Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/16/2006
Thanks Phil, so do you and so does Andrzej :) Here is a link to his pictures: http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/98913.html Best regards, Ina PS - I've had my 20D for less than a year, I also have 300D, and a Panasonic FZ-10.
Philip Curwen
{K:1363} 2/16/2006
Hi, yes I love my 20D I am still learning it. There hasnt been many nice light days since I've had it though (no excuses eh) Do you have a link to the other Burlington user I'd like to browse their images. You do have some excellent ones in your portfolio. Thanks Phil
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/16/2006
Thanks very much Phil :) Did you see Andrzej's page? He also lives in Burlington, and I'm sure there are some UF-ers from Hamilton. It's a great place to take pictures, I hope you like the 20D, I sure love mine :)
Philip Curwen
{K:1363} 2/16/2006
I like this shot. I've been there so many times but youve captured it well and given me an idea. Great shot. Phil
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 12/9/2005
Great abstract!! The rust and color here standout together with the lines of rivets. Beautiful!!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/7/2005
Thanks Aram for taking the time to look so attentively at my pictures! Abstracts are not much fun to comment on, but your observations are always amazing :) I'll be off for a few days, hope to see your new posts soon!
Aram Gharib
{K:4656} 12/7/2005
Quite different view that demonstrates how a slight change in your view angle transforms your vision of the same reality. The faded and shy presence of trees in the very background with the rest of the structure makes this shot less abstract. The main thing is the impressive structure with its colors: neat and right-angled oranges with the chaotic and randomly distributed black spots...
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/6/2005
Thanks Mark, your still lifes are very exciting. I'm dying to do a few of my own! I've been thinking a lot at them, it's actually what brought me to your portfolio. One of these days...
Mark Longo
{K:12760} 12/6/2005
Amazing texture! I love the abstract shapes/patterns as well. The detail and sharpness on the right side is marvelous. I also love the colors and weathering, multiple attempts at paint, etc. But above all, for me it's the abstract lines and the texture. Great job Ina! You have a real urban edge here lately!
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 12/4/2005
Hi Ina, Unfortunately, that might be the case for a while. I'm hoping to keep up, but I might have to trim down my associates list a bit...we'll see. You (of course) will remain among the top of the list!!! Your encouragement means a lot to me...Thanks! Kathy
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 12/4/2005
another great abstract with beautiful details and colors,very best regards my friend.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/4/2005
Thanks Neal, I have countless pictures of this bridge, I may insert a couple from time to time, but it gets too boring to post too many at once, I think.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/4/2005
Thanks Gyuri, that's a great compliment for me!
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 12/4/2005
I was hoping you'd do more of this bridge after seeing it in "The Perspective." I love both of these. Endless fun details and textures.
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 12/4/2005
First I thought it was by Robi Kocs. Very good, Ina. The little green patch in the background even makes it humane. Greetings, Gyuri
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Nigel, I really appreciate it!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Can LK :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Wael :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Daniel :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Ha-ha Gustavo! La reina del oxido! :-) This is actually orange paint, but I have more pictures of rust, I'll dedicate one to you when I'll post it (might not be very soon, though - right now I'm playing with sepia). Thanks very much for both comments! Un abrazo and a great weekend! Ina
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 12/3/2005
... great colors and details...nice composition!!!
best regards, Winfried
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/3/2005
Sin dudas!, la reina del óxido! Un abrazo!
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 12/3/2005
I like the composition and the detail of the bridge in the gap, great photograph Nigel
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 12/3/2005
Nice details, stong effect for the colour. Endre
Liberte, Egalite, Stupidite
{K:-194} 12/3/2005
One monster structure from the outer world it seems. This close-up is a great looking one.
Rima Dario
{K:4427} 12/3/2005
Buon dettaglio e colori. Ciao Dario.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 12/3/2005
Nice rusty details and bults!
{K:7476} 12/3/2005
amazing abstract colors & textures work very well done Ina regard wael
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 12/3/2005
What a pretty texture, lovely surfaces with great details! Very nice rusty details, wonderful orange colortones, the vertical & aslope lines are superb. Excellent abstract composition, well captured dear friend! WoooW! I do love it! I've to save my favs! Great work, superb work dear Ina! Congrats...thanks for share us! 10+++
Have a nice week end! Robert
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 12/3/2005
Love the rusty color, the detail and the cropping chosen! Awesome Ina!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Lucky you! The big Christmas tree was lit today, you'll have a chance to see it in all its splendor! Have a great trip!
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 12/3/2005
Ina, sure I know the bridge and I like the area, I expect soon you'll start to publish my portraits zoomed from your balcony. I'm flying to DC on Sun morning and the Sunday is my spare photo day, than after comes business and some social for me but a full relax time for my cameras. Cheers, n.j
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Hi Tracey, thanks for your nice comments :)
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 12/3/2005
Great abstract Ina, love the bright colors great details well done tracey..
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Andrzej, I thought you were already flying to the Atlantic region! You know this bridge, as well as I do! It's a favorite of mine, I have so many pictures of it. Actually - I can see it from the balcony :)
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 12/3/2005
Lovely colors and structures Ina, great composition but I'm sure the engineers that constructed the bridge had no clue what beauty they have created. Elegant and well toned, no surprise as it takes artist to express that. Cheers, n.j
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Hi Kathy, Susie told me about it! Thanks for visiting, and please get a good rest! You have lots of work to do, don't worry about comments, just drop by whenever! Happy to hear you're having lots of customers! Best regards, Ina
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 12/3/2005
Very cool abstract Ina! I love the strong lines and textures. Very well seen and captured! I'm off to bed...Boy! this cafe stuff is tiring! :) Kathy
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
I'm glad you're having lots of customers, that's great! It's hard work, take your time, you'll do wonderful. Don't worry about comments, we all know how busy you and Kathy are. Take care (no reply) :-) Ina
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 12/3/2005
Oh my, I had just stopped thinking about it for a moment! We have had 2 incredible days. The cafe has been packed to the walls almost constantly. There were a lot of locals who were so happy to see it reopen. Things are going incredibly well. We've got a lot of work to do working out some kinks...sure glad we decided to be closed Sunday's and Monday's! Thanks for asking...when things calm down we will work on some sort of a photo for all of you who have been cheering us on! :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Susie, how's business?
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 12/3/2005
Cool shot Ina. This is my favorite of today's although I really like both of them. The rust and the rivets plus those great lines make this one interesting eye catching photo.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 12/3/2005
Yes absolutely..the Holga filter takes time to figure out. For a little while I'd just click on the dice, and then play with the sliders. If you've any questions, just email me: tenrunir@yahoo.com
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks for the info, Mark, I love free filters! The B & W vocabulary is one that I'm reluctant to learn, mostly because I find color too seductive, although I have used desaturation a number of times. I'll get the filters, and seize the right subject. As for the holga filter... I still need to mull over it.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 12/3/2005
It resists being seen as just a 2-dimensional panel, with its imposing rivets and gold hues. The detail really gives it life.
Ina, that's great you got the plug-in for the Holga simulation. I also wanted to let you know about another one called Virtual Photographer by Optik Verve Labs. Just Google for either one of the names I mentioned if the following link is not allowed: http://www.optikvervelabs.com/ This Free plug-in converts from color to b&w, and simulates film grain, and different filters for b&w. So instead of just turning off the saturation, this program just renumbers the values to b&w and none's lost. Lets you experiment with green, red, blue filters for b&w. What I do is convert to b&w and then do the Holga simulation afterwards. Enjoy!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
You like bridges too! Thanks, Yahya :)
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 12/3/2005
more nice. like the splattered paint.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks Linda, I saw that you're going all manual, this was manual focus, too. Hugs!
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 12/3/2005
Excellent lines and beautiful colors Ina, a wonderful abstract with nice textures, I like the speckled painterly look, well done!!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks very much Mohsen :)
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 12/3/2005
another great and sure,creative, abstract work dear Ina...Love this shot for creative and different composition..also the texture and color tones are really beautiful! Nicely taken!! Bravo...Have a nice time, Mohsen
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks again Alicia :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/3/2005
Thanks again Magnus!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/3/2005
Me gustan esos colores el óxido... tan particulares. Preciosa composición , Felicitaciones
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 12/3/2005
that's a great and over-poering shot with amazing details...