Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 9/3/2008
For anyone still following the comments on this image,
Grandma passed away on August 30th, 2008. She will be missed very much.
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 6/14/2004
Granny is cool.
Travis Hance
{K:27} 10/19/2003
What a phenomenal picture. It's something that will give true memories of how she really was. One of my favorites, and my congratulations.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/22/2003
fantastic is STRONG... congrats for you and.. GRANDMAMA.. roberto
Baturalp Torun
{K:2426} 8/10/2003
nice capture.. :)
Marcus Ripley
{K:13} 7/25/2003
I know everybody already commented on this photo, but it's sooo hilarious! Good technique too...
Alessandro Galvão Valente
{K:-67} 7/5/2003
Hahahahahahaha!!!! It?s a Cool shot!!!! Nice work!!!
Gene Zonis
{K:6949} 6/1/2003
Is she saying she is number one? (:
Sidnei Vladisauskis
{K:197} 5/23/2003
cooooooool!!!!! HAHAHAHA
michelle k.
{K:16270} 4/28/2003
Jason Henske
{K:1822} 4/27/2003
Just exactly how I picture my attitude at that age. Go Grandma
Russell Love
{K:7006} 4/23/2003
Quite frankly, I like it! No beating around the bush on what she is thinking here!
Later my friend,
Allan Wafkowski
{K:6} 1/18/2003
After all those years, grandma still has no class.
Martin Wipp
{K:211} 1/14/2003
I showed this image to a couple of friends. We all got a kick out of your picture. So many sides to photography, we sometimes forget about humor. Thanks for sharing this.
James Crawford
{K:794} 1/7/2003
Funny as heck! Great moment! Reminds me of my grandma!
Larry Edwards
{K:843} 1/7/2003
Eric, I'm not usually the sentimental type, but I have a soft spot in my heart for seniors (not high school seniors; I mean the elderly). This shot gets me a little misty-eyed. We have a lot to learn from this earlier 'kinder, gentler' generation.
Raymond Bliss
{K:3182} 1/6/2003
"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
When I saw this picture, the poem from Dylan Thomas immediately sprang to mind. Happy Birthday, Gran!
Jennifer Littler
{K:32} 1/6/2003
God i wish that my nan was like that!
Alisa Mudge
{K:12511} 2/13/2004
I'll give my AC to this as well. Too funny! Perfect selective focus :p Maybe even more classic in b&w. AM
Brendon Cordero
{K:3524} 1/5/2003
Reminds me of that Coke-Cola commerical a few years back. Grandma didn't get her coke-cola. OR, she must be a celebrity, that we all forgotten except for the photographer. She flipping him off. Good for you grandma. LOL.
Tom Vadnais
{K:973} 1/5/2003
Eric, this is not only hilarious, it is also well done technically, especially good DOF. Thanks for sharing it.
AJ Haselwood
{K:2148} 1/5/2003
A new classic!!!!!!!!
Daniel Jarrett
{K:612} 1/5/2003
Yeah! HAHAHhahahahahahahahahah!
Scott Marceau
{K:479} 1/5/2003
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 1/5/2003
Hmmm... Funny! You might have been bugging for a pose, I guess.
Good job Grandma.
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 1/5/2003
HAHAHA - go grandma! Eric - this is just awesome, its a well done image with good selective focus to highlight the 'finger', and funny as hell...'10' for humor.
Gustaf L Bjerne
{K:245} 1/5/2003
:=) An oldie with some attitude. Great fun
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 1/5/2003
Now then, of course it's funny as hell, and a snapshot even - but - suppose you were to look at it from the stance of a family member 100yrs down the road, this is some classic documentary work of a grandma being herself, not some stiff posed studio portrait that says nada - so to you mr eric I offer congratulations and a personal TC (Terrence's choice hehe)
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 1/5/2003
I think we get the point...hehehe...