this was such a beautiful, windy, desolate spot (except for a few other tourists) on a november day. we spotted a whale from the stairs down to the lighthouse. i'm not entirely satisfied with this image. i tried it in b/w too, but i'm still not happy yet. gotta get back to work, though, this'll have to do for now
i did (obviously) add a vignette when converting from raw, because the light was pretty flat and I was trying to add some contrast. admittedly, though, i do add some vignette to many of my images, as just a matter of personal taste.
at any rate, i'm glad it had some kind of effect on you, although i'm not sure if peculiar means good or bad : )
I came back to this image a few times trying to decide what makes it feel a little peculiar. There is fairly prominent vignetting that makes it feel like you are looking through a cloudy tunnel. The desolate atmosphere is unmistakable.
I like this shot, specially the waves surrounding the lighthouse. Maybe I'd crop the sky just a little bit to make the picture more cinematic, but it's a very good shot. Regards
I looked at this one because it caught my eye on the thumbnail. I could tell from the small image that this one had pleasing design elements and balance, with a hint of something more (I notice that a lot of really good shots get ignored because they don't spark curiosity on the thumbnail). This image has good structure and I think it is about as well done as possible, given the flat lighting. It evokes that lonely, desolate, cold feeling so charcteristic of lighthouses everywhere. To make a 'classic' shot that sells postcards, well I guess you have to keep going back until you find the right light. Artificial 'supersaturation' is in vogue presently, and might help it to pop the viewer's eye. An ND grad filter or double exposure combined in photoshop might help a little. However for my tastes this is refreshingly honest. Real.
Don't know what you are still working on to perfect this image.
You've got all the elements of a great lighthouse photo already.
The composition and the angle of view is brillant. The rocky cliffside with the waves crashing to shore sets the mood for the ocean. The people on the lighthouse gives the viewer a feeling of the scale of the lighthouse and finally the large area of the open sea shows the viewer the amount of sea and land that the lighthouse is protecting.