Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 12/29/2005
All things are well. you did a splendid portrait with all natural elements and great controling the light! this is awesome. D.O.F works well, maybe just a bit more light can be realy helpful or using lower ISO(and low shutter speed) by your DSLR, lack of sharpness is a bit distract, but still i like your work.
Bhaskar A. V.
{K:1246} 12/28/2005
She was relaxed and relaxing, but the very look of the camera probably made her a bit conseious. Thanks for your comments.
Bhaskar A. V.
{K:1246} 12/28/2005
Thank you.
Bhaskar A. V.
{K:1246} 12/28/2005
Looks good partha. Happy new year.
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 12/28/2005
I just tried to give it a different look. Hope u may like it. Partha
 Corrected in PS |
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 12/28/2005
Glamourous. Only the seat at bottom left is little ddistracting. A sofe coloured towel over the seat may solve that. Thanks for sharing. Partha
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 12/28/2005
beau travail de portrait....
Ayon Mandal
{K:736} 12/28/2005
Very nice. But she doesn't seems to be that relaxed (: