Shane Brown
{K:1831} 12/24/2005
Great shot, it reminds me of a country music album cover. Lovely shot! Shane
AdindA Gosal
{K:803} 12/18/2005
;P...iya juga ya Mas' ya...aku ndak merhatiin...thanks bgt kritiknya Mas'...gpp lah...sibuk ya sibuk aja...ngapain juga pake bilang2...kikikikikikik... ;)) sukses ya'... ; )
my best regards -dinda'-
alexander raditya pratistha
{K:917} 12/18/2005
motong kepalanya gak enak ya Din?
sorry...kmrn pas balik gak kabar2xi...soalnya gak terencana sama skali..diluar dugaan.
AdindA Gosal
{K:803} 12/11/2005
Thank You So Much Angelo'...for your Beautiful Comments!... : )
my best regards -AdindA'-
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 12/10/2005
interesting, great colors, very nice composition, very good contrast, wonderful light. Great pic.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 12/10/2005
meravigliosa: da poster... i colori come sempre sono fantastici, la aggiungo alle favorite.. per me meriterebbe un premio... uno dei tuoi lavori migliori... mi inchino...
{K:15913} 12/10/2005
Great work! Congrats!
metoni .
{K:24727} 12/9/2005
Mark Drago
{K:10902} 12/9/2005
Nádia D.
{K:-299} 12/9/2005
I love this. Very beautiful.
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 12/9/2005
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 12/9/2005
Wonderful glowing light in this one. A beautiful dreamy mood to the whole image. It makes me wonder what smells there are in the field, what the breeze feels like, and I can almost feel the warmth of the place.
Very well done.