Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
8/15/2006 11:30:17 AM
love the composition and there is a certain symetry that makes the shot unique
Photo By: Riham Essam
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
6/19/2006 11:06:26 AM
wow! no credo che posso criticare una foto cosi perfetta
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
6/19/2006 11:03:18 AM
that is such a great perfect landscape, it almost has an antique brush effect. Probably it's becuase of the colours, but it does remind me of many of the paintings done in the romanticism era. It's amazing how you managed to capture such perfect symetry too, great job!
Photo By: Lynne Alexander
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
6/19/2006 10:55:16 AM
very interesting shot. I really like the perfect pattern in the sand and the vitality of the yellow colour
Photo By: hermin abramovitch
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:42:24 PM
you can see the full spectrum, great catch
Photo By: Aya Ali-Mohamad
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:39:54 PM
impressive, never thought a bee could be so beautiful
Photo By: Adrian Cornish
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:23:58 PM
oh my god that is such a cute cat, and such a great photo, I really like the black and white on this one, not only that, the angle is good - but admit it you had a great model hehe
Photo By: Debarshi Duttagupta
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:22:51 PM
very nice warm colours on this silhouette
Photo By: Aya Ali-Mohamad
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:22:22 PM
wow sei un grande giardiniere allora, quelle rose sono stupende, e il b&w da alla foto una cosi bella composizione
Photo By: Nicola Barbieri
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:19:39 PM
very artsy shot, would look great as an advert
Photo By: Luby Adam
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:17:22 PM
such a cool photo! longing for the cold as in Malta right now it's burning - but at least this shot is quite refreshing 
Photo By: Tony Hunter
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:14:47 PM
I have to agree with Mirielle, I do like the whole series but I love the minimalism in this one!
Photo By: Peter De Rycke
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:12:31 PM
so what if it is manipulated, you say it like it's a bad thing! Great manipulation as it gives it almost a ghostly effect
Photo By: Piero D'Orto
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:09:28 PM
great symetry - and yeah it is super, you really have a good eye!
Photo By: Petal Wijnen
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
5/22/2006 7:08:42 PM
very effective depth of field, I really like the blue tones on the flower!
Photo By: Jason Mardell
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
4/22/2006 1:14:12 PM
very interesting abstract
Photo By: Davide Anzalone
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
4/22/2006 1:13:09 PM
amazing landscape, very moody, love the patterns
Photo By: Claudia De Benedetto
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
4/22/2006 1:03:34 PM
there is something nostalgic about this picture, can't put my finger on it though - I love the soft light colours in it, and the shadows on the sand create some kind of symtery. May I ask where was this picture taken?
Photo By: John-Eric Lemieux
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
4/22/2006 12:59:37 PM
such a nice abstract, I really do like the colours. The only little problem I see is that there are two little spots in the larger yellow bit, they are barely noticable but I would have tried and patched them up - but then again that's me, maybe you wanted to keep it as natural as possible so that the viewer can see the perfection in it.
Photo By: Pawel Rubaj
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/28/2006 5:55:15 PM
i don't blame you...it looks like a beautiful place ( I don't think it's southend is it?) love the tones and colours on this landscape, excellent work
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/28/2006 5:52:27 PM
very intimate and still, really like the way the light works on the face - i think the choice of black and white is excellent since it highlights the good qualities of the portrait
Photo By: George Black
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/28/2006 5:50:12 PM
very interesting picture!
Photo By: Abdul Kadir Audah
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/28/2006 5:48:29 PM
waw amazing to see it's just paper, love the lighting on this one, great abstract indeed
Photo By: Laurie Gould
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:44:44 PM
such a beautiful cat! I would have focused more on him...i really like his expression, looks so contented
Photo By: Hankel O'Fung
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:42:58 PM
that looks like a great vacation spot...where was the picture taken? Belissimi colori - il cielo ha qual'cosa di magico!
Photo By: valentino ugolotti
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:30:12 PM
hehe mi piace tanto il titolo - e anche la foto
Photo By: Antonio Esposito
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:28:41 PM
Love this picture...!
Photo By: Kamran
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:22:53 PM
great sky! I really like the slanting slopes in the background, they add so much to the image. The idea of shooting directly to the dun but through the tree branches is genius.
Photo By: Weston Dru
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
3/27/2006 5:19:51 PM
I think I did exagerate a little bit with the depth of field, but I was experimenting after all...please comment
Photo By: Melanie Schembri
Critique By:
Melanie Schembri (K:1531)
1/17/2006 2:13:09 PM
oh wow oh wow oh wow, nothing else I can say about this, it's astounding!!
Photo By: Hugo de Wolf