Critique By:
dan bar (K:7194)
8/29/2008 11:23:20 AM
Loved your Travel photos, you know you should really make an album in this site, www.trekinu.com .
like this presentation, http://www.trekinu.com/viewtrek.aspx?trkid=mquiko5rgn2bbjt
its free and you can share with us the places you traveled to on the map. takes 3-4 minutes... (this is NOT a site to replace useFilm, it's for sharing albums with music and send to friends and share here with your photos)
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
3/24/2006 8:53:55 AM
very cool. wonderful tones.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
3/24/2006 7:34:18 AM
Fortunately you are not there
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
3/23/2006 8:52:46 AM
Not a bad image. I assume she should NOT sweat during her performance otherwise all of those make up would be ruined!!
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/14/2005 9:29:24 PM
They look like a happy group. Is there anyone special in the group for you??? Here is the shot I took from the tea plantation. Hope you enjoy. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/14/2005 6:10:55 AM
Yes, yes I remember the guy separating the tea leaves by hand. The one I went to had a beautiful garden with a tea pot fountain. I had it posted but took it down. I will try to re post it again in the future. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
7/14/2005 1:54:59 AM
haha Thank you Robert, I also have a pic about the tea maker. All those boys and girls are my mates.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/13/2005 4:02:42 AM
Nice colors with reflections for good composition. I see you are in Hangzhou, I still have some tea from there I got exactly 3 years ago. It was pretty humid there at this time of year. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
7/10/2005 6:24:05 PM
This is simply amazing. The colors, reflections and calm water look amazing.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Jin Kang (K:1022)
7/10/2005 6:00:02 AM
Beautiful picture of the village.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Jin Kang (K:1022)
7/10/2005 5:59:01 AM
Very nice photo. Lots of detail.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/6/2005 7:34:24 PM
Ahh... I see, I think what you are saying is what we call in English a "Chinese Block Print" which makes sense with the image. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
7/6/2005 4:02:33 PM
Thank you for all your commends  Bcs.the wall has been ruined for long time. and it looks like the Chinese Painting which was painted by the Chinese B&W ink. That's why I named it. maybe it isn't a good translation.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/6/2005 5:41:49 AM
The tones of this B&W are very soothing and the vertical crop helps the composition. Why is this called the "ink wall"?
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
7/6/2005 5:38:51 AM
Nice use of B&W. Also a nice contrast from the old buildings and the more western style clothes of the people. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
7/2/2005 8:33:43 AM
Zha Ji is settle down between "Huang shan" and "Jiu hua shan". Zha Ji is belong to "Jing xian". We went there by bus from "Nan jing" or from "He Fei". Zha ji is in the north of Hong cun.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
* James * (K:20200)
7/2/2005 7:18:10 AM
these narrow alleyways leave a lot of opportunity for interesting photos. how far from hongcun is zhaji? i have no idea where it is.... maybe i'll go back to anhui soon.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Orazio Minnella (K:49417)
7/1/2005 8:51:21 AM
Nice street shot and beautiful composition.Excellent light and tones.Congrats.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
7/1/2005 7:38:25 AM
Thank you James! I also browsed your works. you seems really good at knowing China. Yes, Zha ji is near by Hong cun. Bcs. Hongcun is the most popular, so there will be crowed and noisy. won't be good for us to sketch. by the way, your works are really wonderful
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
7/1/2005 7:33:22 AM
Thank you Robert! I will upload those kind of Chinese pics on here. and hope you will like them.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
* James * (K:20200)
6/27/2005 12:30:17 AM
nice photo lucy. we forget that many chinese still live in small villages like this as the images most often shown are those of beijing and shanghai. never been to Zha Ji but it must be near Hongcun, which i have been to. they look similar.
best wishes ~ james
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
6/24/2005 6:34:56 PM
Give us more images of the real people and real China. Your images have a real artist sense of interest. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Elisabeth D'Amico (K:6674)
6/19/2005 7:16:58 PM
Really very nice and particular. Eli:-))
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Mohamed Banna (K:34237)
6/19/2005 11:44:09 AM
PERFECT SHOT,, nice and peaceful nature, great angle , makes any artist want to paint .. sure 7+
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
6/10/2005 8:56:17 PM
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
6/6/2005 7:42:15 AM
hehe, I'll try my best to communicate. I found here is a good place to know other people and other cultures' views.
BTW. yes, you are right. I used the photoshop to emphasize the scallop's dots more lighter, I wanna it could be contrast the blue sky.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
6/6/2005 6:59:02 AM
Thank you Bob! and also thanks for you adding me. When did you visit Beijing. Nowadays the whispering wall is protected, which is forbiddent people to walk closely.
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
6/6/2005 3:48:20 AM
Nice perspective for a difficult lighting situation. I like the scallop shape of the curved roof edge against the blue sky. You might want to play with the color balance to bring some more detail into focus. Don't work about your english. Communication here will only improve as you use it more. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Robert Delgadillo (K:3509)
6/6/2005 3:41:21 AM
Good mix of color and detail with good balance in composition. It would have been a little nicer to have the whole figure on the right match the left one. Heavenly Temple was my favorite stop in Beijing. The whispering walls were fantastic. Bob
Photo By: Lucy Lv
Critique By:
Lucy Lv (K:81)
5/27/2005 8:28:22 AM
Thank you for your commends
Photo By: Lucy Lv