006 10:25:28 PM
Excellent light and effect, I like this a lot. Great capture.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Golboo Fiuzy (K:2359)
6/30/2006 10:08:25 PM
It's very lovely shot. With the best contrast and brightness. Thank for sharing. And welcome to usefilm.com
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Joe Ciccone (K:3684)
6/30/2006 10:08:05 PM
interesting 'abstract view'...very nice capture...cheers
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
6/30/2006 9:59:26 PM
very creative. marvelous tones. exquisite composition.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
6/30/2006 9:55:00 PM
thankyou. boredom always brings out my best ideas. this was done in my room ontop of my scanner with window light and a green shoebox for a backdrop.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
6/30/2006 9:53:31 PM
thankyou i used iso 1600, i put my camera in b/w mode with red filter and high contrast. then my boyf colourized it for the brown tone in photoshop. i think that helped alot with the mood i ahve another that is flat and grey.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Jacob French (K:6315)
6/30/2006 9:49:18 PM
Great idea and wonderful tone. I also like the softness of this photo.
Well done! J
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Joe Teng (K:16723)
6/30/2006 9:49:10 PM
great shot! love the mood you have created.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Franz Thoma (K:3365)
6/29/2006 10:20:32 PM
Quite an artistic picture. The metal spiral may be a bit to dominant. Funny idea, though. Regards Franz
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
6/28/2006 6:22:10 PM
very creative one
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Rebecca Parkin (K:237)
6/28/2006 4:07:38 PM
Wow, very creative! I looked at this for some time before seeing your explanation of what you did, trying to figure out how it was done.
I like that you chose dead flowers over healthy ones, and I like the framing of them inside the shoebox quite a bit. Very nice work, Emma!
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
6/27/2006 10:03:10 PM
thankyou againg for your useful comments, i did as you suggested about the border and it does look good. thankyou again.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Richard Gain (K:386)
6/27/2006 8:55:52 PM
Lovely contrasting colours when juxtaposed with the first one in the series. They will look great displayed together, partly because of the colours, but also because the essential qualities of the first picture are carried over successfully into the second one. For me this makes the whole impression much stronger. Very good. (You might try adding a thick black border to enhance the impact - just a thought.)
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
6/27/2006 2:19:30 PM
I have posted another leaf that you may be interested in looking at
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
6/26/2006 6:39:25 PM
Thankyou for the comment.
I used an extension tube with a 50mm lens that is why the focus is very limited, i have done some other macro work where the effect is the same because of the tubes. the tubes only allow for a few millimeters of focus, i thought it worked for this image, i too like the glow around the leaf and the plantpot in the background does compliment it well.
i would have liked to have a little more of the leaf in focus but the end result i am fairly happy with
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Richard Gain (K:386)
6/26/2006 5:28:20 PM
Hi Emma
There's lots about this photo that I like, yet somehow I felt I wanted to like it more, after being attracted to the thumbnail. I'll try and explain but I'm not really sure I understand exactly why I felt that.
The colours are beautiful! I guess that's down to the other flower in the background. The macro shot of the leaf shows some detail but personally I wanted to see more clarity. I wasn't sure if the blurriness was focal or motion in origin. Overall there is a lovely glow to the image which gives it a kind of mystical quality.
Congratulations on producing a thought-provoking image. Richard
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
OMran Isso (K:1723)
6/5/2006 1:07:43 AM
nice pic ..
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Bill Voizin (K:78)
5/29/2006 1:17:22 AM
Impressive Emma! Well seen and captured...Regards--Bill Voizin
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
5/28/2006 12:37:51 PM
thankyou for the comment.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Emma Thornton (K:104)
5/28/2006 12:37:24 PM
thankyou very much for your kind comment much appreciated
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
brit warren (K:1516)
5/28/2006 3:11:55 AM
Terrific light. Love the clarity of the reflection and the detail of the scenery. Great color.
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
davide lupo-pasini (K:8079)
5/28/2006 12:59:14 AM
hi, Emma! I've seen a lot of shots of this kind, but i've to tell u that this one, look very good composed and really give the idea of moving by the train... lovely reflection and good separation of the subject and the moving background... ciao Davide
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Nicola Barbieri (K:18000)
5/12/2006 6:28:11 PM
the silhouete in wonderful!congrats..ciao!
Photo By: Emma Thornton
Critique By:
Jimmy Piper (K:5742)
5/12/2006 9:02:02 AM
i like it...
Photo By: Emma Thornton