Hootan Hougtiness
{K:409} 1/29/2008
Great,Lovely Landscape.Wish I were there...
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 1/22/2006
The inclusion of the people is so great as it really helps give a perspective to the size of the size of the other elemnets. The different curves invites one's eyes to trael to all parts of the picture. Very pretty. Mary
Vojtech Tryhuk
{K:900} 12/17/2005
No, it is not too bright, actually it is as it should be considering the brightness, but imho it is too yellow. Take a look on the attached picture to understand what I mean - I have overdone the effect, so you can see it clearly, I wouldn't remove the yellow cast that much, because I like it, I would make it only a bit less saturated.
Edited picture |
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 12/17/2005
Hi Vojtech. Thanks for your comment.
There is no saturation in the top part because of the very low cloud covering the top of the mountain. Do you mean that you think it is too bright?
Regards, Angelo.
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 12/17/2005
Nice landscape Angelo! You pulled it off well considering the harsh backlight. I like the post proccessing. Adds areal interesting feel to the image. Well done!
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 12/17/2005
Yes I like that effect Angelo. You really have shown these colours to advantage. Super image.
Vojtech Tryhuk
{K:900} 12/17/2005
I think it is ok this way, but I would make it less saturated in that distant part on top...