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My 2005 Favourites I
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Image Title:  My 2005 Favourites I
Favorites: 10 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Nikon D2x
Categories Nature
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio The Dutch Files
Lens Sigma 135-400 f/4.5 -5.6
Uploaded 12/19/2005 Film / Memory Type ISO 800
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2291 Shutter 1/160'
Favorites 10  Aperture f/10
Critiques 65 Rating
/ 24 Ratings
Location City -  Vianen
State - 
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Hi people,

With 2005 rapidly running out of days, I figured I might as well upload three of my favourite photos I took this year.

The first one:
Date: 4 September 2005
Camera: D2x
Focal length: 400 mm
Shutterspeed: 1/160'
Aperture: f/5.6

I like this shot because of the confronting look of this majestic bird. The eyes seem to look straight at you, but the strange thing is, that tis also seems to be the case when this young common buzzard turned the back of his (her?) head away from me. Even then, the black pupils of his (her?) eyes seemed to be staring right back at my lens... The perfect predator.

Your comments are, as usual, very welcome! In case I don't see you for a while, I wish you a merry christmas and a very happy and prosperous 2006! Happy shooting!


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There are 65 Comments in 1 Pages
Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 1/10/2007
Congratulations on the new BIP Hugo, what an apparition and straight piercing look! Very unusual to see with such clarity through the leaves, perfect focus!


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 1/5/2007
exceptional..very very nice moment and perfect nature shot..absolute fantastic view..a soon my dear Hugo


j esford j esford   {K:13518} 1/5/2007
A very nice dimensional piece Hugo. Congratulations to you my friend, your efforts have been justly rewarded. Beautiful clarity, vivid coloring and attractive depth of field. Very nice having complete descriptions accompanying your pieces. Thanks for taking the time to share these with us all. A most Happy New Year to you and yours Hugo de Wolf. -john


fokstrot . fokstrot .   {K:6560} 1/5/2007
Oh Jesus! It's amazing!
Congratulations of such gorgeous capture!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 12/30/2006
A wonderful capture Hugo, the out of focus leaves add such a great dimension to this picture. It is as if the bird were spying on you. Have a great New Year. Don.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 12/25/2006
Absolutely FANTASTIC !!!!!...

Great eyes, Hugo..

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy 2007 !!!

Best wishes,


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 12/19/2006
It took almost a year but finally it got the reward it deserved! Great one Hugo! Regards.
(My D200 arrive today - cant wait!)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/18/2006
my friend..
your return is awardered, have captured a very fine little howl..
the foreground and background have created a perfect "halo" around the little..
and my best wishes for a happy merry Xmas..
7+ and favs..... ;)
ciao, take care..


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 8/19/2006
You did it in a masterly fashion! I am looking and I am admiring...I am congratulating and I will try a lot from you to teach:)


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 5/3/2006
Thanks Mark, you're really putting my hopes up, You nailed what I like about it. I think this is probably one of the most frequently printed shots I have, it even made it on a steel sheet...:)




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 4/25/2006
Hi Hugo,
You did a great job of capturing this raptor sharply through all that foilage. You can see how he would think he was well hidden and not feel threatened.
Well done!


Himadri Sharma   {K:1187} 4/5/2006
kick ass picture ... i love it....amazing results with the sigma. My sigma tele is not that good


pertti jukkara   {K:1720} 3/2/2006
so many things has been said already that i only say: congrats!
you yourself told a nice story why it is a perfect preedator.


Johancharles Boers Johancharles Boers   {K:4370} 1/31/2006
Awsome shot. Also reat depth of field. Great Job!


AKA - Johancharles


sara sue   {K:2117} 1/22/2006
u just keep amazing me with our pics.really gr8 shot with beautiful colors...feels like the stare goes just inside u


John Nobody John Nobody   {K:4914} 1/20/2006
I love it, the eyes of the bird are impresive! Congrats.


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 1/18/2006
Creative wildlife images are sometimes hard to come by, as the subject is often fleeting and uncooperative (kinda like my teenagers). In this case you pegged the image with first class, creative framing. Love the 'attitude'.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/9/2006
Hi Garold, Thanks for your comment, I think I was about 20 ft away. What I noticed with this lense (Sigma 135-400) is that it focusses rather poorly, and is quite noisy for such shots. I had it set to manual. The image lacks clarity, and I need to turn up the CCD's sensitivity to at least 400 ASA if I want to continue shooting without a tripod. That creates the grain, btw, not the quality of the lense.




Garold Jennings Garold Jennings   {K:2513} 1/8/2006
I thought I would check out your 3 favorites Hugo. This up close photograph is splendid. How close were you to the bird. When I use the 300mm lens my photos come out too grainy sometimes, Great job.


Mark Longo Mark Longo   {K:12760} 1/5/2006
A superbly dramatic shot. The out-of-focus foreground greemery throws the bird into even sharper relief, and also gives one the sense of being hunted (and found) by this bird of prey. A sensational image!



Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 1/4/2006
A memorable encounter Hugo.
Hope the New Year has gone well.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/3/2006
Hi James, thanks for your critiques. This one intrigues me, as you know I'm fairly new to this field of photography. I'm curious what bothers you with an out of focus foreground? My initial reaction after reading your comment was that a shallow DOF would allow an out of focus foreground, which could be used to create a feel of distance and depth in a photo. Generally speaking, highy zoomed in photos tend to lose that element.

I think I would agree with you, if the out of focus area would run in a horizontal pane, that would create a gradient from out of focus to focus, wich can be distracting. The difference with this shot (and the reason it might work here) is that I shot this one through the foliage, which creates a vertical Out of focus pane.

If you have any examples where the Out of focus foreground is badly used, I would like to see them...





James Hager   {K:6285} 1/2/2006
Another really cool shot Hugo. Normally I can't stand out of focus foreground elements in wildlife shots, but the green that surrounds this guy really makes him stand out. Thanks for the excellent image to broaden my concept of successful images.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 1/1/2006
Happy New Year Hugo, great shot. The limited DOF perfect for this shot, excellent riviting capture of the eyes.



Csaba Molnár Csaba Molnár   {K:5732} 1/1/2006
A superb & suggestive portrait dear Hugo!
I think this is the best in 2005 from you...
I whish you a same productive new year for you!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/1/2006
Thank you, Jean Claude.


Jean-Claude du Haut   {K:12} 1/1/2006
Great stare, Hugo. Love this shot, and I can see why this is one of your favourites....:)


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/1/2006
Thanks, Mohamed! Quite a compliment! A very happy new year to you! Talk to you soon


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 1/1/2006
this masterpiece deserves to be the 2005 and 2006 favorite
great perfect portrait
amazing perfect DOF as by the book

happy new year


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 12/26/2005
Superior DOF and details, not surprized that this is your image Hugo!


Mervo  Mervo     {K:8643} 12/26/2005
Super focusing and capture Hugo with a nice colouring of green around the bird, the lens you used is possibly going to be my next buy. Merry Christmas :)


Mireille Heirendt Mireille Heirendt   {K:7258} 12/26/2005
Hi Hugo,
And the 3rd of your favourites that goes into mine as well. The contrast between the sharpness of the right eye and the "blurriness" of the leaves/beak/left eye is outstanding.
I also like the green tones a lot.
Thanks for your comment on my Christmas image...this is the one I like most too.
Regards, Mireille


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 12/25/2005
your favirites are absolutely amazing! perfect portrait!


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 12/25/2005
Hi Hugo,
just before Christmas is over,my best wishes for you and your family...Happy Holidays and a wonderful and good New Year !
I love the colours and translucency of this image,the owl looks totally alive.


Moe Rabie Moe Rabie   {K:4390} 12/24/2005
excellent, he is so beautiful, great capture


Jim Goldstein   {K:21230} 12/22/2005
Impressive shot. The concealed view makes for a very dramatic image.


* kees * * kees *   {K:2357} 12/22/2005
First thing that came to my mind was Wow....
Very well captured. Some kind of keekaboo. Good DOF..
Regards, Kees


josep alsina josep alsina   {K:19880} 12/21/2005
Preciosa e interesante fotografía. Gracias por tu Merry Christmas. Felíx año 2006 y un saludo de


Partha Pal Partha Pal   {K:11619} 12/21/2005
Great great image.


jude .   {K:14625} 12/21/2005
Very striking foto, Hugo...primal, and unexpectedly sensual. I can see why it's one of your favorites. Beautifully done.


Manu    Manu     {K:13082} 12/21/2005
Excellent use of DOF with great depth of color and contrast. The only thing that slightly, and I mean slightly, bothers me is that maybe the foliage is too out of focus....these things can go both ways..!

But as they say, you were there and you witnessed this beautiful are not trying to persuade or cajole with this shot...its all about the bird...excellent.



Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/21/2005
hi,Hugo...strong comp with the selective focus drawing my eye straight to the point of the contrast of colors and nature's patterns in the details of the feathers...this bird seems to be quite alert and curious...very nice clarity,too
Thanks for your feedback on my color patterns of nature shot...Wishing you n' yours a cool yule and prosperous new year!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/21/2005
You too, Steve! Good to hear from you again! Talk to you soon, and thanks for your comment.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/21/2005
Hi Carsten,

Thanks for your elaborate comemnt. I struggled with the green hues, too (still do) I shot this one in the evening light, in September; the tones were still quite crisp and fresh (it had rained the previous days) The tones are already much darker than in the one I printed. Interesting thought though. I might push it a bit farther back (the luninance, that is) to see what happens.





Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/21/2005
Hi Marcus, that's quite a compliment coming from you. I perceived the look in this fellows' eyes more in terms of "Who are you and what'cha doing?" Evidently, it's impossible to expect human toughts and expressions in such a predator, but it's a nice thought.... The fact that he didn't immediately scatter leads me to believe there was something wrong with this creature, though.

Cheers, and have a very merry christmas! Talk to you soon,




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/21/2005
Hi Joggie, thanks for your reply. All we found was a carcass of a crow, Have a very merry christmas, and the best wishes for 2006.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/21/2005
Hi Antonia, good to hear from you. Ben away a while too, only returned when the new design came live. Stopped by your portfolio too, and saw the skeleton / living dead shots... Still contemplating what to write, as it's quite a change from what I'm used to encounter in your work..:)

A very merry christmas and the best wishes for 2006; take care, and we'll undoubtedly talk more in the new year!




Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 12/21/2005
Heeeel erg mooi en bijzinder die blik van dat beest dat jou aankijkt. Leuke foto.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/20/2005
wow.. what a capture...beautiful bird.... nicely done


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 12/20/2005
Dear Hugo,

Zalig kerst feest en een gelukkig niew jaar!!!


my Best,


al shaikh   {K:15790} 12/20/2005
nice hugo


Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 12/20/2005
Hugo -

Can't wait for the other two. I'll post my favorite tomorrow I think.



delete my account   {K:3679} 12/20/2005
Oh my!
This one's amazing!!!!!!!
too cool!


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 12/20/2005
I think the green framing foreground makes this photo stand out of the crowd. His/her expression is indeed fascinating, but it is so effective because of your composition with the blurred foreground branches as kind of window or lead-in. On my monitor, the green tones have a slight yellowish touch, maybe its different on my other monitor, I will see. Or its not the hue, maybe I would play with the luminance (bit darker), if it were mine.




Gerhard Hoogterp   {K:4863} 12/20/2005
I can see why this is one of your favorites.. A beautiful portrait. The green in the foreground just gives the image that a little extra. Well done..


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 12/20/2005
Amazing capture Hugo, he/she is looking straight at you and you can almost feel the attitude (it must be a she lol).
I can only guess you had a mouse dangling underneath the Sigma ;-)
Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New year my friend.


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 12/20/2005
Wow, you have captured a look in which I have not seen often if at all in a raptor, I am used to a stare with a hint of fear in the eyes, This guy has a look of "No Fear" along with a Im ready to fight attitude. excellent!!


David McClenaghan   {K:9481} 12/20/2005
Excellent image.
Great completely natural image.


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 12/20/2005
This should be on of the favorite!! Excellent framing and DOF, strong expression.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 12/20/2005
Hi Hugo! GREAT to see you back! This is such a cool shot! The perfect predator, captured by the perfect photographer -> goes to my faves! Thanks a lot for your comment/wishes :)


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 12/20/2005
Yes a superb image Hugo.almost as if the bird had posed for you.Have a healthy festive season.


Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 12/20/2005
Hi Hugo It's always a great pleasure for me wen I receive your very appreciated comment! Thank so much! Great capture on this shot Excellent compo and saturated colour, perfect sharpness. Congratulation ! I Wish to you and your Family Merry Christmass and Happy New Year !!!
Your friend.....Walter


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 12/19/2005
Great image Hugo - I think you captured the view the poor rabbit would have. The central placement of the subject and the out of focus leaves screening most of the bird, place all the focus on those incredible eyes and beak. Great work - can see why it is one of your own favourites. Kind regards and have a blessed time.


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 12/19/2005
Hey's lookin' at cha too! What an amazing shot. It's National Geographic! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you my friend. I've been away and will pretty much be gone until after the New Year, so just stopped by to check out the new site and see some old friends. Hugs. Antonia


Dhimant Vyas Dhimant Vyas   {K:2509} 12/19/2005
Hi Hugo
I like this image a lot! Very very interesting capture!
nice out focus forground too!




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