Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 3/27/2006
luv ya Bea! thanks so much for your great feedback! makes me really happy! its worth it just for your comments! o
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 3/22/2006
EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT 100 x !! Oh my gosh..this just rocks..love the light, mood, story !!!!! I know..I commented before on this but it deserves more recognition !
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 12/26/2005
EXCELLENT !! super light but most of all the story ! award winner...congrats !! 7 ++
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 12/21/2005
What a beautiful photo. Lovely and warming tones/lighting. The espression on the woman in great, a moment of reflection. Also bring childhood memories of Spain... to me that is...
Engy Farahat
{K:11591} 12/19/2005
Great capture with an excellent angle Omar. I like the perspective in here. and amazing tones & contrast. 7++ well done
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 12/8/2005
Very emotive image enhanced only by the sepia tones of the photo.
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 12/5/2005
Hello Omar,
I appreciate digital technology brought you to what is photoGRAPHY (to write with the Essence of yourself). It is not the same when you have 12 shots on a 120 roll... You pay more attention, you give more respect to your subject and to yourself... Please keep buying B&W rolls to let our Rollei's still eating (I have a Yashica Mat and it is a pleasure to go out with this old friend !!!)
Take Care
Batool (Beacon)
{K:2206} 12/3/2005
Very beautiful traditional dress. good work! Beacon
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 12/3/2005
Wonderful composition with the intersecting triangles. The grainy black and white work perfectly to enhance the feel. The serious look at you of the girl is a terrific capture. Did I mention the perspective? I love it. A wonderful photo, Omar.
Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 12/3/2005
very nice I like their facial expressions and the look in their eyes.
Tom Nguyen
{K:1924} 12/3/2005
Good colors and light. Nice composition. Bravo!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 12/3/2005
great street work!